147 - The Meeting of Wind and Water - Part 3

Eric Celeste's Point Of View

Lily is still seething with anger, and her attempts of covering it up aren't covering it fully. Even if she hides it you can still feel the tension around her. The way her breathing and walking is forced makes it seem artificial. To be quite honest it is unsettling.

I am not comfortable with going into a meeting with Lily in this state even though I know she usually does well even under pressure.

As we walk to the great hall her hands end up clenching regularly, and her fiery stare is stiffly in front of her. At this point I have no idea what angered her, nor what could soothe her obvious fury.

'Are you alright? We can postpone the meeting if you need it,' had I offered her a way out of the situation she might charge into it rashly instead due to her overwhelming arrogance with these things.

"Perhaps it is better to postpone the meeting until people have settled down. Iris and Magdalin seemed quite upset."

This is the best way I can think of to give her a way out without having her be troublesome. Her answer? A dry, "once the meeting is over I will talk with them before I leave. I do not intend to stay overnight."

I will admit that I was not expecting this. My brows end up furrowing. I was expecting her to stay for at least a couple of days to discuss battle plans against Zocria.

"You will leave again so soon? You've spent a long time on the road, the knights will need rest."

I'm against her leaving so quickly, but Lily doesn't seem to care for my discomfort.

"Let them rest. When they've rested you can choose whether they should go back to the Tepet lands. My first priority is in the capital to deal with politics, after that I'll return to the front line."

She says out the last phrase with an incredibly vicious sneer, signifying her usual contempt for politics.

"I trust you with Zocria, but Headal has some troublesome individuals that need to be dealt with."

Her lips curl into a frown at those words like a hound out for blood. By her standards I thought she would be elated at the thought of a worthy opponent, so this anger means that someone did something... unpleasant.

On a slightly different topic... I understand that Lily probably got injured and that she needed another set of clothes, but did Lionel really have to choose clothes not only in the Tepet colors but also with his own personal coat of arms embroidered into the fabric?

If this is anything like placing a conquering flag on her then I'll need to have a very long conversation with the idiot about appropriate behavior.

I'm ripped from my train of thought as Lily freezes in place.

"Did you change your mind?" I ask without thinking any further. At least not until I saw her silhouette shrink and the anger dissipate.

He hand clenches over the embroidered coat of arms while her gaze flickers to the ground. Her mask cracks for a moment as her brows furrow. Those hardened eyes of her go soften in pain and... sorrow.

"Are you alright?"

As though she remembers she had frozen, she walks past me without a word, hiding her expressions from me.

"I am fine... I just remembered something," she says out carefully, but her hand is still clenched over the embroidery of Lionel's coat of arms.

Lionel, what did you do to make her remember you with such an expression?

"Is Lionel alright?"

Her hand gives a small twitch as she moves it from the embroidery.

"As far as I know he is well. Headal has yet to move since the declaration, and he was well when I left."

...so why is she giving that expression? He might have told her he had feelings for her, but to be quite honest I doubt she would have accepted wearing his clothes for long if that had happened. She's too much of a prude.

I follow beside her, and I soon note her move her hand to a pendant I haven't seen before either.

Now, I'm not stupid. Lily doesn't carve or whittle even a little, and she wouldn't accept presents from just anyone. Of course it could be Magdalin, but she'd be more likely to give Lily lace or embroidery. In other words, it's probably from Lionel too...

I know that the two of them were fighting when they left the academy, and I admit I somewhat expected them to get along better after fighting alongside each other, but this is pushing it a little. I know Lionel already knew about Lily's secret since she told us, but this doesn't mean he is allowed to spend their resting time flirting.

She is still an engaged woman, Lionel.


We step in through a side door to the great hall of Castle Celeste and find our parents waiting in the grand chairs just ahead of us.

As always mother stands out far beyond what father usually manages to, and that is even though her gaudy dresses and hairpins are gone.

