
There was a blinding white light that clouded his vision. "Sasuke Uchiha," a feminine voice said.

Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows and squeezed his eyes shut. Then, a feminine voice cleared her throat. Sasuke opened his eyes and looked around.

"Hello! I am the goddess Izanami. Also known as the god Zagreus, and many other names, but my real name is Marceline."

Sasuke nodded slowly and looked around. "I'm young again? What's going on?"

"You died," she said. "And now you're here."

She pulled out a book and flipped through the pages. "It would seem as though you've had a life of pain and confusion. I'm sorry about that. What has your soulmate done to help you change?"


"See! Here's the problem. You've been separated from her."

"I have a soulmate?"

Marceline nodded. "Yes, and it obviously wasn't this Sakura lady. That was our mistake. A certain someone, Anteros," she grumbled under her breath. "Messed with a few souls and separated some soulmates.

Sasuke stared at her completely dumbfounded.

"So," the book disappeared from her hands and Marceline floated over to Sasuke. "Because of your actions, I cannot send you to heaven, or the good side of the afterlife, or whatever you believe, but I don't think you deserve to go downstairs. So, I'll give you a choice."

"A choice?"

"You can be reincarnated as you, who you are, but in a different world. No ninja, no ninjutsu, none of that. You'll get to be with your family and you'll have the opportunity to reconnect with your soulmate, Since I like you, I'll even gift you the red string of fate, but your soulmate won't have it. If she falls in love with you, you'll both remember your past lives together."

"So, I'd get to meet my soulmate, but she won't know she's my soulmate?"

"That's the catch. If you take this path, you need to fall in love with your soulmate, and have her fall in love with you. If you don't, your souls will become corrupt."


"Soulmates are destines to be together. If they're separated for more than a lifetime or two, their souls become corrupt, and they become someone heartless, unable to love or comprehend others emotions. It'll be like being a shell of your past lives."

Sasuke nodded. "What's the other option?"

"I reassign you. You'll become something else, an animal, bug, or plant, probably a bug in your case, and your bond with your soulmate will be broken. You won't be able to be reborn as a human ever again."

"How can you guarantee I'll be with all of my loved ones? What will my life be like? How will I remember that I need to find my soulmate?"

"I can't tell you that, BUT I will make sure you remember part of this conversation," she paused. "Kind of. You'll instinctively want to find her."

Sasuke nodded. "I'll take my chances. I want to be reborn."

Marceline grinned. "I'm glad you chose that path. Since I like you, I'll even give you a hint." There was another bright light, then Marceline looked like a completely different person.

Compared to teenage Sasuke (who will be about 5'11-6') she was short, but tall for a girl, about 5'7-5'8. She had long, curly brown hair, beautiful brown skin, and brown eyes. She was chubby yet curvy, with big round boobs and thick thighs.

Sasuke stared at her.

"I know what you're thinking. The complete opposite of your past wife, right?" Marceline chuckled.

"That's her voice?" Sasuke asked. Marceline nodded and did a slow turn around. "Like what you see? Not that I've gotta ask, you're destined to be attracted to me- well this body... her." Sasuke stared at her round ass for a moment, before he cleared his throat.

Marceline chuckled. "Now, please step into this room." A portion of the emptiness opened like a door, an there was a bright white light on the otherside. "This is our waiting room. You'll get to be with your loved ones again while you wait. There are a few other people needed for this life, so you have to wait for them to die."

"How long will that take?"

"Time here is different. You won't have to wait long."

Sasuke nodded and walked towards the door. On the other side of the light, his entire family stood together, along with Kushina, Minato, and Jiraiya.

Sasuke's eyes widened, and he began to tear up.

"I'm glad you chose to be reborn, Sasuke." Itachi said. Sasuke walked over to his family.

"We've been watching over you, Sasuke," Mikoto said. "I'm sorry you had to suffer so much without us."

"Naruto kept his word," Itachi said. "I told you he would."


"Naruto Uzumaki!" Marceline exclaimed.  "I've wanted to meet you for soo long!"

"Who are you, lady?" He said. "And why am I young again?"

"You died. Now, you're an amazing person, so you can go to heaven."

"What about Sasuke? Hinata? My kids?!"

Marceline grinned. "I'm so glad you asked. You also have the option to be reborn and have another life."

"Will they be there? Will my parents be there? What will my life be like?"

"It'll be another world, where there are no ninja. I can't tell you who will be there, but I think," She winked. "You'll have a great life."

"Will I get to be with Hinata?"

"Of course! I wouldn't separate soulmates! I'll even grant you both the red string of fate, so you can find each other again."

"Awesome, believe it! I'm excited to see my new life!"

"Well, Naruto Uzumaki, please step though that door."

Once Naruto stepped in, he froze. "Mom, dad, Pervy sage?" Tears welled up in his eyes and he ran over to them.

"My baby!" Kushina exclaimed before she hugged him. "I'm so glad to see you, ya know!"

"We've been watching over you. I'm so proud," Minato said.

"Our biy actually became Hokage," Jiraiya said. "And married a pretty lady."

"I'm so glad we get to be together in our next life," Naruto said.


"Sakura Haruno."

"Who are you?"

"I'm the goddess Izanami. Also known as the god Zagreus, and many other names, but my real name is Marceline."


She nodded. "I'll make this quick, so we can get this show on the road. You're dead. Do you wanna be reborn or sent to heaven?"

"If I'm reborn, will I get to be with Sasuke? What about Ino and Naruto?"

Marceline pursed her lips. "I can't tell you that, but, a word of advice. Get over Sasuke. It'll save you a lot of heartbreak."

"I know what heartbreak comes with loving Sasuke, and I don't wanna give up on him."

Marceline smiled. "You have a good heart, I'd hate for it to end up broken. Take my advice, or don't. What is your choice?"

"I want to be reborn."

Marceline nodded. "Step through that door. See you later."
