~ 14 ~

Author's POV:

It was around 3 a.m. when Surya and Pranav reached their respective homes. No one knew that they were returning. Surya stood outside the main door and called his sister. Taara answered the call a fourth time, making him sigh in relief.

"Why did you call me at this time, idiot?" Taara yelled in irritation, answering the call.

Surya rolled his eyes and said, "You can shout at me later. Now please do the honours of coming down and opening the door."

"Wait, are you here? You didn't even tell me that you were returning," said Taara.

Surya sighed and said, "Akka, you can ask all your KBC questions later. First, come and open the door. It's raining."

"Wait, I'm coming," said Taara.

After five minutes, Taara opened the door and saw Surya shivering. She smiled sheepishly, muttered "sorry" to him, and took one of his bags.

She locked the door, looked at him, and asked, "Coffee?"

"Yeah! I badly need it," said Surya, taking the bag from her.

"You go and change. I'll bring it by then," said Taara.

After ten minutes, Taara poured the hot filter coffee into two mugs and placed them on a tray along with some cookies. She pushed the door open and saw him lying on the bed on his stomach while looking at his mobile. She put the tray on the table and slapped his bum, making him glare at her.

"Akka, how many times do I have to tell you not to spank?" Surya said, taking his coffee mug.

"Then what are you doing when I have asked you to change?" asked Taara.

"I don't have the energy to change. So let me have this coffee and cookies, then I'll get some energy," said Surya.

Taara rolled her eyes and said, "Fine! Do whatever you want."

"Umm, this is heaven. I have missed this filter coffee badly," Surya said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Didn't you get coffee there?" asked Taara.

"There is coffee. But how can I get the taste of home-made filter coffee?" asked Surya, taking a bite of the cookie.

Taara nodded her head and asked, "I thought you would be coming after two days."

"Umm, well, that's what we planned. But we need to take our hall tickets and prepare for the exams; there was only one week for our exams," said Surya without looking at his sister.

Taara looked at him for a moment and said, "Oh!"

After a while, both the sister-brother duo slept. It's around 7 a.m. Niranjana came to wake up Taara and found her room empty. She saw Surya's room door open and frowned. She peeped inside and saw the sister-brother duo sleeping.
"When did he come?" thought Niranjana.
Niranjana went towards them and woke them up.
"Urgh, let me sleep, Amma. That brother of mine woke me up in the middle of the night," said Taara, turning her face to the other side.
Niranjana shook her head and went from there.
At 8 a.m., Janardhan, Laxmi, Srinivas, and Niranjana sat down to have their breakfast.
"Where is my baby? Didn't she wake up yet?" asked Janardhan.
"She and Surya were sleeping. I think he came at midnight and woke her up," said Niranjana, serving breakfast for them.
"Isn't he supposed to come after two days?" asked Laxmi.

"Yeah! But he didn't tell us that he was coming," said Niranjana.

They were having their breakfast when Taara and Surya came downstairs.
"Good morning, everyone," Taara and Surya greeted them, sitting in their regular places.
"When did you come?" asked Srinivas.
"Around 3 a.m.," said Surya.
"So, did you enjoy your holiday?" asked Janardhan.
"Yeah!" Surya said, serving breakfast on his plate.
"Hmm! When are your exams going to start?" asked Janardhan.
"Next week, Thatha," said Surya.

"Didn't you bring any gifts for me?" asked Laxmi, looking at Surya.
"Of course! How can I not bring a gift for my Cutie pie?" said Surya.
"What did you bring?" Laxmi asked excitedly.
Janardhan rolled his eyes and said, "He will show you later. First, let him have his breakfast. Don't know what he ate on the flight."
Laxmi twisted her mouth in annoyance and said, "Did I ask him to give that to me now? You eat your breakfast first."

Srinivas, Niranjana, Taara, and Surya chuckled, looking at their banter.
"Didn't you bring anything for me?" asked Taara.
"I have bought some clothes for me. Select whatever you like from them," said Surya, smiling mischievously.
Taara glared at her brother, while the others chuckled.
"Oh! I totally forgot to tell you, Surya. This evening we are going to dinner at Avinav and Maya's home," Taara said, making an innocent face.

