Chapter Fourteen: The Stone Table


Amaryllis' POV

"Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water." The White Witch declared looking over to me and Edmund "That boy and that witch will die on the stone table... As is tradition." she looks back at Aslan "You dare not refuse me."

My mind suddenly became blank I shut my eyes hard, and as I open it a flash of unknown memories flashing through my eyes.

"This shall be done, Aslan." A voice that sounds just like me echoed through my ears, No... It is me... As if I am the one that is actually talking. Even though she's raising her voice, it still sounds more womanly and graceful.

"It will be worse if you leave Narnia," Aslan said walking back and forth in front of her.

She sighed "If only you could see what I saw. We fought but we lose. All our creations, our people, and hard work perished in just a blink of an eye." She walks towards the glass window where I saw her reflection.

She was so beautiful... Her fair skin looks si smooth, Her dark brown eyes are so mesmerizing as if it has a life on its own, her reddish lips, Her silky onyx wavy hair that falls to her waist. She's the very same image as what I have seen in her photograph but without the dust and worn-out colour.

She looks nothing like me,

"And how could she possibly be that powerful," said Aslan who now walks beside her.

"I have no idea. And I also have no idea why the emperor, who gave us life let it happen."

"There must be a reason," said Aslan

"A reason? Definitely. The Emperor is against Narnia since the very beginning. Giving us law to perish with Deep Magic and even appointed the witch as executor!" The Enchantress spat

"How do you know your plan would work?" The great lion asked.

"It will. We aged together, I never experienced being a child, I never failed. And I never will."

Suddenly, another flash of light met my eyes making me shut my eyes again.

"Enough, Amaryllis." I heard Aslan spoke. I opened my eyes and met curious and questioning eyes. I looked over to the Pevensies and even they, are looking at me weirdly. What did I do? Did they saw the memory too?

"I shall talk to you alone," said Aslan to the White Witch.

What happened? I wanna ask the Pevensies but they are looking away.

Aslan walks back to his tent, Jadis followed him after but as she walks past me she whispered "I will get rid of you"

When both she and Aslan were inside everyone was silent. I want to know why were they looking at me just a few seconds ago. But my tongue seems to back away so I walked to the corner, the curiosity oozed me to whisper a spell to hear Aslan and Jadis' conversation from inside the tent.

"That is a great offer, Aslan. I don't want to waste the opportunity but two lives cannot be traded by one." I heard the witch say. What was she talking about? Trade lives? with who?

"What do you want?" says Aslan.

"What if I spare the Son of Adam's blood since the witch is not that big of a help for you, is she?" The White Witch response.

"You are threatened," said Aslan that made the White Witch laugh.

"Her ability cannot be compared to mine. My power made your great companion run. And that is my final decision. The Witch's life and yours in exchange for Son of Adam's. Or I'll kill both of them."

My heart beats faster. Aslan will never allow me and even more himself to be killed. I don't even know my purpose yet.

"Fine." a word that echoed in my head.

Aslan approved? But why? I felt my knees go numb that I just let myself fall to the ground. Lifting my spell from them, I don't want to hear anything more. The White Witch's certain, I will die.


I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw Susan, Lucy, Edmund, and Peter looking at me with worry and sadness.

They have been very close to me for just a couple of days, and for those days I know I have to do everything to protect them not only because for Narnia's triumph, but also because they showed me what a true family is.

I stand up patting my dress to get rid of the soil and grass from sitting on the ground.

Looking up, I saw Susan's tear fell, Lucy suddenly runs to hug me. I laughed which earned a slap on my shoulders from Susan.

"How are you laughing?! You're going to be killed!" Susan squeaks now sobbing hard.

"I'm going to be fine," I said. "No, you're not," Lucy replied releasing me from her arms.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault" said Edmund.

"It's no one's fault. I will not be killed."

"How? The White Witch said it must be done," asked Peter.

"There's always a way. Peter, I fought a basilisk when I was 12, I faced a werewolf the next year. I will live." I stated, stepping forward "And Peter, promise me to always take care of them. Be brave." I said putting my hand on his jaw "I know you will be a great king."

"Amy..." He whispered which I replied with a smile before putting my hands back down then turn to look at Edmund

"Edmund. Everyone makes mistakes, the only difference is some let the shame eat them while others move on stronger. And I want you to do your best to be you." He smiled bitterly. "No more arrogance, okay?" I laughed.

"Susan," I said facing her.

"No." She replied. "Stop it, Amy, why are you being like that."

I chuckled "I just want to. Okay, Susan, can you please stop being so sassy. You are intelligent, you know what you're doing. I do not doubt that you'll be a great and beautiful queen."

"We doesn't fully know you, but Amy, I know what you do is for the best for us and Narnia, " said Susan. I know they are wondering why I never talked to them about what's been bothering me and I know they understand.

"Yes. Speaking like a true queen. You will fully know me when the right time comes as I am still discovering who I am." I replied before looking over to Lucy,

"And for Lucy, You are the girl who has the purest heart that I ever met. A kind but a valiant queen. An inspiration to all Narnians." I said one last time before looking at all of them.

"I already can see you four on your throne, making Narnia a better place," I stated.

"With you between us. A strong and powerful Queen" said Peter pulling me between them, Him and Edmund on the left, Susan and Lucy on the right. "As what Susan said we don't fully know you yet. But you showed us that you cared for us even though you're different and we were just strangers."

"Finally, Peter said something right," said Susan making us all laugh.

Thank you for accepting me as who I am.

Third Person's POV

Their whole day seems to go smoothly, Amaryllis had convinced them that she will be fine when the truth is she doesn't know how. She also tried to remember or foresee the enchantress memories again, but she can't.

She also found out that Aslan explained to Narnians who doubt her that she doesn't practice Dark Magic and is a sorceress in Narnia.

