24 - The Obligations of Nobility

With his Highness out of the way I can return to the event ahead. Despite it being an incredibly big event, the specific details weren't mentioned a lot in the novel. Though, that was to be expected for the novel's genre. Anything too gruesome would frighten away the audience.

I did, however, know the following:

The bandits hadn't been repelled until the castle soldiers arrived. I know this because the heroine was saved by one of the soldiers. She never mentioned a specific name, but at the time she had been distraught by the murder of her mother, so I couldn't blame her.

...Furthermore... by the time the soldiers came the city had been pretty ravaged. The reason why was simple... you see, Father isn't here, and neither is most of our forces. A few days ago our troops set off north to face off with the Zocrian troops, that approaching our border from another passage.

This wasn't the first time they'd done this, and other than putting pressure on father it didn't appear to have any purpose, however, Father couldn't leave them be in case they really intended to do something.

It was a delicate situation, and on top of that they had the guts to do this in a period where we would hold a festival. Surely you can imagine the dejection on the soldiers' faces.

As for the situation here... If it had been possible, I would have had the city evacuated or extra patrols in the city, but I simply didn't have the power. There was a limit to how much I could do as an 8 year-old girl. The plan is to get the heroine and her mother to the castle so that they'll be safe.

To be honest that is how far my influence stretches, and both father, mother and Eric had been suspicious about my movements recently. The heroine's mother was a maid, and the heroine was even lower status wise. She was not appropriate for a 'playmate'. Furthermore, I do not talk with the maids other than to remind them of things they forget or request things.

Magdalin may have attempted to persuade me to be kinder to them, but this is always the way I treated servants as Rei. With a cool distance, but just close enough to make sure nothing is out of order. Maids and servants often gather rumors faster than nobles, no matter what world you are in, so keeping an eye on them is important. They'll know things you need to fix before you do. Well, they are still property of the land though, though their loyalty is not unconditional, loyalty never is.


I glance at the white dress Ameline has put me in for the meeting with the heroine. It's... pretty... it is, but I keep being reminded of clothes I miss. Honestly I am tense, not because of the meeting with the heroine... but because I can't go personally get rid of the vermin crawling in the city. I end up clicking my tongue at the thought of them.

"Ojou-sama, a lady doesn't click her tongue."

Yes, welcome back Ameline. I know I've been ignoring you at the Salender mansion, but do you really need to keep doing this. Well, if nothing else, despite her constant nagging she never whined or did anything unnecessary other than nag.

"We do not need to spend so long. She is the girl of a servant. You are being too thorough, Ameline." I tried to wave her off since she kept messing with my hair.

"That cannot do! Jacqueline's daughter is incredibly cute, so you cannot lose to her!" She insisted, with determination filling her eyes. No, really, I was supposed to lose to her, you know? I brushed her off.

"I have no intentions of competing with her. If brother fawns over her then so be it."

Ameline's lips pressed into a pout at my words.

"I am heading out."

I made sure to stop her before she retorted. She was too clever for her own good after all.

I stepped out of my room and immediately headed for the front hall of the mansion where Jacqueline and her daughter should be waiting. Except... they weren't...


I looked around as my stomach filled with a sinking feeling. They were nowhere to be seen. I hurried towards head maid Jocey's location for this time of the day.

"Jocey!" My voice rang out through the halls, and our poor head maid nearly jumped into the air from shock of hearing her own name.

"H-hai! Ojou-sama." She turned towards me with a glint of happiness in her eyes, but it likely faded as she saw my dark expression.

"Where is Jacqueline?" My stomach turned. If someone had made her go into the city, they were dead.

"No, uhm, her daughter was sick so she excused herself for the day..."

I felt dizzy for a moment. Was this a part of the original story? We had been kinder to her recently so if her daughter was sick now we would let her go. This was not something that would have happened in the novel.

I didn't have time to scold Jocey for not informing me of this. She hadn't thought it would make a difference, a careless mistake on her part.

I turned around and set into a dash towards my room.

"Ojou-sama! A lady doesn't run!"

I could hear Ameline's voice in the background, but I didn't have time to deal with her.

If this was how things were then I had no choice but to take matters into my hands personally. I gritted my teeth as I reached my room and ripped off the dress as hastily as I could. I had to change into the set of clothes I had from Eric. I couldn't do anything in a dress. I'd just finished getting off the chemise and under skirt when Ameline burst into my room. She was panting.


I moved past her to the closet and pulled out the white shirt, sliding it on in a rush.

"W-what are you doing?"

I glanced her.

"I am heading out," I said while hopping a bit as I tried to get into the pants. I miss my hakama!

"In that?! Where? I'll call a coach," she almost stuttered out in confusion, then realized I was heading to visit Jacqueline and her daughter.

"You cannot head out like that! You are a lady!"

I slipped on the shoes that followed the outfit with one hand and undid the pretty setup Ameline had made with my hair.

"Warn the knights in the castle that a bandit attack is incoming, they'll know what to do." I brushed her words off like water on a leaf.


I bound my hair into a fox tail with a ribbon and slipped on the vest while Ameline's expression grew pallid. Her mouth opened and closed, but she was too confused to act.

I headed towards the door, ready to set into a run when Ameline's fingers gripped me.

"Ojou-sama! If there are bandits then you cannot leave! It is dangerous!"

Huh? I stared up at Ameline with a cold gaze and grabbed her hand. I pulled it off with enough force that she gave a small sound of surprise.

"You are in the way, Ameline. The danger is why I am heading out," I declared with a voice nearing ice.

"You must not! You are a lady! A lady does not fight! Just because you train with your fair-"

I didn't let her finish. I gripped her arm and pulled her down to the ground so her eyes were lower than me and then slapped her across the cheek without holding back. She let out a scream of shock.

"That is enough,  Ameline. You're out of line. I'll endure your petty and useless nagging, but if you prevent me from fulfilling my duty to the people as a noble I will cut you down. If you want a cute little dress up doll of an Ojou-sama I suggest you resign, for I am not one."

I am not a compassionate. Magdalin is under the impression that I am, but I am not.

I was prepared to suffer the dishonor of doing nothing, with the hope that nothing would happen... just to prevent the consequences of what would happen if I were to show myself as I am... however... I no longer have room to consider that...

FINE! If I must create a political havoc, then I might as well go all out. Let's rid the city of the vermin!

I have already long slipped out of Ameline's reach. I've spent too long on scolding her.

I dart through the mansion and burst through the front door without hesitation. Lily has never actually been to the city, but I don't need to know the city that well. I just need to know the location of the stables, which I already do.

The poor soldiers standing guard at the mansion reach out to stop me, since I am not to leave the mansion. But they're thankfully too slow. The stables are nearby, and I quickly pick out a seemingly strong minded one of them and pull it out. Lumere appears in his full sized knight form for the first time and watches me curiously, but also worriedly. I grin at him in return. Lumere really is such a kind god.

"I was never good at playing nice anyway."

The horse is just barely saddled before I ride through the open gates, ignoring the gaping and stunned looks from our knights.

Thankfully the ride is quite even, I'll be there soon.

I'll punish the filthy vermin ten times over for every blood of my citizens they spill!
