Chapter 16

*Yuma's Pov*

I rushed Y/n to the guest bedroom and put a warm wash cloth on their forehead. Arlo immediately curled up next to Y/n.

"What did they do to you Y/n?" I whispered.

"I...I'm not a monster..."

"Huh? Y/n...?" I hummed and gently grabbed their hand. It was ice cold.

"They seem to be in distress," Astral said. I jumped and looked up at him.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"Long enough to know that our friend is not doing okay," Astral sighed.

"Do you think there was more that we could of done?" I asked.

"I do not believe so... Y/n made there own choice to give themselves up for Hart," Astral said. Y/n gripped my hand tightly, turning my attention back to them.

"Mom... I... please... mmm," Y/n hummed.

"It's okay," I whispered and gently stroked Y/n's hair.

"You should get to bed, we still need to get your last heart piece tomorrow," Astral said.

"Yeah your right," I sighed. "Goodnight Y/n."

I headed up to my room and got comfy in my hammock.

Despite being worried about Y/n I was able to fall asleep.

*Normal Pov*





You opened your eyes but you couldn't see where you were.

"Damn it... the monster woke up..."


Was she talking about you?

"I...I'm not a monster..."

She scoffed.

"Of course you are do you have any idea what you did!?"

Your head was pounding...

"Mom... I... please..."


Her voice was drowning out.



Come back to us...

We miss you...

"I... I... miss you too... but..."



You gasped as you jumped awake.

Your heart was racing.

You looked around....

You were at Yuma's house.

When did that happen?

When did you get here?

Didn't you take Hart's place?

Your head was aching.

A whine cut you out of your thoughts.

"Arlo," you smiled. Arlo gently nuzzled you. "Do you know where Yuma went?"

Arlo jumped off the bed and walked over to the door.

You slowly got out of bed and followed after Arlo. You slowly made your way downstairs. 

"Look at that your awake," Kari said. 

"Yeah, what time is it? I didn't even have time to check," you said. 

"It's twelve forty," Kari said.

"Huh, oh jeez. I didn't mean to sleep that long," you sighed and sat down next to Kari on the couch. 

"According to Yuma you were very sickly last night," Kari said. "So just relax." 

"Mmm," you hummed. You felt yourself dozing off again. 

"Hey, try to stay up for lunch okay?" Kari asked. You nodded at her with tired eyes. In a sleepy haze you ended up leaning against Kari. 

"I'm back," Yuma pulled you out of your sleepy state. 

"Oh good I was just about to call you, your friend is here," Grandma Haru greeted.

"Friend?" Yuma questioned. He ran upstairs, you got off the couch and ran up after Yuma, with Tori following behind. 

"Hey what do you think your doing?" Yuma asked someone.

"Yuma it is fate! Fate that brought me here to your house today! Other wise I wouldn't have seen all these awesome artifacts!"

You recognized that voice. You pulled yourself up into Yuma's room. Just to be met with the adorable youngest Archlight brother. Trey looked terrified to see you.

"Woah hey, it's okay," you said. "Not gonna hurt you."

"You're comforting him after what he did to you and Hart?!" Yuma exclaimed.

"Yuma, not now," you said.

"I feel truly sorry for what happened to you two," Trey now said.

"Huh?" Yuma hummed.

"I thought the best way to duel was to tap into the anger within my heart, but when I saw you dueling Shark... I started to think more," Trey admitted. "You duel so selflessly.  How?"

"Uh... well... hm... I guess it's the only way I know how to duel," Yuma said. "I just try to high five the sky."

"High five the sky?" Trey responded.

"When I was small my father told me to never give up or stop trying," Yuma smiled. "Feel the flow and go for it!"

"That's awesome advice!" Trey smiled.

"Hey Yuma, lunch is ready come on and you're all welcomed to join us," Kari smiled.

You all went downstairs and sat at the table. You sat next to Trey who seemed out of it.

"Now then, What happened to you? " Kari asked as she looked at you.

"Ah it was nothing don't worry about it," you said.

"We're you dueling?" Kari asked.

"Not with cards," you mumbled. "Uh no, I don't duel."

"Not unless it's with a broom," Yuma commented.

"A broom? What I'm the world are you doing with a broom?" Kari asked.

