
As The Narnian Queen felt her feet reached the ground, a familiar scent of air greeted her.

She looks up, her eyes twinkled at the sight of the castle under the bright full moon.

At last. Hogwarts.

After visiting and informing her parents that they won and they are so proud and supportive of her so she immediately went back to Hogwarts by apparating outside the Hogwarts grounds.

If someone could see her they'll think she's a lunatic, looking at Hogwarts Castle in admiration from afar. But she just cannot help but be stunned every time she sees it for the first time, as the Enchantress 15 years ago, as Amaryllis four years ago, and now as both. It reminds her of Cair Paravel... And the Pevensies... Peter.

She took a deep breath, in this world, they have a lot of time. Amaryllis promised herself, she will be back, she'll meet the Pevensies again and hear Peter's reply.

She took a glance at her pocket watch and realized she's a bit early which is great because she has to see Dumbledore to thank him for everything he has done and offer him her help. Hogwarts is also her home after all.

And then she realized, The trio! Oh Merlin, she almost forgot! Since it has been Fifteen years had passed for her, their faces are blurry in her mind and she will be so glad to see them again, see her family again.

She shut her eyes, feeling the cold fresh air on her face and the wind blowing through her hair.

She's ready. "Aslan may guide me," she whispered before opening her eyes.

She started stepping towards the castle leaving the thought of her previous home, Narnia, behind. Filling her thoughts of who she's supposed to be. Not a Queen, not as The Enchantress, but a common 15-year-old witch with ordinary abilities.

And another adventure begins.