She also talked to Aslan and he said they'll try to negotiate with the White Witch again tonight. That's why she's now waiting for him outside their tent. The Pevensies and Narnians are all peacefully asleep.

She waited patiently until she finally saw Aslan come out of his tent, she walks towards him. "Good Evening, Aslan." she greeted.

"Good Evening, Amy. Did you bring your necklace?" Aslan asked.

"Yes, it's in my pocket. Why is it necessary anyway?" She asked as she and Aslan started walking to the woods where they'll meet the White Witch.

"You'll know," Aslan answered.

Amy frowned playfully. "Jadis seems to love the woods, doesn't she? that's why she almost resembles an albino snake." She joked. Aslan chuckled.

They walked further until Amy heard something from behind, Aslan also noticed so they stopped. "Shouldn't you two be in bed?" said Aslan.

Amy turned and saw Susan and Lucy walking out of one of the trees.

"We couldn't sleep," said Lucy walking forward. "Please, Aslan. Couldn't we come with you?" Susan added.

"We would be glad of the company for a while. Thank you," Aslan replied.

Amy gestured for them to walk faster. She put her arms around Lucy's shoulders letting her walk between her and Aslan while Susan went beside him.

They started walking without saying any more words until Susan and Lucy realized that they were walking a bit farther away than they thought. Amaryllis also have no clue where they are or where exactly the white witch is.

"It is time," said Aslan breaking the deafening silence. "From here, Amaryllis and I must go on alone."

"But Aslan-" Susan was about to decline but Amy interrupted. "It's okay, Susan. We'll be okay. Right Aslan?"

"You have to trust me, for this must be done. Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell," Aslan said that made Amy's face fell. What was Aslan talking about? They will just try to negotiate with the White Witch, or will they? She shook the ideas out of her head, she thought maybe she's just misinterpreted what Aslan just said.

"Let's go, Amy," Aslan said. Amy didn't notice that he's already walking so she quickly walked forward glancing at Susan and Lucy one last time.


"Aslan?" Amy muttered as soon as she saw the White Witch's servants who are squealing, cheering, roaring, making annoying noises holding burning torches with Jadis on a table like stone.

"Aslan, what is this?!" Amy asked anxiously. "I-I don't understand. W-what are thinking

"As I said earlier, trust me," he replied. Amy sighed heavily, her heart beating so violently.

She holds onto Aslan tightly as they went up, walking closer to the White Witch. All of the nasty creatures make noises right in front of their faces as they continue taking steps.

The White Witch also walked on the very centre of the Stone Table with a dagger in her hands.

"Behold, the great lion and his weak weapon." She announced, the creatures started laughing maniacally.

Jadis nods and one of her servants hit Aslan hard that made him fall to the ground.

"ASLAN!" Amy screamed about to shot a spell but they grabbed her hands and started burning them using their torches. Amy screams in so much pain that she fell on her knees, her ears rang making her not hear all the mocks and laughter.

"Bind them!" The White Witch ordered. The creatures pulled Amy by her hair dragging her up to the table then binds her onto a large piece of wood using a huge rope. While the others tied Aslan's mouth, and feet.

"Wait!" said Jadis "Let him first be shaved!"

They cheered and started to cut Aslan's fur and mane.

"STOP IT!" Amy shrieked. "NO! ASLAN!"

The White Witch looks at her smirking evilly before walking towards her. "I told you, I will get rid of you," she whispered as she strokes her face with the dagger.

Amy yelled at her face but she just looks at her coldly before slapping her hard using the handle of the knife. She looks up blood streaming down her nose glaring at her full of anger.

The White Witch then cast a spell to create a stone that she put on Amy's mouth to keep her mouth shut before turning to walk back to Aslan "Bring him to me," she ordered which they immediately did. They dragged Aslan up to the stone table, his and Amaryllis' eyes met, he looks at her as if saying "It's fine, trust me." as tears keep on falling from Amy's eyes.

They all made noises again, some are screeching, howling, and growling while some laugh and yell something to mock them.

Jadis put her arms up then everyone became silent in just a second. So silent that Amy could just hear the burning wood from their torch and her heart beating suffocatingly fast.

But it didn't last long as they started to stomp the ground using their torches creating a sound that matches perfectly to Amy's heartbeat

Jadis bends her knees and touches Aslan's fur then said "You know, Aslan. I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life..." she paused then looks over to Amy, "And saving no one." She chuckled.

"So much for love," she said turning back at Aslan.

She stood, the creatures still making the noises. She looks at them with all confidence and loudly said "Tonight... The Deep Magic will ve appeased," The noise became louder

"But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" The White Witch yelled making everyone cheer again.

"In that knowledge, despair..." she raised her hand with the knife positioning to stab Aslan. "And die!" Aslan shut his eyes ready to take the blade but he felt nothing. He opened his eyes and saw the blade onto Amy's chest her eyes wide open with the unexpected attack as she started to choke, blood streaming from her stabbed chest and within a few seconds her head fell, lifeless.

"Oh, sorry. I just want to witness your reaction if your weapon dies." She walks towards Amy pulling the dagger mercilessly but she quickly backed away when she pulled it from her chest, her body started to vanish slowly turning into ashes.

"Oh, that's so much better. Isn't Aslan?" She said walking back to Aslan as Amy vanish and vanish until there's nothing left of her. "Now, Aslan." she lifted her hand with the knife once again. "I wonder what will happen to your kings and queens tomorrow? Your weapon is gone, and so are you!" She said before stabbing him with all force.

Aslan groans, as they made noises even louder. Until Aslan took his one last breath. And just like that both Aslan and Amy, both Narnia's hope are gone at the hands of the enemy, leaving the two destined queens embracing each other after witnessing everything.

