Jobe pov
The next day

Me and Mel were packing for to go back home from our trip.

We were packing when she came and hugging me from the back .

My stomach was doing back flips

Mel : are you almost done we have to leave soon

Jobe : yea almost
I said turning around and kissed her

Mel : your always kissing me
She said as she kisses me back

So I can't kiss you I said pulling away

She doesn't say nothing just kiss me back

I smiled into the kiss



We have to go come on she said as she pulled me to get our stuff .

We grabbed our stuff and left the room to go to check out.

When hunter came up to us

Hey melody why haven't you been answering my text

Oh um I've been busy

Oh ok i was wondering if you want to go on a date

I have a boyfriend already hunter sorry

Oh well I'll talk to you later he said walking away

I was happy she said she had a boyfriend she haven't told know one about us being together.

So I'm you boyfriend now I said playfully

Oh shut up she said punching my shoulder

Oh that hurts I said rubbing my shoulder

She just laughed

Melody's pov

We had just gotten on to the bus and me and jobe sat together

All cuddled up on the way home .

Short chapter 🙃