Surya looked at her, shocked. Well, he didn't expect that he was going to meet her this soon.
"Umm!" Surya didn't understand what to say.
Taara was mentally smirking, looking at her brother's condition. She is really fed up with her brother's behaviour now. It's been a year since he talked with Maya. She has seen how much Maya has missed her best friends at her wedding.

"He is going to come. Anyway, he has missed her wedding," said Janardhan.
Surya gulped, listening to his grandfather. He is dead now. He has to go; otherwise, his grandfather will murder him with his own hands. He knows the time has come now.

"By the way, we are going to stay there for tonight," said Taara, smirking at him.

Surya just nodded his head positively and continued eating his breakfast silently.


Taara and Surya reached Avinav and Maya's home. This is the first time he is coming here. He was nervous to meet her after such a long time. To be frank, he wasn't ready to meet her. He wasn't ready to answer her questions. He took a deep breath before he stepped inside. He saw Gayatri, Raghu, and Radha sitting in the living room and watching an old movie. He and Taara greeted them, while they smiled at them and greeted them back.

"They are in the garden," said Gayatri.

Both of them nodded their heads and were going to the garden when Surya got a call from Pranav.

"You go, Akka. I'll answer this call and come," said Surya.

"Are you sure? What if you run away?" asked Taara.

Surya huffed and said, "I'm not going to run away anywhere."

Taara rolled her eyes and said, "Fine! Come fast."

Surya just nodded his head while Taara went to the garden.

"Hello!" Surya said, answering the call.

"Where are you, Bhe?" asked Pranav.

Surya rolled his eyes and said, "At Mia's in-laws home."

"Oh! You went. I thought you would skip," said Pranav.

"Leave that and tell me, where are you?" asked Surya.

"On the way," said Pranav.

Surya was talking with Pranav when he heard the jingles of someone's anklets. There she is. His best friend, Mia. She is chasing her husband while scolding him. He froze, looking at her in person after a long time. He looked at the vermilion in her hair partition, the yellow thread adorning her neck, and the glow on her face. He was lost in his world when she bumped into him.

"Uff, who the hell is this standing in the middle?" Maya said, rubbing her forehead.

"I'm sorry," said Surya.

Maya raised her head with a jerk, listening to his voice, and she stood rooted in her place, looking at him. Her eyes brimmed with tears, and before Surya could say anything, she ran from there.

He saw the gang coming towards him. Veeru, Taara, Diya, Arjun, Yash, and the twins. Yash greeted him and went from there with the twins, as they were asking for their mother.

"Hey, Surya! How was your tour?" asked Veeru, coming towards him.

"That's good, Bava," Surya said, smiling faintly.

"Didn't Nandu, Siri, and Vikki come?" asked Surya.

"Siri isn't feeling well. Nandu and Vikki said that they would be with her," said Diya.

Surya just nodded his head. Pranav boy is going to be sad as his little one hasn't come and isn't feeling well.

"Where is that another monkey?" Arjun asked, looking at Surya.

"Umm, hi, Anna," Surya said, smiling at Arjun.

But his smile dropped, looking at his glare. He gulped, looking at him. He is dead today.

Diya hit his head and said, "Stop glaring at that poor boy."

"He deserves it, Vadina," said Taara.

Surya glared at his sister and prayed in his mind for Pranav to come soon. Arjun went from there without saying anything, making Surya sigh.

"I guess you have to manofy one more person too," said Taara, giggling.

Surya glared at his sister, but he was afraid a little. He knew her anger. Though she is the calmest person, once she gets angry, it's really tough to manofy her.

"Sh, stop scaring the poor boy, Taara. If his Pumpkin forgives him, then he will automatically cool down," said Diya.

"By the way, where is Sravya?" asked Taara.

Surya snapped his head, listening to her name. Yeah! Where is she? He wants to meet her and apologise for his idiotic behaviour. He knows that she is badly hurt by his words; that's why she has blocked him.

All of them sat on the couches nearby, talking. After a while, Pranav joined them.

"Did you talk with them?" Pranav whispered in Surya's ears.

"Them?" Surya asked, confused.

