I know some of you already read some of the chapters in here. But expect to see major changes!

So, Welcome back. Sorry for the long wait!

This is
The Witch 2: The Enchantress


"Professor" Amaryllis muttered in acknowledgement as the infamous Hogwarts headmaster watched her enter the room with an apparent twinkle in his eyes.

"Amaryllis. I did not expect you to be here too early" the headmaster said though not really looking confused

"I would not say it's early. Curious thing, time. I never really understand it" the Narnian queen chuckled. "But with that look on your face, I know you know what happened and that I am coming"

He chuckled "I did receive a notice from our former professor." Albus Dumbledore spoke gesturing for her to sit on the chair in front of the headmaster's table. He is closely examining her every movement as if looking for something he is expecting to be there.

"What I do not know on the other hand is why did you come back? You told me you would stay" Dumbledore asked pushing a little platter with yellow coloured sweets towards the Gryffindor student which she accepted putting a piece in her mouth

"That is what I thought for 15 years, Albus. This, all these are merely a vivid memory. Kinda hurts my head as suddenly all the forgotten times came back. the old and the new" Amy sighed inwardly "But I guess my heart still remembers, Amaryllis remembers" She whispered audibly.

"You are very welcome in Hogwarts, Amaryllis. And besides, I would need a hand, especially the hands that glow" Dumbledore responded, making Amy chuckle.

"I would love to help you. But I know I have changed, the consciousness of the enchantress has changed my view of the world and I don't know how to explain this to everyone, especially to the trio. They are smart enough to know something isn't right"

"You have matured, that's all Amaryllis. Your age is typically the age where young changes their perception of the world and I know they would understand." Dumbledore answered "Or perhaps just be truthful? No?"

"We both know how eager Tom is to make me his ally. If some9ne finds out that I am not actually just Amaryllis, eventually he will..." The enchantress stated "I am not afraid if he wants to kill me, What I worry about is everyone I care for. I did not realize how dark his little mind works back then, and I know it has gotten worse now."

Albus nodded "I support you in all your decisions. But I do hope you continue your education. The ministry may find it suspicious especially if they found out the trace on you were removed."

"Of course Albus. I know that's the only thing for me to stay here unnoticed and I'll do my best to stay low. But I wish everything would stay between the two of us for the time being" Amy suggested

"Well, about that... I have invited one more. If you don't mind?" Albus asked

Amy furrowed her eyebrows. "Who?"

"A very trustworthy friend of mine who is coming any time now" As if on cue three loud knocks were heard "Ah, my calculations never fail me." he muttered before saying "You may come in" a little louder for the person behind the door to hear

The door swung open in a forceful action "What is it that you need" A low baritone voice echoed across the room. Amaryllis stared at the dark cloaked figure in the doorway who then looks at the Narnian queen in confusion.

Amy looks at Dumbledore and then questioned "Professor Snape?" The headmaster nodded, totally entertained to see the confusion in both of his most trusted companions.