She's finally beginning to get wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, and with all honesty it is a miracle that she ended up being pregnant again. She has been throwing up every morning for a while now. At least it isn't big enough to be visible, but she does look a bit more pallid than usual.

Mother's eyes move to Lily like a snake finding a bird's nest.

"Oh~ is that not Lionel Tepet's clothes from the winter party four years ago just when he started his growth spurt?" You can hear a hint of interest and teasing in mother's voice. She likely made the same assumption I did. Mother's eyes are devouring Lily's reaction.

Now, this may not surprise you, but Lily rarely gets along with mother outside war and etiquette lessons, as such Lily would probably never give mother the reaction she is looking for.

"Your observance in matters of fashion are, while as always impressive, also not appreciated, Mother," Lily replies coldly.

With a disappointed look mother folds her hands on her lap.

"You could stand to act cuter with that face of yours," mother snaps back at Lily.

In return Lily's mutters something under her breath, only to give mother the 'sweetest' smile she can muster. Of course it doesn't reach her eyes at all. Her face goes back to a cold frown as she moves to stand next to father, where I take my place between them. Unlike mother and father the two of us have to stand.

"Welcome home," is all father replies. Of course, if you look closely you can see the hidden relief in his eyes once he has quickly looked her over and made certain she's fine. He's as foolish with these things as Lily is.

They're both too awkward.

"Bring in Lord Wolfram Stanbell and Miss Talwen," he directs a couple of guards. They beat their hand to their chest on opposite the side of their heart and then march off to get our guests.

Lily takes a small breath before beginning one of her prayers. They're usually quite restrained and mostly just words, but this one seems more physical than usual. It's more of a proper dance with how wide and swirling the moves are.

After she finally stops she looks around a bit and clears her throat with a somewhat cautious look on her face.

"...something like this..." a voice not belonging to her escapes her lips.


Her voice changed! Oh god that sounded weird! It's like she took my voice and mixed it with hers.

A shiver crawls down my spine just remembering it.

"What in the world did you do?" It just bursts out of me due to sheer discomfort.

"Asked for help by some wind gods. They agreed and are currently having a great deal of fun. Now get control of yourself before Lord Wolfram and Miss Claire arrive," she grumbles at me in that boyish voice of hers. It doesn't have the charm of a lady's voice anymore, but neither the depth of a man's.

Please... stop. Lily, please go back to your cute voice. It's the only thing that makes up for your vicious way of speaking at this point. 

Look, even father twitched.

Oh dear, even mother looks like she's about to give up on you entirely.

I know I shouldn't complain about Lily seeming more masculine when she's acting as Augustus, the problem is that she fulfills the role too well at times.

Lily sends a glance to mother, as usual putting to question which one of them is truly the mentally oldest.


"Lord Wolfram Stanbell and Miss Claire Talwen arrives!" A guard by the door calls out and pulls our attention down the great hall. The rough cut stone really makes this almost dreary. The windows are small which makes the room somewhat dark. For once we even rolled out the blue carpet and hung up the banners for our knights and vassals. The only window to directly shine light onto the floor is the one which shines upon mother and father's figures as they sit in the great chair.

The doors to the great hall open and in steps Wolfram's lithe figure. His ashen cyan hair is as always unmistakable and as if to make more of an impression a light breeze to make his hair flutter and provide a 'fresh blast of air' to the room.

Then next to him appears Claire-chan. It's been a while so I already forgot just how charming a young lady she is visually. The breeze gently makes her white laced dress flutter. Her snow white hair shimmers as though it draws light itself to her figure. Even her golden eyes seem to have a light of their own as they fall upon Lily's figure.

The sweetest sight of hope fills those golden eyes as she clasps her pale hands in front of her. Even from here I can sense Claire's heartbeat quicken. It's the look of adoration, awe and love. Of all people in the world why did you have to fall for Lily?

Of course, when I glance to Lily I see goosebumps on her neck despite her stoic expression. 