"Ammu and Chinnu," said Pranav.

"No! Mia saw me, and she went from there without speaking a word. Sravya is in her room. By the way, did she talk with you?" said Surya.

"Abey, I just came now and joined you guys. When did I meet her to talk with you?" said Pranav, to which Surya rolled his eyes.

"What are you both whispering?" Taara asked, looking at them suspiciously.

"Nothing, Akka," said Surya.

He excused himself and went to drink water when Maya again bumped into him. She looked at him and was about to walk away, but Surya held her hand and stopped her.

"Even now you are walking away just like that day, Mia," said Surya.

Maya looked at him with tears in her eyes and said, "And it took you one year to say this to me."

Surya was about to say more when Maya showed her hand and said, "I know, we have a lot to talk about, Mr. Surya Varma, but not here."

Maya wiped away her tears as she saw Avinav coming towards them.

"Hey, Surya," Avinav greeted Surya.

"Hi!" Surya said meekly.

"Oh! I forgot to say, Bunny; he's Surya, Taara's brother, and Surya, this is Maya, my wife," said Avinav.

Avinav doesn't know that Surya and Maya are best friends. He knows that she has a best friend, Sunny, but he has never seen his picture.

Maya smiled fakely and said, "We've known each other for many years, Avi; he's my best friend, Sunny."

"Oh! So, you are that Sunny. I didn't know that you were the same, Sunny. I heard a lot about you, man. But why didn't you come for our wedding?" asked Avinav, looking at both of them.

They didn't understand what to tell him. Both of them looked at Avinav blankly.

Before Maya could say something, Surya intervened and said, "I was caught up with something important, so I couldn't come to your wedding."

Maya rolled her eyes, listening to him. Avinav excused himself and went from there, as his grandmother was calling him, leaving the two best friends.

"Where is that best friend of yours? Did he come at least now, or did he forget about me?" Maya asked, looking at Surya.

"He is with the others. And he is your best friend too," said Surya.

Maya rolled her eyes, smiled sarcastically, and said, "Oh, no! I totally forgot that I have three best friends. I'm hallucinating that I have only one who is lying on the hospital bed and fighting for her life."

Surya gulped, listening to her, and he felt bad. Just then, they heard someone calling Surya's name. They turned around and saw Sravya standing in the middle of the stairs, shocked. Sravya slowly came towards them, stood in front of them.

She looked at Surya and asked, "How come you are here?"

Surya looked at her for a moment. It hurt him to see her eyes, which used to twinkle once, looking dull now.

"He came with Taara Akka," said Maya.

Sravya simply nodded her head and went from there. Maya, too, excused herself and went to the living room to call the elder for dinner, leaving Surya alone.

After having dinner, all the youngsters moved to the terrace, while the elders got settled in the living room. They took mattresses with them and arranged them on the terrace, as they planned to sleep there. The pushed pushed the chairs, sofas, and table placed there to one side and arranged the mattresses.

After a while, they were lying comfortably on the mattresses. Yash and Arpita were looking at something on Akka's iPAD, snuggling into each other. Arjun, Veeru, Surya, and Pranav were engrossed in their sports discussion. Sravya was talking to her mother on her phone. Diya and Taara were watching a movie on the laptop.

Maya was observing Sravya and Surya and thought something was wrong with them. She looked at Sravya, who was looking dull. Maya called Sravya, who was sitting beside her. Sravya looked at her in a daze.

Maya looked at her and whispered, "Is everything okay, Chinnu?"

"Yeah! Why are you asking like that?" Sravya said, smiling faintly.

Maya was about to ask her something, but Sravya got a call. Sravya excused herself and went from there. After talking with her mother, Sravya stood there, holding the railing, looking at the sky.


Hey guys!!

How is the update?

Did you guys like it?

Finally, Surya talked with his best friend. Let's see how he is going to manofy her.
Surya and Sravya met. Let's see how Surya is going to apologise to her and how Sravya is going to react.

Do you think Sravya will accept his apology?

Few words about Taara and Surya bonding.

The next part will be updated once the target is reached.

Target: 40 votes

Keep smiling and take care ❤️
