
Sasuke sat at the table with his family, eating breakfast.

"So, are you boys excited for your first day of school?" Fugaku asked. "Itachi, you're a junior, and Sasuke, you're a freshman. Remember, you must put your studies first, so you can-"

"Honey, are you really lecturing them on their first day?" Mikoto said. "You give them this speech all the time."

Fugaku cleared his throat. "Well, they should keep that in mind."

"Don't worry father, my grades will be fine, as always," Sasuke said.

Itachi nodded in agreement. "As always," he emphasized.

"You guys should hurry and finish getting ready. The driver will be here soon," Mikoto said.

Sasuke got up from his seat and went up to his room. He took a shower, then got dressed. He put on a pair of black jeans and black Air Jordan 4's. He put on a dark blue T-shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the front pocket and a black Nike hoodie. Once he was finished getting ready, he put on an expensive watch made by his father's company and grabbed a pair of sunglasses.


Once Sasuke and Itachi got out of the car, they were crowded with people, mostly girls.

"It's Itachi!"

"Omg is that his brother?!"

"That's Sasuke Uchiha!"

"He's so hot!"

Sasuke sighed. "Move it."

"Please, excuse us," Itachi said. Once they made it through the crowd, Sasuke pulled off his sunglasses and sighed.

Itachi chuckled. "I understand crowds make you nervous, but you don't have to be rude, little brother."

"Whatever," Sasuke said.

"Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed. "About time you got here! Come meet Sakura and Shikamaru."

"I see you made friends already, Naruto," Itachi said.


Sasuke walked over to Nauto and nodded at the two. "What's up. I'm Sasuke."

"I'm Shikamaru," he said.

Sakura blushed. "Sasuke Uchiha?!" She said. "I'm S-Sakura! Sakura Haruno."

"Right. Anyways, Itachi said we get our rosters from our homeroom teachers."

"How do we know who that is?" Naruto said.

Sasuke facepalmed. "It's whoever they said it was on the email they send out last week."

"Email?" Naruto said as he pulled out his phone. "I never check that."

"I swear you're an idiot. You're supposed to check your email at LEAST once a week."

"Yeah yeah," Naruto said. "I got Kakashi Hatake. You?"

"Same. Itachi said he's lazy but tough."

Naruto groaned.

"I got that class too, Sasuke," Sakura said.

"SAI!" A voice exclaimed. Then, someone zoomed past them, their long hair whipping behind them as they, literally, catapulted themself onto someone.

Sasuke and Naruto stared at her. "Well she seems fun," Naruto said. "Right, Sasuke?"

Sasuke seemed to be stuck in a trance. He couldn't take his eyes off her, even though he could only see her backside.

"And she's got a fat ass."

"Naruto," Sasuke scolded. He chuckled. "I knew that would get your attention! I might as well call you Perv-suke."

