~ 29 ~

Author's POV:

Everyone returned to their respective homes by evening. Sravya stayed at Avinav and Maya's home. Surya told his parents that he needed to talk with Maya, so he came to their home after dropping his family off at his home and changing into his casuals.
Sravya was running with Maya and the twins behind her when she bumped into someone, making both of them fall down. Sravya shut her eyes in fear and clutched that person's shirt tight in her fist. That person sneaked his hands around her petite waist, making her heart beat faster. And she knows it's him. Only he can make her heart flutter and make her feel butterflies in her stomach.
Sravya laid her head on his chest and wrapped her hands around him for a moment, forgetting everything, as she thought she might not get this opportunity to stay this close to him again. She felt her heart calm as she heard his heart beat. She felt content and safe, but she knew that it wasn't permanent. Maybe she could treasure all these memories. She opened her eyes slowly as she felt him caressing her cheeks lovingly. She got lost in those dark brown eyes that she had always dreamed of.
Surya was coming in search of Maya and Sravya when he saw Sravya running towards him. She was looking cute in that skirt and shirt.

(Sravya's attire)

For a moment, he got lost listening to her giggles while she was running. His heart swelled with joy as he listened to her giggles. Before he could come out of his trance, Sravya bumped into him, making him fall down with her. His heart skipped a bit as she landed in his arms, and he could feel his heart beating faster as she touched him. His breath hitched as she wrapped her arms around his torso and placed her head on his chest. For a moment, he forgot everything around him. He thought about how perfectly she fit into his arms. He felt at home and peaceful as she was in his arms.

Unknowingly, his hands made their way to her cheeks as he felt an urge to caress them. He caressed them lovingly, making her look straight into his eyes. He felt something in his heart as he looked at her innocent face. He looked into her deep black eyes. There is something in her eyes that is attracting him, but he can't decipher it. Before he could read her eyes, she averted her gaze from him and looked away as if she didn't want him to read her.

Maya and Arpita were standing there, standing silently. Arpita was looking at them, confused and wondering what was going on between them. She could notice the sparks between them. Maya went towards them and cleared her throat, making them bring back to the world.
Sravya, who was lost in Surya's touch, slowly got up and ran away. Surya, too, stood up and looked at her running figure. He felt empty as she went away. He sighed and went to the garden, where the boys were, without speaking a word. Maya sighed, looking at them, while Arpita was a silent spectator.
Maya opened the door of Sravya's room and saw her crying silently, hugging her knees close to her chest. Her heart ached, looking at her like that. She locked the door and went and sat beside her. Sensing Maya's presence, Sravya hugged her tightly and broke down in her arms. Maya rubbed her back and broke the hug, wiped her tears, and kissed her forehead.
"Sh, Chinnu! It's okay, baba. Everything will be fine," said Maya, trying to calm down Sravya.
Sravya lay in her arms, staring at the wall blankly and hicupping. Maya was worried for her now. She is sure that something has happened that she isn't aware of. After a while, Sravya felt better.

"What happened to you, Chinnu? Why are you crying like this? And what happened between you both? Are you guys not talking?" Maya asked, looking at Sravya.
Sravya composed herself and said, "I don't know Mayu, but whenever I see him, it pricks my heart. It hurts me very badly that he could never be mine. Sometimes I feel helpless and angry at myself. I'm just angry with him over something. So don't worry. It's just another silly fight."

Sravya doesn't want to say to her that Surya heard their talks, learned about her feelings, and accused her. If she tells her that, then she has to tell her everything. What if Maya goes and asks Surya about that? She isn't ready for another accusation or heartbreak. So, she decided to be silent for some time before everything fell into place.

Maya understood that there was definitely something she was hiding, but she left it for the time being and nodded her head. She prayed in her mind for her best friend's and cousin's happiness. She thought to ask about the girl that Surya loved. But she thought it would hurt Sravya more, so she dropped that idea.

Maya was lost in her thoughts when Sravya called her, "Mayu?"

"Yes," Maya said, looking at her.

"Tell Anna everything before the situation slips out of your hands. Mavayya and Attayya are coming tomorrow. All these days you have avoided talking to them, and Anna also didn't notice the differences as he was busy with his office work. And the day after tomorrow, Chinnanna threw a big party to celebrate the success of a deal, and it's also their 30th wedding anniversary on that day. You know, right? He is going to introduce you to everyone, as you guys didn't have a reception. I don't think Chytra and Rajesh will sit silently. So, all you have left is tonight to tell him about Rajesh. I know Anna trusts you enough, but we can't blame the situation, right? So tell him before he learns everything from a third person and misinterprets the entire situation. I don't know about the past that made you distant from all of us, and I won't ask you about that. At least open your heart in front of Anna. I know it might be difficult for you. But trust me, Mayu. You will feel better when you share all your feelings, worries, fears, and insecurities with him. You can't change your past, but you can definitely change your future. So, the decision is in your hands, Mayu," Sravya said, and she left the room, wiping her tears and leaving Maya in her thoughts.


Taara stood in front of Surya's room and pushed the door slowly. She peeped inside and saw him lying on the bed, lost in his thoughts. She slowly went inside and cleared her throat, trying to gain his attention. She pouted as he was still lost in his thoughts. She again coughed loudly to gain his attention, but again she got no response from him. She looked around and smiled mischievously when her eyes fell on the couch. She took a pillow and hit him, making him yell.
Surya glared at her and asked, "What the hell, Akka? Why did you hit me?"
Taara rolled her eyes and said, "I have been trying to gain your attention for the past five minutes, but you were lost in your dreamland, or, to be precise, the half-saree girl who was disturbing you now a days."
Surya looked at her wide-eyed and asked, "Which half-saree girl?"

