~ 26 ~

Author's POV:

Surya was sitting in his room, scribbling something on the paper, when Taara knocked on the door. Surya raised his head and saw Taara standing at the door with a tray in her hands.

"Come inside, Akka. And why are you knocking on the door when the door is open?" asked Surya.

"So that you would learn to knock on my door," said Taara, coming inside.

Surya rolled his eyes and asked, "When did I come inside your room without knocking?"

"Not every time, but sometimes," said Taara, giving the peach smoothie to him.

"What do you want?" asked Surya, taking his glass.

Taara sat on the bed, hit his head, and said, "I don't need anything. If you don't want it, then return it to me."

Surya smiled sheepishly and said, "You made this with so much love, Akka. How will I not drink it?"

"I didn't make it with love; I prepared it with peaches," said Taara, smiling cheekily.

Surya rolled his eyes and said, "That's a lame one. I didn't get laughter."

Taara took a sip of her smoothie and said, "And I didn't ask you to laugh too."

"Whatever!" said Surya, taking a sip of his smoothie.

"What are you doing?" Taara said, glancing at the paper.

"Nothing. I was writing some code. So, tell me, how did I get lucky enough to taste your handmade smoothie? Are you learning so that it will be helpful for you in the future?" said Surya.

Taara glared at him, punched on his stomach, and said, "You are saying as if I didn't cook before and you didn't eat before."

Surya winced and said, "Ah, Rakshasi (devil)! Stop using your famous punches on me. It's hurting, you idiot."

Taara twisted her mouth in annoyance and said, "Serves you right!"

Surya sipped his smoothie and asked, "I'll ask Amma and Nanna to get you married quickly."

Taara looked at him, narrowing her eyes, and asked, "You seem to be eager to send me away from you guys."

"You know. There are many benefits if you marry and go to your in-laws' home. First benefit: I'll be saved from your punches. Second benefit: me and my darling can tease Thatha, as you won't be there to support him. Third benefit: I won't become the Bali ka bakra (scapegoat) of your cooking experiments. Here comes the most important benefit: I can save my precious shirts and tees," said Surya, grinning like a fool.

Taara glared at him and again punched him, making him wince.

"Ow! Stop punching like that, idiot," said Surya, glaring at Taara.

"I won't," said Taara, punching him playfully.

"Now, I'm going to ask them tomorrow morning to get you married," said Surya.

Taara rolled her eyes, took a sip of the smoothie, and said, "Do you have guts to ask them in the first place?"

Surya looked at his sister, narrowing his eyes, and asked, "Do you think that I'm afraid of them?"

"No!" said Taara, giving him a tight-lipped smile.

"Huh! You are so mean," said Surya, pouting.

"And you are so cute," said Taara, pulling her cheeks.

Surya huffed, listening to her, and said, "Call me anything but cute, okay?"

"Okay, you are an ugly drake," said Taara, smiling mischievously.

Surya pulled her hair and said, "I hate you."

Taara pinched his nose and said, "But I love you, baby bro."

Surya twisted his lips, annoyed, and said, "I'm not a baby, okay? I'm just two years younger than you."

"So, what? You are younger than me, and that doesn't change it," said Taara, grinning.

"Whatever!" said Surya, keeping the empty smoothie glass on the tray.

"So, how is life going on?" Taara asked, keeping the glass aside.

"Great. What about you?" said Surya.

"Good," said Taara, smiling faintly.

"Just good?" questioned Surya.

"How can I be peaceful when the one who fathered me doesn't want me to be happy?" Taara said, looking blankly at the wall.

"You knew?" asked Surya.

Taara looked at him suspiciously and asked, "You knew?"

Surya gulped and nodded his head positively.

Taara sighed and said, "He has been calling for the past few days and asking me to marry the man they chose for me."

"He talked about the same with Thatha a few days ago," said Surya.

"Oh!" said Taara, sadly.

Surya pressed her hand gently and said, "He didn't want you to get stressed. Did you tell him about this?"

Taara smiled faintly and said, "I didn't want him to be stressed too."

"I think it will be better if you tell the family about it," said Surya.

"I'm thinking the same," said Taara.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. Stop stressing about it," said Surya.

"I can't help but think, sometimes, don't I mean nothing to him?" said Taara sadly.

"I don't know about that, but he definitely doesn't deserve you. So, stop thinking about him," said Surya.

"I want to do the same, Surya, but sometimes I get this thought: How would it have been if he were there in my life?" said Taara.

"I don't know about that, Akka. So what if he is not there for you? You have a big family. You have Thatha, Nanamma, Nanna, Amma, me, Bava, his family, and all our friends and family. So, don't think too much about that man who doesn't care about you. I don't know whether he loves you or not, but you have a large family who love you and care for you," said Surya.

Taara smiled in between her tears, listening to Surya's words.

She hugged him and said, "I love you so much, Jigglypuff."

Surya glared at her and said, "Stop calling me that, Akka."

"Why? I love calling you that," said Taara, smiling cheekily.

"Yeah! I know. How much do you love to call me that and embarrass me? My classmates used to tease me back in the school as you used to barge into our class in the break, calling Jigglypuff. I used to sweetly call you Twinkle, but you used to call me Jigglypuff," said Surya, huffing.

Taara laughed out, listening to him, and said, "That's because you used to look round-round when you were small."

Surya glared at her and said, "I hate you, Akka."

"Aww, but I love you, baby bro," said Taara, pulling his cheeks.

"Aren't you sleepy?" asked Surya, looking at her.

Taara looked at him, narrowing her eyes, and asked, "Are you indirectly asking me to get out of your room?"

Surya smiled cheekily and said, "Aww, I didn't know that you were this intelligent."

