86 - The March - Part 4

Arven Ruxder's Point Of View

I grew up in the southern part of fief Sastrain in what was once Darkfolk Grove. Despite not being on the frontline we have our own problems. The dukedom east of us doesn't care for their peasants, and in turn many of them turn to banditry.

For better or for worse the peasants can travel freely, but at one point there is no room in the neighboring fiefs, nor du they have energy to travel further... the worst part is when the dukedom begins to use their troops to control the populace. Those are the seasons we get the most bandits... or rather... people that give and do whatever needed to survive. Begging included... still, most of them have killed to get there, so should you help them or kill them? The only ones we usually let go are women and children.

I know that women and children can kill, I don't underestimate them... but I still want to keep them safe. This includes our new commander.

Of course I was surprised to learn that she was a woman. Her story is one of legends, and yet I couldn't reconcile with the thought of putting her in as much danger as everyone else. Not only is she the daughter of a marquess, but she's a legend. If she dies every single bit of morale fades.

So I asked her to move to the back line. She didn't take it well.

She actually explained her argument carefully, and when she finished I could have given in and accepted her words and avoided the duel. Still, I accepted. Why? If she lost, then she would be protected, and I also wanted to confirm her strength.

Who wouldn't want to have the chance to measure their strength and skill against a legend?

Lily Celeste is a very light weight looking person. She looks like you could pick her up on an arm and have an easy time. Usually weight and strength is correlated. Heavy people have more weight to put into their actions. Height is comparable. No matter how trained you are, these things will affect your base strength. Furthermore, Lily does not have the body of someone doing excessive strength training... to see her truly wield the branch she randomly picked up like a stick was the first indication something was wrong.

I'd heard from Asher that Augustus used poetry and movements to activate his spells, but when you see it up close you get this feeling that something is wrong. My fairy, Callie grimaced at every poem and shuddered. She whispered the following words to me about her water fairy:

"It doesn't control water, it is water."

I don't entirely understand the difference, but I knew that her magic is different from Eric's. Healing magic, but from a water mage. How is it even possible? Would I be able to use it as well? Is it grand level magic perhaps? Are the spell constructions too advanced?

I was hoping to see her use healing magic, or rather, to hear. If she build her spells with words, then that might be a hint... so I thought... but her poetry gave no sense to any spell construction logic. She... just asked for it to happen, and then nothing seemed to happen. I felt weird and cautious, but there was no sign of the effect. No glow, her visible fairy didn't move either...

Sometimes you get an instant feeling that someone is more skilled than you. The instant the duel started that feeling went through me... but at the same time I... felt relieved... she moved fast... she even went through my knockback... she even temporarily paralyzed my shoulder... but with just a single glance of hers as she rated her own skill... I knew that whatever she used as comparison would have knocked me out rather than just paralyze my shield arm.


With the duel over I bowed respectfully. I probably gained more from this than she did, however, none of the first and second years would challenge her after this.

There were some that were more stiff traditionalists, but I think we may have been prepared for this. Whenever Eric came by and the conversation turned on the topic of ladies, Eric seemed to make a point about talking us about some of the things women pulled off in court and at parties. Then of course the topic turned on village girls carrying buckets of water or preparing food. Like he had been indirectly telling us not to underestimate them. Eric may be a bit more sly than he is given credit for.

Still, I am relieved that he is heading back to Edrax, the fief of house Celeste. He is a brilliant strategist and likes coming by to challenge the fourth year students to chess or debates over strategies while they pour over map after map. In addition, he is incredibly well liked both among our classmates, but also by his fief from what I hear.

Augustus is a legendary hero, but Eric is the everyday hero. For a fief Eric is the best person to have there, because they are sure he will be with them every step of the way and in the days that follow. For the citizens Eric is the best choice. For knights like us the best choice is Augustus. It's challenging new heights and legends. Augustus is a symbol for us to strive for.

Though, to think we would meet the actual person is incredible, but at the same time... both weirdly relieving and disappointing. Augustus... Lily... is a proper human being. Her words are sharp, her skills are refined although weird... yet, she walked away from the duel stiffly and awkwardly. She's not the kind of Hero that tells you how to improve after you are defeated, but she's respectful.

That evening I had the honor of fighting a legend, but I also saw that legend become human for a moment. In that one moment Asher returned to follow her around like a guard dog at her heels.


"So, How was it?" Spence asks curiously as we return to our tents. He's my childhood friend and the son of a Baron that has territory next to the northern part of Edrax. Still, we get along well.

"Surprising. I didn't think she was that strong. I think she was at least twice as strong as me. Even if it was just a branch the amount of force she could put into it was amazing. I don't even think it would be physically possible." Spence's eyes glow with curiosity and interest at my words.

"Seriously?! Even though she's so cute!"

Spence was quite excitable. Something that is both his good and his bad point. I glance around curiously but don't see the one I'm looking for.

"Have you seen Darius?"

Darius is a second year from Edrax, House Celeste's territory. Because Spence's family deal with a lot of trade, he gets along with Darius, whose family is merchants. Darius a bit peculiar for a knight though. He's light footed and likes to appear and disappear when he wants. He's using magic for it too. Why he, a knight, uses something to sneak? He's shy and prefers watching from a distance. He's quite easily startled too. At least his sound manipulation of silence can be used on larger areas too.

"Darius... huh..." Spence replies somewhat absentmindedly.

"I don't know." Spence's smile fades and he scratches the back of his head a bit.

"He's gotten better since he started at the Academy, but he doesn't interact enough with people. One day he's going to get attacked while sneaking around and we won't know because of that bad habit of his."

Spence sighs. "He needs a girl to tie him down somewhere. It's your turn to go looking for him by the way." I stare at Spence quietly.

I don't like hide and seek.



Thankfully it doesn't take me long to find him. He's talking with the only girl in camp. I'm not counting Lily. She's not a love target, more of a rivalry target if I had to compare.

Still, Darious, though awkwardly, interacts with the nervous looking girl. He even made her give a slight smile too. For some reason he's one of those few youngest siblings that didn't get spoiled, so he probably noticed she needed to smile... damn sneaky charmer.

If- ... when we get back again you're paying for drinks! Multiple! And don't think you can get out of this one!

I head back to let them enjoy themselves. Don't misunderstand, even if he isn't flirting with her he will still have to pay for drinks.

Still, at least Darius is more upfront that he actually does care for us than Peony. That guy doesn't seem to care about anything other than skills. I don't know why Vitis keeps trying to force Peony into the group to no apparent avail. That guy doesn't care about making friends. How Vitis keeps having the patience to be rejected by Peony amazes me.


"Did you find him?"

I glance to Spence who looks around curious for our missing teammate.

"He's talking with the girl on the wagon."

Spence hums a bit before this escapes him:

"Our little Darius has grown up!" He adds exaggeratedly. He doesn't stop until a few minutes later though. If we took Spence and mixed him with Darius, would we get a normal person?

If nothing else, we've no lack of odd personalities. I'm not sure if that makes us a bad joke, or the beginning of a new legend.
