Jobe's pov

We had just got in the bus station when this guy came up to Mel and ask her for her number .

And when I heard that I felt  vary jealous  so i told him no puller close and walked off to. Check in .

I didn't like it when other people flirted with her or ask her for her number, or even when she hug guys I don't know .

She is not my girlfriend yet and I don't want know one to ruin it for me .

Melody's pov

I was sitting there after what just happened and just sat thinking why did jobe get so upset.

I was sitting there and Roman ask me what's wrong .
(She was vary close with Roman , she close with all of the. Some more then others )

It's just the jobe has been weird lately he has been getting jealous when he see me with other guys and been more touchy with me .

He likes you he blurts out slapping he hands over his mouth as he relies what he said .

Before I could respond they call our bus .


Caption: my sleepyhead 🤍

We had just got on to the bus I was trying to go back to sleep .

When jobe came over to me messing with me.

You up he said poking me

Jobe what do want I said to him as he sat down next to me laying his head on my chest.

Are you mad at me he said .

No why would I be. mad jobe .

Because of earlier he said .

I am not mad just confused I said playing with his hair looking at him.

And with that he just stayed quiet and I fell back asleep.


Caption: broo

45 later

I had woke up jobe still sleeping so I just sat there on my phone .

And texted Iyana and Evelyn's to see what they were doing .

Girls 💞
Mel💕: what all doing ?

Evelyn 🥀:  nothing come over here

Mel💕: I can't right now

Iyana🤍: whyyy

Mel💕: because jobe is sleeping

Iyana🤍 : ok and ?

Evelyn 🥀: what that mean come over here

Mel💕: he sleeping on me

Evelyn 🥀: so y'all together 🙏

Iyana🤍: finally

Mel💕 : we not together!!!

Evelyn 🥀: brooo

Iyana🤍: just get together already

Mel💕: I will talk to you guy's later 🤞

After i was talking to them I just sat there looking to the window for awhile.

And then i heard on the intercom that we were stoping at a gas station and I wanted snacks so i had to wake jobe and was like the hardest person to wake up .

Wake I said shaking him he didn't even move

Jobe i said trying to push him off he still didn't move

Then I thought trick him

Jobe get up i got in the gas station with jake
( jake is one of there class mates )

When he heard that he sat up vary quickly.

I'll go he said

Bro I was not going with him anyway but got to know that's what it takes for you to get up .

Anyway lets go i want snacks i said getting up pulling him with me .

We got in to the store we saw Bryson and Roman so we went to them .

They in the snack section anyway .

Where's eve and Iyana i said , they are still on the bus they made us coming here Roman said with an attitude .

Ok i said grabbing chips and candy .

I will be right back i need to get something to drink I said going to the back of the store .

I grabbed a drink and went back to the boys they were at check out now so i went to the check out .

And I was about to pay when jobe offered to pay for my stuff i told him no but he still payed for it anyway

Thank you jobe i said hugging him .

No problem he said hugging me back as we got on to the bus .

I am going to sit with Evelyn and iyana i said to jobe as I walked to sit where Evelyn. And iyana was .

Evely: what was that about she said wiggling her eyebrows .

Melody : it was nothing he payed for my snacks

Iyana : he payed for your snack
she said in annoying voice looking at Evelyn

Melody: we are just friends

Evelyn : for now

Iyana : anyways where are the boys siting

Melody; i don't know i will go check i going to get Jobe's phone

Evelyn: why do you need his phone

Melody : so I can take pictures and I don't know .

I went to get his phone but before i saw jobe , Bryson and Roman all sleep together.


Caption : so cute 🔐

I took Jobe's phone and went back to were I was sitting .

And took pictures on Jobe's phone

30 mins later

We were there so i was getting  my stuff so can go see who i have a room with .

I sat there and waited for my friends to come off

I was standing there for about five minutes before they came off the bus .

Bro you guys take forever i said .

What ever roman said .

We when over to where find out where our rooms were at , the lady said that Evelyn and Iyana were sharing a room ,
Bryson and Roman were sharing a room , and me and jobe were sharing a room.

I was confused that a girl and a boy was a loud to share a room.

But I was happy I was sharing with jobe and not some other random person.

Me and jobe went to our room .

To see only one bed in the room   I was confused on why there was one bed but its not like me and jobe never shared a bed before . 

After awhile we sat there talking about random stuff .

So what do you want after school i asked .

What to you mean he said looking up from his phone .

Like since we are done with school what do you want to after .

I think that i am just going to focus on soccer/football for now i hadn't put much thought in what am going to do after school
What are you doing after school he said.

I think for now i am just going to focus on my modeling career for now maybe help out with the business she said .

Well i am going down stairs to the cafe  area i heard they have some good stuff you want to come i said .

Yea i will come down in a second go before me he said .

So I grabbed my bag and left .

I went down stairs to see there was a lot of people . I went to the cafe and lots of desserts and  drinks .

I was sitting there at a table looking out side at how pretty it was .
