
Chapter Ten: Who am I?

"Aslan? May I have a word?"

Aslan glance at Amy then nods "I knew you would ask. Follow me." he responded. She followed the great lion inside the huge tent. The inside of the tent doesn't even look like a tent, there were sofas in the left corner and chairs on the other side, it almost looks like a house with a circular table in the middle with a map of Narnia.

"You may sit," Aslan said gesturing with his paw to let her sit on one of the wooden chairs.

She sat down trying to practice the words she'll say on her mind.
"Aslan..." She started. "I think I'm not supposed to be here. I-it's not that I don't want to be here, but don't you think that I might ruin the prophecy because of my existence." Amy explained.

Aslan chuckled which made her confused "Which you don't. Do you think they'll go this far if it weren't for you?" He asked.

"It's not all because of me. And I lost my wand, I am useless now. I cannot protect or help them anymore." Amy responded her eyes full of self-loathing.

"Witchcraft here in Narnia is considered black magic so it is forbidden. However you are not born in Narnia, your powers came from you, not from your wand, nor books. It's all in you." Aslan paused. "Believe in yourself. Narnia is very much glad to have you."

Amy stayed silent. Aslan's words echo in her mind as she recalls everything that she did and how it affected the prophecy. Her questions started to vanish one by one but there's only one left. She was about to say it but Aslan spoke.

"You met Father Christmas?" Aslan asked looking at the necklace she's wearing. It was what Amy wanted to ask. What was Father Christmas talking about?

"Yes... And he said about meeting me again after a hundred years. I... I don't understand. Who am I, Aslan? Or should I say Who was I?" She asked as Aslan walks to what seems like a chest box. A huge chest box.

Aslan looked up in her direction as if saying "Come here"

Amy walked closer to where Aslan is. He removed his paw from the top of the chest then said "Open it."

"What's in it?" asked Amy curiously

"I can answer your question more easily with what's inside." He answered calmly.

Amy leaned forward, removing the unlocked old padlock from it as she slowly opens the chest.

"Clothes?" She asked when she saw multiple dresses with elegant designs and patterns. It's like what a queen would wear every day. Until something caught Amy's attention. There was a piece of parchment under one of the dresses. She looks at Aslan to ask if she could get it, he nodded taking a step backwards to give her space.

Amy took the parchment, it was a letter. Whoever wrote it knows how quill and ink work with how beautiful and elegant the handwriting is. Her eyes widen as she saw her name written at the very beginning as she started to read it out loud.



Welcome to Narnia. I know you're doubting yourself so stop. You're destined to be here Narnia. And I will be very disappointed if you think of us that way again.

"Us?" Amy thought. "What did she meant by us?" Wanting to find the answer she immediately continues to read.

These are our belongings, I asked Aslan to take care of them for you. I want you to use them starting from now. And If anything is broken, don't blame me. It's Aslan's fault.

Sorry, I want to say more things but I have to finish this letter now. Believe in yourself. Protect the Kings and Queens no matter what happens. Narnia is on your hands. Long Live Aslan.

For Narnia.


"Who wrote this? Why did this person know about us?" Amy asked Aslan. But Aslan walked closer to the chest and Amy saw another paper... No, it seems like a photograph. A very old photograph. It was facing down so she took it and looked at what's in the photo. She gasped, seeing her face but older with Aslan behind the woman that looks so much like her. It is not like any normal photo it's like it was made to capture that very moment but not using a camera. On the bottom right corner written 'Narnia 900'

Even though they share the same face, the woman is different in some ways. Her wavy hair falls to her waist, She looks so graceful, her stare is just like Aslan, both have the stare of a true leader, knowledge, and passion. But Amy doesn't know why but the woman and Aslan looks sad in the photo. The colours also faded because of a hundred years that passed by but she can still notice a purple coloured light that seems like it came from the woman's body.

She also notices the necklace on the woman's neck is the very same necklace she's wearing.

"Who is she?" Amy whispered.

"She's the Enchantress. Her powers created the land of Narnia." Aslan said taking Amy's attention from the photo.

"But they said you created Narnia?" she asked in confusion.

"Yes. She made the land and I brought the life." He explained.

"But why no one ever mentioned her to us? As she also created Narnia."

"The Enchantress hated recognition. She wanted her efforts to be seen but not to be told. She even refused to be a queen." Aslan answered.

"But why do I look like her?" She asked once again staring at the photo.

"You do not look like her, Amaryllis." Aslan placed his paw on the photo on her hand to make her stop staring at it before saying.

"You are her."

