~ 18 ~

Author's POV:

After a few days, Surya was going upstairs to his room, whistling when his eyes fell on the open door of his grandparents. He stopped there, peeped inside, and saw his grandma seeing an album. He slowly tiptoed inside and hugged her from behind.

"What are you doing, my beautiful?" Surya asked, pecking her cheeks.

"Nothing. I'm just going through some old albums," said Laxmi.

"Where is our Hitler?" asked Surya.

Laxmi chuckled and said, "He went to meet an old friend of his and won't return for two hours."

Surya kissed her cheeks and said, "That's good news, honey."

"Why are you so afraid of him?" asked Laxmi.

"I'm not afraid of your husband, okay?" said Surya.

Laxmi looked at him, raising her eyebrow, and asked, "Oh! Is it?"

Surya gave her a sheepish smile and said, "A little," showing his fingers.

Laxmi laughed and pulled his cheeks, listening to him while he sulked.

"How did you marry that Hitler, Nanamma?" asked Surya.

Laxmi smiled and said, "He is a sweet and cute Hitler."

Surya looked at his grandmother in disbelief and said, "Seriously?? Only you, your DIL, and your granddaughter find him sweet and cute."

Laxmi shook her head and said, "You may not understand it, Surya. But let me tell you something. He is the best thing that happened in my life. He let me continue my studies after our marriage, encouraged me to do a job, and helped me face the world confidently. My father wanted me to get married as soon as I finished 10th grade. Though my father had enough money to afford my studies, he thought, What would a girl do by pursuing higher studies? Anyway, she has to be at home, taking care of the family after the marriage. Your grandfather is my cross-cousin. Our parents fixed our marriage when we were kids. Your grandfather is very ambitious. He kept a condition to my father that he would marry me if I completed my graduation. I always love studying, and your grandfather knows that. So, my father let me pursue my graduation. When I joined graduation, your grandfather had cracked the civil service examination by then and went for the training. After he returned from the training, he was posted to Chennai. As he was an IPS officer, he started to get many marriage proposals. My parents felt insecure, but I knew that your grandfather wouldn't break his promise to marry me. Because of the pressure from families, we got married at the end of my first year. After our marriage, he asked me to continue my studies, which I did. I was pregnant with your father when I was writing my final exams. And after two years, I was pregnant with your Chinnanna. He made study masters privately. When Manohar turned two, your grandfather asked me to do a job. I was sceptical about it and didn't want to leave my children and go to work, but he was firm with his decision. Moreover, I was afraid, as I didn't have any prior experience. But he and my Attamma assured me. He helped me come out of my fears. After a few months, I started to work as a lecturer. My Attamma used to look after your father and Chinnanna in my absence. I used to make sure that I spent enough time with my family. As the years passed, he got busy with his work, and sometimes he wouldn't even come home for a few days."

Laxmi took a deep breath and said, "I agree that he couldn't give proper time to his family when he was on duty. But he was there, holding my hands through all my ups and downs. Your father was fifteen when I went through a major operation. My uterus was removed because of fibroids. Both my mother and MIL passed away by then, and I don't have any sisters, nor does your grandfather have one. My brother's wife couldn't come as my father had eye surgery just a few days ago. So your grandfather took leave for three months and took care of me. He used to cook food, pack lunch boxes for our children, and do household chores because the maid wouldn't do all the things, right? Sometimes he used to stay awake with me all night, as I couldn't sleep because of the pain. You know, he used to even braid my hair for the first month and press my legs. I agree; he is a bit strict, but that's because of the things that he faced as a child. His father committed suicide when your grandfather was barely three years old. His paternal family started to taunt my aunt and your grandfather. They started to spread badly about my aunt and even thought to snatch the properties that your grandfather would inherit. But with the help of village heads and my grandfather and father, that didn't happen. My grandfather and father took my aunt and your grandfather under their wings. My aunt asked her father to sell some land that was in her name, clear all the debts that her husband had, and deposit some money for your grandfather's future. She used to go to farms with my grandfather and father to work, despite their protests. She didn't want anyone to think that she and her son were freeloaders. Your grandfather saw the struggles of his mother, studied hard, and also used to help her. I knew my family was there, but it was never easy for them to forget everything. All those conspiracies, taunts, betrayals, and hatreds they received made him a little emotionless and cold-hearted, but only his loved ones knew the facade behind that arrogant, strong, and ruthless man."

A few tears left her eyes as she knew the struggles her husband had gone through.