Taara smirked and said, "The same half-saree girl at whom you were ogling, admiring her secretly, and following her."
Surya gulped, listening to her, and understood that he was caught.
He composed himself and said, "There is nothing like that. You got me wrong."
Taara rolled her eyes and said, "You don't need to cover up. I saw you looking at her dreamily while you guys were doing Pradakshina."
Surya looked at her like a deer caught in headlights. He didn't understand what to say to her now. His grandmother already has doubts about what's going on between him and Sravya, and now his sister has directly caught him admiring her.
"Can't you be a little careful and aware of your surroundings, you fool?" thought Surya, and he cursed himself.

"What about now? Got nothing to say?" asked Taara, smirking evilly.
Surya pouted and said, "You have mistaken me, Akka. I was just admiring the beauty of the temple."
Taara gave him a "are you serious?" look and asked, "Beauty of the temple or beauty in the temple?"

Surya sighed and said, "Okay! I'm giving up. You are right! I was admiring her. Happy now?"
Taara smiled cheekily and said, "What's so special about her that you were admiring her whenever you guys met?"
"I don't know, but I can't help myself without looking at her or talking with her. For the past year, I was quite habituabed with our talks, and now I feel empty as we barely talk now, and that too because of my foolishness," said Surya.
Taara raised her eyebrow and asked, "Did you guys fight or have some misunderstanding?"

Surya gulped and said, "I have to say something to you."
Taara blinked her eyes and said, "Go ahead. I'm all ears."
"She loves me," said Surya.
"What? And how do you know that?" asked Taara, shocked.
"By mistake, I heard her and Mia's talk. Later, when I confronted her, she accepted that she loved me," said Surya, remembering that day.
How does he wish to erase that day from his life? He still regrets speaking like that on that day, and he knows that he crossed his limits that day.

"So, what did you say?" asked Taara, looking at her brother.
Surya took a deep breath and said, "I behaved irrationally before confronting her. I mean, I was angry at her, as she loved me even knowing that I loved someone else. I don't know what made me think like that."
With that, he told her whatever happened on that day and later, when he met her at Avinav and Maya's home. Taara gasped, listening to him. She didn't expect that her brother would do something like that.
She slapped him lightly and said, "I never expected such behaviour from you."
"I'm sorry, Akka," said Surya, looking down.
He knew that he had disappointed her. He himself was disappointed with his behaviour, and it surprised him that she just slapped him lightly.

Taara shook her head in disappointment and said, "You don't have the right to accuse her, Surya. What if the girl whom you loved comes to you and says the same things that you said to Sravya? Will you be able to bear that? No, right? Think what she might have felt when you spoke awfully with her."

Surya didn't say anything. He was analysing her sister's words. What if Maya learns about his feelings? How would she react? Would she also feel betrayed, as he has hidden his feelings from her? Or would she understand him? She was already angry at him, and now what if she learned about this? Did Avinav tell her about his love for her? No, he might not have, but what if he had? He was really surprised by the way he reacted. He thought that Avinav would ask him to stay away from Maya as he learned about his love for her. Instead, he thanked him for taking care of her, for protecting her, and for never leaving her hand in her ups and downs.

Taara snapped her fingers in front of him, making him look at her.
"So, tell me," asked Taara.

"I don't know," said Surya, still lost in his thoughts.

"What do you don't know?" asked Taara, narrowing her eyes.

"I feel messed up, and I'm not understanding what to do," said Surya.
Taara sighed, looking at him, and said, "I just want to tell you one thing, Surya. Don't lose the person who loves you immensely. I know you loved someone in the past, or maybe you have some feelings for her. But from whatever you said, I understood one thing: unknowingly, you are too attached to Sravya, whether you accept it or not. And I also feel that you feel something for her, and you have to realise what it is. We can just give some suggestions and be with you, but it's you who needs to know what you want. And also, it's up to whether you want to move on or not."
"What if I hurt her again?" said Surya slowly.
Taara smiled, listening to her, and said, "This time she wouldn't hesitate to punch you."
Surya whined, listening to her, and said, "Akka!"
Taara laughed and said, "What? I'm saying the truth."
Surya gulped and said, "You shouldn't scare me."
Taara took his hands into hers and said, "Then be careful with your words and behaviour. Don't rush into things. Take your time, but don't make it too late and mess up everything. I don't know what the future holds for both of you, but think properly before you take any step."

Surya sat there, listening to her carefully, and nodded his head positively.
Taara looked at the time and said, "Now sleep. It's already getting late."
Surya held her hand and said, "Are you happy?"
"Of course I'm. You know, right? I have dreamt of marrying him, and now it's becoming true. But I'm sad that I have to leave you all and go," said Taara, sighing.
"Our houses are just a few minutes away, Akka," said Surya.
Taara glared at him and said, "So you are happy to send me away?"
Surya shook his head and said, "I didn't mean that, and even you know that. Of course, I'll miss you. Especially our late-night talks."
Taara nodded her head sadly and said, "Me too."
They talked for a while, and Taara stood to leave.
She stood at the door and said, "By the way, both of you make a good pair. But as I said before, Think before you take any step."
Surya nodded her head and said, "Good night."
"Good night," said Taara, and she went from there.


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