Chapter 6

Tomorrow was school spirit day... and well you didn't have anyone to bring.

Not that it bugged you much anymore, but the first year it did. Especially since that was the year your parents decided they didn't want you.

"Maybe I'll just skip school tomorrow," you sighed as you sat on the couch. Arlo whined and set his head on your lap.

"I mean... its not like I have parents... and that's what the day is for.... besides its a Saturday."


Saturday morning you reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed.

"You wanna be my family member Arlo?" you asked. Arlo wagged his tail. You sighed and gave a slight chuckle. "I wish. Well I'll see you after school buddy."

Then everything wen still. You sighed not really in the mood to deal with the number hunter today but you knew it was coming.

Just like before Kite landed right in front of you.

"Yeah can we take a reign check. Not really in the mood today," you yawned as you walked right past him. Kite seemed baffled by your courage. "Orbital your a good robot for putting up with this jerk."

"You don't get to choose wither your in the mood or not!" Kite now snapped back to his normal attituded. He extended his had out and honestly you just let the duel anchor wrap around your wrist. Just let him take your soul, you really didn't care. But to yours and his surprise the duel anchor shattered.

"That's not supposed to happen," you said looking down at your wrist. Kite quickly tried again, but just as quickly as it wrapped around your wrist it shattered. You weren't going to lie and say you weren't entertained. You had to hold back your laughter.

"What! How!? How is it not working?" Kite tried once more.

"I-I don't know, but man isn't this a turn of events," you snickered.

"You're not supposed to be able to evade this! Who? What are you?" Kite asked. You could see the flustered look in his eyes.

"Man at least take me on a date before you ask for my life story," you commented. You avoided the question, who you were was none of his concern.

"I need the number that you have," Kite said.

"I already gave it to Yuma," you said.

"Like I would believe that! You wouldn't even be able to walk if you didn't have one," Kite retaliated.

"Take a look for yourself. I'll even empty my bag if need be," you shrugged.

"You shouldn't even be able to move," Kite snapped.

"Maybe your field is defective," you shrug.

"D-D-D-Defective!" Orbital now exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, now if you don't mind I gotta get to school," you said waving a dismissive hand at the robot.

"This isn't over," Kite said, " lets go Orbital."

"Y-Y-Y-You're just going to let them walk away!" Orbital exclaimed.

"I said lets go," Kite repeated.

The second you got to school your confidence had shattered as you saw so many smiling faces with different parents and students. You kept your head low as you made your way to class. No body really payed attention to you.

By the time lunch had rolled around, people started to realize that no one else was with you. Students would glance your way and giggle. This is when you wish you could disappear. While you would usually eat lunch with Yuma and the others you decided to just leave them be. You didn't want to ruin the mood.

You found a quite spot to eat lunch alone.

*Yuma's Pov*

"Hey has anyone seen Y/n?" I asked as we all got comfortable for lunch.

"Now that you mention it, they're usually up here before us aren't they?" Tori commented.

"They could be caught up with their parents," Bronk replied.

"I'll call them!" I smiled and pulled out my duel gazer. I stepped off to the side and dialed there number. Y/n answered a few seconds later. I noticed they were in their unifrom.


"Where are you?" I asked.

"Eating lunch, where are you?" they asked non-cholent.

"On the roof! Where we usually eat," I said, slight sass in my tone. "Why aren't you up here? Is your family really embarrassing?"

"Uh sure," Y/n shrugged.

"Don't worry Bronk's mom can be a bit over the top," I whispered.

"Yuma what's taking so long did you figure out where Y/n is?" Kari called.

"Well, you should get up here! I think we would all love to meet them," I said then hung up. I walked back to the group.

"So?" Tori asked.

"They're a bit hesitant since they're family is embarrassing," I replied.

"Awe the doll's got nothing to be scared of!" Bronk's mom exclaimed.

*Normal Pov*

What do you do?

You didn't actually have anyone come with you...

You sighed standing up, might as well not eat alone.

You made your way to the roof and when you opened the door Yuma greeted you with a smile and a wave, but then he realized no one was with you.

You looked down walking over to the blanket. You sat down calmly, but you knew almost everyone was looking at you.

"Did they need a bathroom break?" Yuma asked hopefully. You shook your head no and you looked at him. The realization seemed to hit Yuma and the others.

"No one came with you?" Kari asked with sympathy.

"No, but it's alright," you said.

"Do you got Yuma?" Grandma Haru asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, go on ahead grandma," Kari smiled.

"What?" you hummed.

"Well Y/n I hope you don't mind me sticking with you," Grandma Haru said.

"Oh! NO! NO! NO! I can't ask you to do that!" You said frantically. "You guys are here for Yuma and I can't take you away from that. "

"Jeez you act like you're not family too," Kari huffed.

You stopped.

"Huh?!" you hummed.

You didn't know how to feel.

"Lighten up doll! Were all family here," you assumed this to be Bronk's mom.

"Thank you, all of you. It's appreciated," you smiled softly to yourself. 
