:Chapter 5:

As the two men's fighting died down, Fermin had begun to make coffee for the three of them. Vince and Rosa were at the Kitchen table catching up as loud bang was heard from the front door.

Rosa froze mid-sentence... "Rosa? Is everything ok?" she shook her head, as she looked out the window.

"Rosa what's going on?" she put her finger to her lips "SH!"

Fermin noticed that his son was worried...which couldn't mean good.

"Who's going to hear us?" Vince said in a whisper, but loud enough so that only the three could hear.

"The Kerro, they had planned to attack the city later on this week and....oh god, i didn't know they would do it now!" she said loudly in a panic.

Vince put his hands over her mouth and he pulled her closer to his chest. His eyes slowly followed down the door. A soldier's boots cast a shadow on the carpet, frightened and in a panic Vince tired to think of the safest way out. He looked over at the window, and he stared at it. If they stayed they surely will be found, or they could run for it and hope for the best. Vince let go of rosa and made his way to his bedroom.

Vince started putting things into the bag on his floor. Both rosa and Fermin followed Vinces orders and put supplies into different bags. Vince grabbed a medical book and he opened the window. Helping Rosa out the window she dropped to the ground and took the bags, Vince carefully handed her a pocket knife which she put into her pocket. Helping his father out and giving him a bag the door was kicked open by the soldiers outside the door. In a panic Vince jumped out the window, taking the lighter out of his back pocket he ignited its flame and put it against the curtains. The curtains were set ablaze, the soldiers backing up, one of them lifted his gun up at Vince as he ran away.

The captain abruptly putting his fist up to stop his soldiers "no, let him go" the all lowered their guns.

Many of them stayed quiet until one spoke out. "But sir..".

The commander looked at him, though Adam had a black mask on they could tell he was glaring at them. "You will follow my orders, get into the trucks they can't get far by foot." 