Laxmi wiped off her tears and said, "One day, I asked him why he was so stubborn about me finishing my studies and doing a job. He said that his job is a risky one, and what if something happens to him one day and the entire responsibility of our family falls on me? He said that he didn't want me and his children to go through the struggles that he and my aunt went through. That's when I understood his point of view and the reason he wanted me to study hard and be independent. Even today, he never trusts anyone blindly."

Surya was listening keenly to his grandmother. He never knew the struggles his grandfather went through. The respect he has for his grandfather has increased tenfold today. Yeah! He agrees that he is a bit afraid of his grandfather, but he loves him a lot. He was the one who used to scold him a lot in childhood, but then he was the one who used to bring chocolates to cajole him.

"Okay! Keep all those things aside. Tell me, do you have anyone special in your life?" asked Laxmi.

Surya looked at her for a moment and said, "No! My Hitler is lucky; he found his Laxmi soon, but I haven't found my Laxmi yet.

Laxmi looked at him, narrowing her eyes, and asked, "Really?"

"Yes, Nanamma!" said Surya.

Laxmi took her mobile, unlocked it,

"Then what is this?" asked Laxmi, showing him a picture of him and Sravya dancing at the farewell party.

Surya gulped, listening to her, and said, "That was a casual dance, Nanamma. Trust me. By the way, how did you get that photo?"

Laxmi looked at him suspiciously and said, "Taara sent it to me."

"Did she send that only to you or anyone else?" asked Surya.

Laxmi shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know."

"Don't give me those looks, darling. If there is something, then I'll come and tell you first. Trust me," said Surya, making a puppy face.

Laxmi looked at him for a moment and said, "Fine!"

"Umm, I have some work. I'll talk to you later; bye," said Surya, and he kissed her cheeks and ran from there.

Laxmi chuckled, looking at his retreating figure, and shook her head in disbelief.

"You will come running to me one day and tell me that you love her. I don't know when that day will come, but I'm sure about you both," thought Laxmi.

Surya went to his room and took a deep breath.

He locked his room and lied on the bed and thought, "Uff, I have escaped for now. I'm not going to leave you, Akka. But how did that she get that picture? And who captured it?"


Sravya was enjoying her holiday with her parents. It's been five days since they came to Cape Town. She has put all her tensions aside and is fully enjoying her vacation with her parents and feeling relaxed. Sravya, Jhansi, and Raghav stopped at a nearby restaurant to have some snacks. Sravya was drinking juice when her mobile was pinged with a message.

She coughed, looking at the message. It was Surya who messaged her, but that didn't surprise her. What shocked her was that he messaged her on phonepe!! Is he serious?

"What happened?" Raghav and Jhansi asked, looking concerned.

Sravya composed herself and said, "Nothing! I just saw a message. That's it."

Jhansi looked at her, narrowing her eyes, and asked, "Whose message?"

"Umm, Mahi shared a weird meme. That's it, Amma," said Sravya, smiling nervously.

"Oh! Then show it to us too," said Jhansi.

"Umm, yeah!" Sravya said, holding her forehead.

Just then, she got a call from Maya, making her sigh in relief, and she thanked her mentally.

"Amma, Mayu is calling," said Sravya.

Phone Conversation:

"Hey, Mayu!" greeted Sravya, answering the call.

"Hey, Chinnu! I hope I haven't disturbed you guys," said Maya.

"No! No! We are at a restaurant," said Sravya.

"You have saved me from my detective mother, Mayu," thought Sravya.

"Do we have any good news, Ammu?" asked Jhansi.

"Atta!" whined Maya.

Sravya laughed, listening to her mother, while Raghav shook his head. She could imagine the blushing face of Maya.

"Okay! I'm just kidding," said Jhansi.

Maya was about to say something when they heard the shouts of Avinav calling her "Bunny!"

Maya groaned, listening to him, and said, "I'll call you later. If I don't go now, your brother will turn the house upside-down."

"Okay, bye. And handle my brother carefully with love," said Sravya, giggling.

"That's what I'm doing," said Maya, and she cut the call.


Raghav, Jhansi, and Sravya chuckled, listening to her. Three of them sat there, enjoying their food and talking. Sravya sighed in relief as her mother forgot about that message.

After roaming around for a while and having dinner, they left for their suite. Sravya got freshened up, changed into her nightdress, and lied on the bed.

That's when she remembered Surya's message. She unlocked her mobile and unblocked him. Yeah! She didn't unblock him until now, and that's the reason he messaged her on phonepe.

She dialled his number without checking the time and cursed him as he didn't answer her call. She dialled his number, and finally he answered the call the fourth time.

Phone Conversation:

"Didn't you find anywhere other than Phonepe to message me? And why did you message me? You know, right? I'm angry at you," asked Sravya, gritting her teeth.

