Vary short chapter
2 week later
Melody pov
Two day was the last official day of school but since it was our last year our school .

Planned a trip us for our trip we're going  to a skiing resort.

We are leaving tomorrow morning so right now I was pack and talking to the gang on the phone .
Bryson : what time we got to be there

Iyana: like 6:30 we have to at the bus stop early

Roman : bro I'm waking you that early

Evelyn: yes your are bro

Melody: before y'all start fighting Roman you are waking up early because you no your mom will be pissed if you do go

Jobe:thank you because they were about to go at it

Melody: are we a going to the bus stop at the same time

Evelyn : i my mom will pick you guys up so be up early early

Iyana : well I have to go so good night

Everyone said good night and hung up


Caption : packing

Right now I was just sit there on my phone when I got a notification.

From jobe
Jobe 😘
Hey i am coming over now

Mel 🤍
Why ?

Jobe 😘
So Evelyn's mom won't have to come to my house in the morning

Mel 🤍
Bro who said I wanted you to come 🙄

Jobe 😘
What ever man I am coming now

Mel 🤍

Jobe 😘
Is your mom there

Mel 🤍
No just and here with true and raya why ?

Jobe 😘
Just asking because some times your mom be at work

Mel 🤍
K tell me when you get here

Jobe 😘

About 30 minutes later I here knocking on the door so I tell true to watch raya for a second .

( true and raya are melody's  younger sisters true 3 and raya 9 months )

Ok true says sit there watching bubble guppies.

I was opening the door to see jobe with his luggage .

You going to let me in or just stand there jobe said laughing.

I didn't even notice how we were just standing there for awhile so I just moved out the way a laughed to .

So what Were you guys doing jobe said nothing just watching bubble guppies.

But as so as we walked in to the living room true came running to jobe .

Jobe she said as he picked her up hey true he said hi she said back will you play blocks with me .

Yea just let my put my stuff in Mel's room ok he said putting he down .

As he came back in to the living room true had already started playing with her blocks so he sat next to her and played with her .

after they played I feed the girls and put them to bed .

Me and jobe went to my room and laid in bed talking for awhile

Then we decided we should go to bed because we have to wake up early tomorrow.

So we turned off the lights and got under the covers and i was trying to go to sleep.

But I couldn't so I was laying there tossing and turning for a while before.

I felt jobe pulling me by waist to come closer to him .

Go to sleep Mel he said in he sleepy voice adjusting him self on my chest.

With his hands still around my waist.

I am not going to lie It felt nice sleeping next jobe I noticed that when i .

Sleep next to him I always have a good night sleep.

So I just laid there until I fell asleep with him laying on my chest.

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