
Sasuke Uchiha.

Son of one of the richest businessmen in the world, Fugaku Uchiha. The Uchiha corporation has been passed down through generations. They make a wide variety of things. Cars, phones (and other technology, household appliances, anything you can think of, come from this company. They have factories and stuff all over the world. His mother, Mikoto, is a world-famous fashion designer. His older brother, Itachi, is a senior junior in high school.

His entire life, Sasuke has been lowkey looking for his soulmate. Since he was younger, he's always had a vague image of what she looks like, plus the red string of fate that ties him to her. He doesn't go out of his way to search for her. He knows fate will bring them together eventually.

His best friend, Naruto Uzumaki, is pretty well off as well. His mother, Kushina Uzumaki, is a fashion designer with Mikoto, They own their own brand. His father, Minato Namikaze, has a pretty normal job. He's a baker.

Unlike Sasuke, Naruto always knew his soulmate, Hinata Hyuga. They're childhood friends, so at a young age, they knew they were destined to be together, but Naruto thinks she has a crush on Sasuke, which he think's it's okay. It's just a temporary crush. They're destined to be together, so why rush things? Of course, Naruto read the signs wrong. Hinata is in love with him, but she's way too shy to say anything. What's the rush? They're soulmates, it'll happen eventually.

"So, did you meet her yet?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"No, idiot. You ask me that every time we see each other," Sasuke said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry! It's just, you have the red string of fate! So, we've gotta find your soulmate."

"I think I know what she looks like," Sasuke reminded his best friend. "So, now I just have to wait."

"I don't think a drawing from pure instinct is reliable."

They walked into the ramen shop and got a table. Then, Sasuke opened his book bag and pulled out his sketchbook. The first page was a drawing of a girl. "It's," Sasuke paused. "More than a feeling. I know this is what she looks like."

"If you say so," Naruto muttered. "Maybe it's a soul thing? You just know who she is because it's destiny? But, I didn't know who Hinata was until I met her."

"You're childhood friends. You've known her for forever. That's different."

"Maybe it is different for other soulmates?" Naruto muttered as he rubbed his chin. "Don't worry Sasuke! We'll find her soon."

"It's fine," he said. "I'm not going out of my way to search for her. It's supposed to be fate."

"You're not trying to find your soulmate?"

"I'm focused on my grades, so they aren't shit when we get to high school. Finals are next week, ya know."

"Finals?" Naruto muttered. "Crap! I forgot!"

Sasuke shook his head. "Idoit."

"Putting the fact that I'm going to fail aside, she's gotta have that red string, right? So, when you see each other, you'll know!"

Sasuke stared down at his left hand, where the string was attached. It dropped loosely to the floor and trailed out the door. "What if she can't see hers? Remember, Kushina told us she couldn't see hers until she fell in love with Minato."

"Well, you're soulmates. So, even if she can't see it, she's destined to fall for you."

"I hope that's the case."


"I'm home," Sasuke said as he walked into his house- well, mansion.

"Welcome home," Mikoto said. "How was your lunch with Naruto."

"Fine. We got ramen as usual," he said.

"Dinner will be ready by 6:30."

"Alright," he said before he ascended up the stairs, to his room. Once he was in his room, he kicked off his sneakers and put them back into the box, then he sat at his desk. He turned some music on his TV pulled out his sketchbook.

In the few hours he spent in his room, he drew another picture of his soulmate. She was sitting in a park reading a book. Small dandelions decorated the grass beneath her, and her curly hair was up into a tight bun. Sasuke detailed every curve and roll on her body.  Once he was finished, Sasuke took a moment to simply look over the picture.

"A work of art."
