We had just gotten off our bus and Evelyn's mom came to pick us up .

When we got in the car of course Roman and Evelyn were fighting over something stupid again

We were all just laughing at them

So how was the trip Evelyn's mom said

It was good we all said

30 minutes later

Me and jobe had just gotten to my house first we were going to his later

As soon as we got in the house my sisters came running up to jobe and hugged him

So ya don't love me anymore I said to my sisters

They came hugging me

Time skip ⏭️

Me and jobe were just laying on my bed playing fifa

Fuck this game jobe said as he put the controller down

Don't be mad you suck

He then hit me in my arm playfully and I hit him back we just ended up play fighting .

Until he pin me down to the bed

He then just looks at me then he kisses me of course I kisses back

I the tried to pull away but he kept the the kiss going

Joobbe I said laughing

Then he pulls away smiling

Your to cute I say pinching his cheeks

No I'm not he says rolling his eyes

Ok one more game of fifa

Nooo you have to much luck with game he says

Or maybe I'm just better than you

Whatever you say

He then comes to lay between my legs as he plays by himself


Caption] he can't beat me in fifa🤷🏽‍♀️
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User : y'all together

User are they dating

Jobewife: noooooo

Evelyn🥀: ?

Bryson👑: 🧐

Notjobe story
