59 - Vows and Loyalty - Part 2

They start out with stretches to prepare for what will probably be a pretty long training session. Already just from this it's pretty clear who goes for what kind of traits. The two red knights are vastly more bendable than anyone else after all... and the Tepet knights... uuu... they should stretch more often. They can't reach their toes...

I sip my tea quietly and watch the calm scene unfold together with Magdalin. They're a rowdy bunch of young men, but it's a happy thing to watch.

They split up into groups and lines and spread out at the edge of the training field before beginning a warm up run. It's terribly nostalgic, isn't it? All that is missing is a marching song. Of course the Tepet boys are the first to start out. It's an old one with a topic of 'a lady worth fighting for'.

You should have heard it, I nearly cracked over in laughter. It didn't seem like they'd noticed us after all, and singing something like that with women near... was not quite appropriate.

Magdalin didn't have my composure and had to look away while covering her mouth. Her shoulders are still shaking though.

Interestingly, for this year there are almost as many young men from our territory as from Tepet's. Is the Tepet region having a hard year? Or is it because it's been relatively peaceful the last few years?

Still... I can see the blue dressed young men sending annoyed looks behind them to the Tepet guys... and with that something changes... and the air trembles with a song that makes my hand tremble enough to make my tea cup clatter and heat rise to my cheeks.

It is that song.

The song the soldiers sang to me eight years ago.

Why is it here?!

Furthermore they're so loud they've completely drowned out the other song. If you're that loud it'll be heard all the way to the other school buildings!

As if to challenge the Tepet boys further they speed up as well by multiple times and pass them by an entire round... more than once... this is just warm up you know?!


I put the tea cup down on the table and fold my hands in my lap.

"Ah, the Celeste fief song," Magdalin hums calmly.

"HAH?!" Bursts out of me as a response to her words.

Magdalin turns to me and gives me a wide smile.

"Oh~ Lily-sama didn't know? That song has become an incredibly popular folk song in the Celeste territory over the last eight years, sung at both parties and festivals."


My leg hit the top of the table.

Magdalin just grins at me.

"Furthermore, it's used for marching songs and 'vocal training' for young squires and soldiers for them to use their voice. It is a requirement that it is sung loud."

I get a vague feeling that she is having fun seeing me flustered at this. Especially so when she quietly begins to sing along...

Please... stop... Magdalin, you don't really know how serious this is!

Thankfully the song is stopped abruptly before I curled over from embarrassment as someone yelled something they shouldn't have:

"Like a child could do that! You're probably just making it up anyway!"

Oh my...

The blue group stops up abruptly and turn around with poisonous looks... just for a moment... then the training ground bursts out in rage filled yells. The two groups end up making a line against each other, and with one it explodes. The two loudest from each group jumps each other, and while some try to pull them off each other, others seem to be all in and instead brings up the tension further.

A couple of mantled figures burst out from the knight building next to the training spot, one blue and two green. I assume it to be some of the older knights, but though the Tepet knights calm down a bit, the ones from our territory don't calm down that easily. Probably because the one that came to split them apart has gotten angry too.

"Are you going to interfere, Lady Lily?" Magdalin asks me with a calm smile.

I stand up and tug the skirt down a bit.

"As the daughter of the Lord I must make sure they act gracefully," I respond with a politeness I know she's going to ignore. We probably both know I just want to go down there to take a closer look.


As expected I am the shortest thing around other than Magdalin.

We approach the groups calmly by walking down the slope. Of course, they are too busy dealing with each other to notice us... in that case...


I roar out at them, and they follow beautifully, going quiet in an instant. Even from here I can see their color drain a bit at the thought a teacher just appeared...

It took them a couple of seconds before the Tepet guys notice that I've appeared behind them... but I calmly take a step forward. The poor surprised men step backwards. None of them have land and as such no title other than knight. Right now I am a terrifying being to them... but more so to those from our fief..

I move through the guys like splitting the waters and finally get to the three second years that were arguing with whispers until their eyes fall on me.

I focus my gaze upon the second year blue knight who was all puffed up like he was about to rip the Tepet guys apart... He had rough caramel brown hair and a pair of mauve eyes that... seemed quite familiar...

I narrowed my eyes for a moment, and his in turn fluttered over me.

"He-" He stopped right there as his eyes moved down.

"Ah, Asher Baker!" It was the little kid that had saved me with a rolling pin eight years ago.

I look him up and down. He's grown amazingly. He's well defined all over, nice and wide over the shoulders... he's too dressed for me to check it out any better...

"...L-Lily-sama..." He says out uncertainly and draws my attention back up to his eyes. His cheeks have flushed red and he's looking incredibly confused.

"Yes. I was here to see if there was a problem." I state my purpose, but it doesn't seem to calm him one bit... as his eyes lock onto the sweet little fish flying around me...

See... this was what I realized when our beloved heroine said her friend was certain he had seen Augustus. For those that saw me 8 years ago as Augustus... they'd recognize Lumere... Of course, during the meeting with the king back then I'd asked Lumere to hide... but it was much too late with someone like Asher.

His expression began to change at an incredible pace. Confusion. Rechecking my skirt. Checking my height. Remembering something. Then... understanding... then confusion and... eh.... that's a difficult one... shock... I'd say. Like 'what, the man I've admired for nearly a decade is a girl?!' sort of shock.

His expression went blank.

Of course it did. After all, with this he can't stand by Augustus' side. Asher thought he should join the Celeste military to stand by my side. Now he realizes he joined the wrong one. Though, the role of my bodyguard falls partly on Lionel as well. It's the expression of momentary defeat.

He recovers quickly though.

Then stares at me.

"I see, Celeste-sama. It is merely a minor argument. It is nothing requiring your attention," he tries to assure me.

He is right though, it isn't, not anymore. The Celeste knights have all frozen up like little sticks of ice... if what Magdalin said is true, then Asher is likely not the only one to make the realization, but... as they've sworn loyalty to house Celeste then they'll hopefully keep quiet... hopefully... A couple of the Tepet Knights ended up sending interested glances at both Magdalin and I... and as a response a certain amount of killing intent was sent in their direction from the other side.


Asher calls my name for attention... and a mystical look fills his eyes as he watches me closely...

He kneels down in front of me gracefully, but doesn't take my hand. Just looks up at me with... intense eyes... as if they're piercing me...

"I will remake the vow I swore to you eight years ago," he speaks insistently as if to force my attention on him.

"I will stay by your side."

Did he say such a thing? I've been told such a thing times before... but I wonder... why do I feel.....

So odd... at those words...

So bitter.