Taara hit his head and said, "Fine! I'm going from here," and she stood up.

Surya pulled her, making her land on the bed.

Taara squealed and asked, "Why did you pull me like that, idiot?"

Surya ignored her question and asked, "Shall we watch Amurtham?"

"Of course," said Taara, smiling brightly. But she then poured and said, "But I have to go to the office tomorrow."

Surya hit her forehead playfully and said, "Tomorrow is Saturday, Akka."

Taara bit her tongue and said, "I forgot about that."

"You sit here. I'll go, keep these glasses in the kitchen, and grab snacks for us," said Surya.

"Okay, then," said Taara.

Amrutham is a Telugu comedy show that was the favourite of 90's Telugu kids.

Taara sat on the bed, waiting for Surya to come. Soon, Surya came with a tray with a big bowl of popcorn and some chips made at home in his hands.

He gave the tray to her and hopped onto the bed.

He switched on the TV and asked, "Which episode?"

"Any episode," said Taara.

"Okay!" said Surya, and he put on some random episodes.

Oreyy Anjaneyulu.. Thega Aayaasa Padipoku Chaalu..
Manam Eedhuthunnaam Oka Chemchaadu.. Bhavasaagaraalu...

Both of them started to sing together as the title song started to play.

"Did you remember how we used to watch it when we were kids?" asked Taara, looking at him.

"Of course! It's probably the only show for which we haven't fought for the remote back then," said Surya, chuckling.

Taara poked Surya's cheeks, smiled mischievously, and said, "Surya, shall I cook special dishes with gorintaku (henna leaves) tomorrow, just like Sarvam?"

Surya looked at her horrifiedly and said, "Please, don't do such terrific experiments on us, Akka. If you are so eager to eat those special dishes, then you cook for yourself and eat them, but don't involve any of us."

Taara laughed out, listening to him, and Surya too joined her. They were totally engrossed in the show, laughing and enjoying it so much that they didn't notice Niranjana standing at the door. She came to refill the water bottle and thought to check on Taara, as she looked dull during the dinner. She didn't find Taara in her room, so she came to check in at Surya's. She found the brother-sister duo so totally engrossed that they didn't hear her knocking on the door. She coughed loudly, gaining their attention.

"Akka, drink water," said Surya, without turning his head.

"I didn't cough," said Taara.

"Even I didn't," said Surya, frowning.

"I did," said Niranjana, going towards them.

"Amma!" yelled Taara and Surya.

"Sh! Why are both shouting? Everyone is sleeping except you both, who are still awake like owls and watching shows," said Niranjana, glaring at them.

Taara and Surya smiled sheepishly, making Niranjana sigh.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, Amma," said Taara.

"And there is still half an hour to welcome Saturday," said Niranjana sarcastically.

"We won't do this every weekend, Amma. Just once or twice in a month," said Surya.

Niranjana glared at him and said, "There won't be 100 weekends in a month."

"Please, Amma," said Taara and Surya, making puppy faces.

"You guys won't change. Do whatever you want," said Niranjana.

"Ee! Thank you, Amma," squealed Taara and Surya.

Niranjana shook her head, looking at them, and asked, "By the way, what are you watching?"

"Amrutham," said Taara and Surya, grinning.

"It's been so long since I watched it," said Niranjana.

"Then come and join us," said Surya.

"Your father must be waiting for me in our room," said Niranjana.

"Don't worry, he will come in search of us and then join us," said Taara, giggling.

"Fine!" said Niranjana.

Surya and Taara moved aside, leaving space for Niranjana in the middle. She went and sat between them, and soon the three of them were engrossed in the show.

After a while, Srinivas came in search of Niranjana and found all three of them engrossed in watching the show. He came inside and stood in front of them.

"Nanna, move aside. You are blocking the TV," said Surya, whining.

"May I know what's going on here?" asked Srinivas, folding his hands.

"Can't you see? We are watching Amrutham," said Niranjana while eating the popcorn.

"You came to fill the water bottle, right?" asked Srinivas.

"Yes! I did that, came here, and joined them. If you want, join us, or else, take the water bottle and go from here," said Niranjana.

Srinivas groaned, listening to her, and said, "Are you coming? Or do you want to pick me up and take you to our room?"

Niranjana looked at him wide-eyed as she listened to him, while Taara and Surya giggled.

Niranjana glared at him and said, "What the hell are you saying in front of the kids?"

Srinivas rolled his eyes and said, "They aren't small kids who wear diapers anymore. One is already engaged, and the other may have his girlfriend soon."

Niranjana twisted her lips, annoyed, and said, "I'm not going to come. I'll sleep here today with my kids."

"Fine, then. Don't blame me later," said Srinivas, and he picked her up in his arms, making her squeal.

"You still have a strong body, Nanna," said Taara, looking at her father.

"Of course, don't underestimate your father's stamina," said Srinivas, winking at her.

"Of course, we aren't underestimating it. But I'm not ready to change the diapers of my sibling now," said Surya, smiling mischievously.

"Don't worry, and you won't get that chance either," said Srinivas.

Niranjana looked at them wide-eyed and hid her face in Srinivas's chest, embarrassed, while the other three laughed, looking at her expressions.

"Good night. Enjoy, but don't stay awake too late," said Srinivas, and he walked out with Niranjana in his arms.

"Good night, Nanna," said Surya and Taara.

They chuckled, looking at their parents. Their father is totally habituated to sleeping with Niranjana in his arms, and if she isn't there, he will be a zombie the next day as he wouldn't sleep properly. After a while, Taara looked at Surya, who was sleeping peacefully. She kissed his forehead and covered him with the comforter properly. She took the tray and placed it on the table, grabbed her mobile, switched off the TV and lights, and went to her room, closing the door.


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