
The movies: part two

"Hey ladies!" Naruto exclaimed with a smile.

"Naruto," ___ said with a smile.

"What did you get, Sasuke?" Sakura said.

"Uh," he looked at the bag. "The chips ___ asked for, pocky, and (ice cream you like)."

"Oooo, that's my favorite ice cream."

"I remember. We had it when we worked on our project last night."

"Oh yea," ___ said. "Okay, so should we be going, now?"

Sasuke nodded. "Yeah. We can walk, or wait for Itachi to pick us up?"

"I would love to meet your brother, Sasuke!" Sakura said.

"If it's close, can we walk?" ___ said. "I literally, can't wait much longer! I really wanna see this movie."

"Yeah, sure," Sasuke said.

"But I wanted to-"

"C'mon." Sasuke grabbed ____'s hand and started leading her towards his house. ___ looked at him and smiled. "Are you excited for the movie?"

"Yeah. I binged demon slayer last night."

"Same!" ___ exclaimed with a huge grin. "I didn't know you liked anime, though. I'm glad you do."

Sasuke nodded. "So... what other shows do you like?"

"Anime or just in general?"

"In general."

"Uh, (fav anime that's not naruto) and Adventure time. They both are fucking awesome."

"The cartoon."

"Yeah! With Jake the dog and Finn the hu-man~"

"The fun will never end," Sasuke muttered.

"You know it!? I knew you were a man of culture, Sasuke."

"Yeah, I guess."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sakura said.

"Show we like," ___ Said.

"Oh! I like Jane the virgin, Riverdale, Grey's Anatomy. Do you know those?"

"I don't," ___ said.

Sasuke shook his head. "Me neither."

"Well, what about the vampire diaries?"

"Oh, I've watched that before. I love Klaus, omg and Damon and Kol."

"I'm more of a Stephan and Elijah kind of girl."


"What are they talking about?" Naruto said.

"I don't know," Sasuke said. After walking a bit more, they ended up in front of a huge house, with a large gate around it. Sasuke typed in a pin, then the gate opened.

"This is my house," Sasuke said awkwardly.

"Wow," ___ said. "Sasuke, I knew you were rich, but holy sh-"

"This place is amazing!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Thanks," Sasuke said. HE led them inside his house, and quickly through the house.

"Sasuke?" Itachi called.

"No," He said quickly before literally pushing ___ towards the theater.

"Sasuke!" Itachi called again.

"Hey, Big bro Itachi!" Naruto said.

"Hello, Naruto. Who are those two girls you're with?"

"Sakura and ____."

"Ah, I see. I'm surprised."

"___ is Sasuke's soulmate," Naruto whispered. "She can't see her string, though, and Sasuke is too scared to tell her, so I'm his wingman!"

"Oh really?" Itachi hummed.


"Maybe I can assist him as well."

"He'll need all the help he can get. He things she likes ME." Naruto laughed.

"Naruto?" ___ called.

"Coming! We're gonna watch the Demon slayer movie. Can you put this ice cream in the freezer?" Then, Naruto walked away.

They all sat in the small theater. Sasuke sat down, then Sakura pushed ___ away and sat next to him. Naruto sat next to her, and ___ sat on the end. Then, Naruto glared at Sasuke, as if telepathically yelling "Idiot, come sit with her!"

Sasuke got up and sat on the end, next to ____.

"I felt closed in," he muttered. "Being next to someone and the wall."

"I understand," ___ said with a chuckle. "I hate when people sit behind me, which is why I sit in the back, or against the wall in all my classes."

Sasuke nodded and the movie started.

At some point, ___ laid her head on Sasuke's shoulder.

'Thank the heavens for this darkness,' he thought because he just knew he was blushing.
____ let out small gasps, or muttered small comments, or literally yelled at the screen. It made Sasuke chuckle. He loved seeing the emotion this movie brought out of her.

By the end, she was full out crying, and so was Naruto.

"I-It's not fair," Naruto said with a sniff.

"Rengoku.." She cried as she hugged Sasuke's arm.

"It's really not that deep," Sakura said with an eye roll.

"It's pretty sad," Sasuke said as he patted ___'s shoulder.

"Then- his mom-" She sobbed.

Naruto sobbed with her. "S-sasuke, can I have a hug too?"

'No," he grumbled.

"Awh, don't be like that. Bring it it Naruto."

Naruto wrapped his arms around ___ and Sasuke, and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I could really go for some ice cream right about now."


Everyone froze.

"Itachi. When did you get here?"

"Uh, around the time that guy with the lines showed up?"

___ turned around and wiped her tears. "Oh, hello. You must be Sasuke's brother."

Itachi stared at her for a moment, before he smiled. "I am. My name is Itachi."

"____ Nanase. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, Itachi!" Sakura exclaimed. "My name's Sakura Haruno! It's great to meet you!"

"Leave," Sasuke grumbled.

"That's not very nice," Itachi said. "I thought I could hang with you guys? I even put your ice cream in the freezer, out of the kindness of my heart."

"No," Sasuke said.

"Oh hush, Sasuke. Of course you can-"

"Yes! Please, join us, Itachi!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Ya know, I'm getting real fucking sick of-" Before ___ could finish her sentence, Naruto spoke.

"Okay! Let's get ice cream!"

"Yeah, I got your favorite, remember?" Sasuke said.

"Oh yea," __ said with a small smile. "Ice cream! C'mon Sasuke, lead the way!"

"Yeah, okay." Sasuke stood up and looked at her. "Follow me."

"Don't forget about us," Sakura said.

____ giggled. "Yeah." She grabbed Naruto's arm and grinned. "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" Naruto said in agreement.
