:Chapter 4:

Vince took Rose's hand as he led her into the house. He put his finger to his lips, signaling her to stay quiet. She nodded as they carefully walked inside.

"Why do we have to be quiet?" she said in a whisper,

Vince let go of her hand as he slowly closed the door. "I don't want my dad waking up," he said, speaking to her in a softer tone.

She nodded as he walked into the kitchen. She followed behind him and she sat down on a stool.

"Would you like coffee? Or something to eat?"

she thought for a moment but quickly answered ".Coffee would be fine"

Vince nodded as he took out the cream and he turned the coffee maker on. Everything was going as planned until he took out one of the coffee mugs, causing the plates and the cups to fall and shatter onto the floor, making a loud crashing sound. Vince cringed as the hallway light turned on. Fermin ran into the kitchen, pointing a gun at them.

Vince put his hands up "Woah! Dad, it's alright it's just me and a friend!".

Fermin turned the kitchen lights on and he stared at Vince as he lowered his gun. "Vince what the hell is going on here?!" he looked over at Rosa who was hiding behind Vince. "And why are the plates on the floor?!" As Fermin looked over at Vince, his son looked a bit nervous that his father was extremely upset.

He stepped forward in midst of trying to save his "friend". "This is just my friend, don't worry"

Fermin looked at the girl, and then at his son. He glared at him and he grabbed Vince's hand and he dragged him down the hall. Vince pulled away and he looked down at his father.

"Dad would you stop this?!" he said, turning around and walking away.

Rosa poked her head around the corner just as Fermin grabbed his son by the back of his shirt, causing him to fall over. Rosa stared at them as Vince tried to struggle to get away, she was shocked that such a small person could be stronger than Vince.

Vince screamed as Fermin quickly grabbed his hand and he brushed Vince's hair that was a mess. "First you start to smoke, then you bring a girl home yet you don't try to look good? Where's your common sense boy?! "

Rosa put her hand over her mouth as Fermin started to pester his son about his posture. 