I almost feel sorry for Claire. She won't find a bit of affection from Lily despite being adorable. How Lily cannot be affected by the sweetness of Claire's smile amazes me, but not even Iris' adorable behavior gets much of a reaction out of her.

Since Lily warned me I would fall for Claire I've been cautious, but by the god it is difficult not to be attracted by her. It's quite visible even Wolfram has ended up spoiling her. In Claire's snow white hair rests a flower crown made entirely out of silver. On her wrist a thin bracelet as well.

"Welcome, Lord Wolfram Stanbell. Miss Talwen."

Father's calm voice fills the room as the guards settle into their positions around the room and our guests stop by the foot of the steps in front of us.

"It is an honor to be here, Lord Celeste. It is an unexpected joy to meet you as well, Lady Celeste."

Wolfram bows gracefully and tries to warm mother up to his presence. Usually she would not be here since the meeting is likely going to be about war, but she is here because of Claire. Women are not allowed at the battlefield or to discuss war. At the very closest they deal with provisions and the medical quarters. Claire is an exception due to her light magic, but even then she's forced to stay on the back line. To make sure Claire is not the only woman mother has to be here. 

Of course I disagree that Claire is needed at the meeting in the first place, but Wolfram insisted that it was essential she was allowed to join due to her importance.

Claire gives an elegant curtsy, even lowering her golden eyes to let those light lashes cover her eyes. As if to tug on the heartstrings she looks up with her head still somewhat lowered, opens her eyes and steals a little glance at Lily... curiosity, hope and adoration.

Claire's gaze shoots back down with a small jolt, and I know their eyes must have met. Claire is too adorable for her own good.

"My name is Claire Talwen, it is my utmost honor to meet you Lord Celeste, Lady Celeste... It is my pleasure to see you again, Eric-sama and... Augustus-sama."

Claire looks up again, sending glimpses towards Lily again.

Father gives a nod, mother on the other hand is raising an eyebrow. I don't think she could help herself. I look back to Claire.

"It is good to see you well, miss Talwen," I reply to finish the introductions. Lily gives a bow but otherwise doesn't reply. 

I look back to Wolfram.

"Augustus, you have just returned from the front line, would you give a report on the situation?"

Father's voice booms through the room once more.

Lily has her hands firmly and politely behind her back, but I can see glimpses of her hands clenching once in a while.

"Of course, Father."

Claire's eyes widen with obvious relief. Wolfram's instead with surprise. The idiot has probably been listening in on our conversations, but he was never one to believe the story of Augustus properly. Something about there being a line between genius and interference by god himself.

Lily calmly reports everything from casualties, environmental status of the front line, morale and the reactions to the declaration made by Headal. Of course, in the meantime Claire has her eyes locked on Lily.

Wolfram though is a bit more observant, but at one point sends me a quick look of curiosity. 

No, I'm not going to tell you what is going on here. It's truly too troublesome Wolfram. Even if you look at Lily with fascination like that I truly cannot explain how she's changing her voice... so Wolfram please stop trying to mess with her magic with your own. Lily's face is scrunching up with annoyance.

Lily's powers are done by gods, and according to Lily they really hate when faeries manipulate them. If I am to make a qualified guess for Lily's growing irritation, then I can only think of that. After all, nothing else is happening during her report.

When Lily ends there are soft nods from here and there, and father barely gets to thank Lily before Claire steps forward with care and worry in those golden eyes of her, speaking with those rosy lips of hers.

"Augustus-sama, I have learned to heal permanent injuries, as such, please allow me to heal you."

Claire's voice almost trembles at the request as she clenches her hands together. Truly, I can imagine how the thought of holding 'Augustus' hands is making her heart throb. It's the reunion of a princess and the prince she has likely dreamt of for years.

"I must refuse, miss Talwen" Lily's voice echos through the silence of the great hall. Cold and uncaring.