"Kick absolute butt! Remember Kaze from the duel sanctuary?" Yuma started," Y/n was able to knock him down!"

"Really? Where'd you learn that?," Kari asked skeptical.

"I uh-!" You started.

"What's wrong Trey?" Yuma asked.

You looked over to see Trey had a distraught look on his face.

"Not feeling well dear?" Grandma Haru asked. Trey started crying.

"Please excuse me, I have to go now," Trey got up and left. You and Yuma in quick pursuit.

"Trey hold up!" Yuma called

"After spending time with you Yuma I see now, it's your family. My family is different then yours. It wasn't always that way. We used to be as happy as your family is. The day we swore revenge on our enemy. We became different people, so maybe when we do get our revenge we'll go back to the way we were. You're in our way, we can't get vengeance because you keep getting in our way!" Trey exclaimed.

"But Trey you're wrong, revenge will just destroy you!" Yuma exclaimed.

"I have to be loyal to my family!" Trey exclaimed.

"Even though they weren't to you?" you asked. Trey froze as he looked at you. He looked pained and angered. You didn't remember much from last night but you could briefly remember that. 

"You don't know anything!" he snapped.

"You're right, I don't know everything. But what I do know is that Vetrix threw you under the bus. What if I was actually capable of hurting you last night? What do you think Vetrix would of done? All he has is power and vengeance on his mind. What do you think will happen after that? That you all pretend that nothing happened? Trust me you keep going down this path the guilt of what you and your family have done will eat you alive, and then it'll lead to a down spiral of playing the game of whose fault is it? It'll create a rift in your family. Please Trey you don't want to do this. Theirs another way to help your family, but this isn't it," you said. Trey had tears in the corners of his eyes. He looked hesitant. You let out a hesitant hand to him.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Trey asked.

"You don't and that's the scary part. Trust me I get it. But if this is a chance you're willing to take you can stay with me and Arlo at my house. We have plenty of snacks, food, manga, shows and more to offer. You are welcomed there no matter what. And I promise to take care of you. You have value Trey. Don't waste it on something that will eat you alive," you said. The two of you made eye contact and that's when you knew it. Instead of taking your hand Trey hugged you sobbing. You hugged him back tightly and stroked his hair.

"You really do know what to say at the right time don't you Y/n," Yuma laughed softly.

"It is a true gift," Astral agreed.

Trey pulled away sniffling but he had calmed down.

"I'm sorry Yuma," Trey apologized.

"Hey no hard feelings," Yuma smiled.

"Would you still like to have a duel? You need your last hear piece right?" Trey asked.

"I would love to! But uh can we go finish lunch first?" Yuma asked just as his stomach let out a big growl.

"Yeah of course," Trey laughed.


"Everything okay?" Kari asked as you all walked back in.

"Yeah just some strong emotions," you said.

"Yeah but it's all settled," Yuma smiled as the three of you sat back down.

After lunch Yuma and Trey went outside to have their duel. You and Tori stood off to the side.

"Go Yuma! Go Trey!" Tori called from the side.

"Double cheering I see," Yuma looked over at Tori.

"I can't choose! Both of you are my friends!" Tori smiled. "So give it your all!"

Yuma had won the duel against Trey getting his last heart piece.

"You earned it," Trey smiled and handed Yuma his last piece.

"Thanks Trey!" Yuma smiled back. "You see that Astral ! We made it!"

"Yes Yuma we did," Astral smiled.

Once the sun started setting you, Trey and Arlo headed home.

"Wow, this is your home? It's so lovely," Trey smiled as he walked in behind you.

"Thanks," you smiled. "Now lets get you some pajamas. I have a variety of clothes so I'm sure we'll find something. "

"Alright," Trey smiled. He followed you to your room. You pulled out pajamas for yourself then let him choose something which ended up being a pair of sweatpants and a sweater.

"I do need to take a shower, so feel free to get changed in the guest room," you smiled as you showed Trey to the room he would be staying in.

"Thank you," he smiled. You nodded then headed to the bathroom.

After you got out of the shower Trey was curled up on the couch with Arlo. They were both fast asleep. You smiled softly and went to the closet. You pulled out a blanket and draped it over the two.
