:Chapter 3:

Vince was still in a bit of a daze and lost in his own mind as he left the house, his mind continued to dwell over the memories of his father during the war. He was young when he first joined three years ago, and by now he was 16. Nariths age kinda like dogs... they age more quickly than humans. He walked into the bar. There weren't many people in the room, except for the bartender Matt, a small boy and his father, and a female kerro soldier, which was a bit unusual. He sat down next to the soldier, keeping a close eye on her. He raised his hand a bit and Matt quickly pranced over to him with a beer. "Matt, buddy! How's the wife and kids?"

He rolled his eyes as Vince took a cocky sip of his beer. "You well know very well I don't have no wife or kids. Don't need em, I've got me and my cow."

Vince laughed as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Yeah, right, Matt, that ol' cow's going to serve you nothin' but a hunk a meat!"

Matt growled as he wiped the counter. "Oh, just shut your mouth, you've got no one either." He looked over at the soldier as he smirked. "Ma'am?" She looked up at him, a bit confused "Would you date this man?" he said, pointing at Vince, who slapped Matt's hand in anger.

"Matt, would you shut up?!" Matt laughed a bit as he noticed that both Vince and the girl were blushing. "Aww, you're blushing like a June bug in the middle of May!" Vince growled angrily as the girl started laughing. Vince looked at her, a bit confused.

"Well....personally I don't think your lord would accept you or your kind mating with a Narith, so that's not a good idea," he said, laughing a bit.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Adam? He's just a stick in the mud. I know him personally and not to lie, he's gotten on with a Narith before."

Vince choked on the beer a bit. Calming himself down he swallowed what was left. "Are you serious? Is that why he hates us? Because he had one bad moment with our species?!"

The girl shrugged a bit, Vince looked over to his right and saw that Matt was gone. Looking back over at the girl, he smiled. "My name's Vince," he said, holding his hand out.

She smiled back and she shook his hand. "Hi. I'm Rachel, but my friends call me Rosa".

Vince let go of her hand and he stared at her, he noticed that her green eyes were oddly familiar. "Where have I seen you before?..."

Her face turned red as she looked down as a light blush brushed across her face..."Um...I don't know....I've..worked in many places around town..."

Vince's face turned crimson as he realized who she was. "A-ah god...ha," he put his face in his hands. "Don't tell my dad."

Rosa laughed awkwardly. "I won't, as long as you don't tell anyone."

He nodded quickly. "I won't say a word."

Matt walked over to them and he smirked a bit. "Sorry about breaking your lil'...get together shall I call it? But the bar's closing for the next few hours, gotta do the floors again." Vince looked up at Matt and handed him forty dollars and a card. Matt took the money as he looked down at the card. He looked at Vince. "Keep it, you'll need it." He nodded and put it away. Vince stood up as he put the jacket back on. Rosa looked around and her ears went down. "What's wrong?" he asked her as she frantically checked her pockets. "I forgot my keys at home..." He looked around with her, but still they couldn't find the keys. "I can't leave her here..." he thought to himself...

"Why don't you come to my house?.."

She looked up at him and she blushed' "D-do you think it would be ok?"

Vince nodded. "Come on, Rosa, I insist. It would be a pleasure to talk with you again."

Rosa faintly smiled as she stood up. "Alright, I guess," she said, walking towards him. Vince waved at Matt as they walked out the door.

Vince looked down at Rosa as they made their way towards his house. "So...tell me more about yourself. The last time we met I didn't get to know what you're like."

She shrugged, not knowing what to say. "I don't know, I'm very boring person...."

Vince laughed a bit as he put his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, right, come on, tell me, you have any hobbies?"

"Um...." she shrugged blatantly, "I don't know...I guess, working at the bar is cool..."

Vince nodded and he smiled. "Hmmm, it sounds like an interesting job."