"Umm, sorry, Sravya. The one you have called is sleeping after selling horses," said Taara.

Sravya bit her tongue and cursed herself for not checking who answered the call.

"Sorry," said Sravya.

"That's okay! I hope you are enjoying your vacation," said Taara.

"Yeah!" said Sravya.

"Wait, I'll wake him up," said Taara.

"Did he sleep this early?" asked Sravya.

Taara chuckled and asked, "What's the time now, Sravya?"

"It's 9:40 p.m.," said Sravya, while seeing the time on her mobile.

"It's 12:40 a.m. right now in India, Sravya," said Taara.

Sravya bit her lip, embarrassed, and cursed herself for not checking the time and forgetting the time difference before calling him.

"Umm, sorry. I didn't check the time," said Sravya.

Taara laughed and said, "That's okay. He slept just a while ago. We were watching a series, and this boy is now sleeping soundly when he was the one who planned it. Wait a minute I'll wake him up."

Taara looked at Surya, who was sleeping soundly, and tapped his shoulder, trying to wake him up. She shook her head in disbelief and shook him.

"What, Akka?" whisper-yelled Surya.

"Your Phonepe friend has called you and is on the line," said Taara.

Surya sat on the bed with a jerk and yelled, "What?"

"Abey, idiot. Stop yelling like a madman in the middle of the night," said Taara, glaring at him.

Sravya couldn't help but giggle, listening to their banter.

"Now give my phone to me and also some privacy," said Surya, looking at his sister.

Taara raised her eyebrow and asked, "She is your friend only, right? So, why do you need some privacy?"

"Uff, don't you have friends? Won't you talk to them privately? Now go," Surya said, pushing Taara out.

Taara hit his head and said, "Oy! Duffer! This is my room, not yours. Go to your room and talk."

Surya made a crying face and said, "I'll remember this, Akka. You threw me out of your room."

"Oh! I'm sorry, bro," said Taara, making Surya smile. But the next moment, his smile wiped as Taara said, "I forgot to close the door on your face," closing the door on his face.

Surya stomped his foot, cursed his sister, and made his way to his room.

"Hello! Are you there, Surya?" That's when he heard her melodious voice.

"Hey!" greeted Surya cheerfully.

Sravya's heart fluttered, listening to his cheerful voice, but she reminded herself that she was still angry at him. After the stunt that he pulled on her graduation day in front of his mother, her mother advised her to be away from him for a while. Jhansi has understood that Sravya loves Surya deeply, but she doesn't want her daughter to go through heartbreak. She knows that Surya is a good boy, and she doesn't have any problems if he loves Sravya back, but he doesn't and has some other girl in his heart. She doesn't want Sravya to get too attached to Surya and then suffer later if he moves on with someone else. Sravya understood her mother's fear and assured her not to worry about it much and would try to move on from him, though she knew that it wasn't easy, as she told her mother. That's the reason she didn't unblock his number. She blocked him on her social media accounts, too.

"Why did you message me?" asked Sravya sternly.

Surya smiled sadly, listening to her stern voice, and asked, "Are you still angry at me?"

"You should have understood that when you were still blocked," said Sravya.

"That's why I have messaged you on Phonepe," said Surya, smiling cheekily.

Sravya sighed and said, "I love you, Surya. But I know that you don't love me and consider me only a good friend of yours. I need some time to gather the broken pieces of my heart, Surya. All these years, I hid my feelings from you, but now it's different. You know about it, and I still feel awkward acting normal in front of you. Even I couldn't control myself from talking to you, but I'm trying my best to not get attached too much to you."

Surya's heart felt something as she heard her say, "I love you, Surya." He knows it must be difficult for her, and who knows it better than him? But what to do? But he wasn't feeling good without talking to her at least once. He knew she would definitely call him after seeing his message. That's the reason he messaged her on Phonepe to annoy her.

"I'm sorry. Enjoy the vacation, bye," said Surya, and he cut the call.


On the other hand, Sravya put her phone aside and thought, "How I wish to be in your arms forever, Surya. I wish our lives weren't this complicated. Or are we making them more complicated?"


Hey guys!!

Hope you guys have liked the update.

Taara and Laxmi are now suspicious of Surya and Sravya.

Who might have captured their dance pictures?

Surya messaged Sravya on Phonepe. Have you guys ever done that?

Do you think Jhansi is right from her point of view?

Will Sravya be able to be away from Surya?

What's your favourite part of this update?

Finish the target to get the next update.

Target: 45 votes.

Keep smiling and take care ❤️
