Chapter 11

"Get ready Arlo, we got a long day ahead of us," you said as you walked into the kitchen. You made the two of you a good breakfast and yourself some tea, then you headed out to meet Yuma and the others. Arlo was very excited to be with you.

When you found Yuma and the others they seemed excited to see Arlo.

"You brought Arlo with you?" Yuma smiled as he pat the dogs head.

"I wasn't going to come out and have fun and leave him alone," you smiled. Once the crowd was big enough Heartland explained the rules of the duel tournament.

"Now it's every duelist for himself!" Bronk exclaimed as he ran off.

"See you guys on the flip side!" Flip ran off as well.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later as well, good luck Yuma," you said.

"What!? Even you Y/n?" Yuma asked.

"Yeah, I was hoping to look around a little, we can meet up for lunch though!" you smiled.

"Sounds good see you later!" Yuma and Tori both waved as you and Arlo disappeared into the crowd.

While walking through the crowd you felt a pair of eyes on you. You looked over to see a young boy with blonde hair, half a castle like mask, and a Victorian style outfit. He just smiled and waved.

A chill ran down your spine.

"Come on Arlo," you said as you quickened your pace.

"What's a pretty, or handsome, face like yours doing by yourself?"

You looked over to see the boy you saw a few seconds ago. He was walking next to you casually.

"Sorry, I'm not competing," you said. He chuckled.

"I don't mind, I just want to talk," he replied.

"Shouldn't you be collecting Heart pieces?" you asked. Another laugh.

"I'm not too worried about that. Now then what do you go by?"

"Most people use they, them, but I really don't care."

"Oh! No! Not your pronouns, I mean your name."

"What's yours?"

"So untrusting, you can call me Vetrix. Now then yours?"


"What a lovely name. With someone whom has such great power."

You stopped in your tracks.

"How do you-?"

"I could sense it, you're appearance may be a little misleading, but you're stronger then you look," Vetrix said.

"I uh...," you mumbled.

"Welp! Until next time my dear! Which I'm sure will be very soon!" Vetrix smiled and walked away as if he hadn't said anything.

You had an unsettling feeling. Arlo whined and bumped your hand snapping you back to reality.

"Come on buddy lets keep looking around," you said. Arlo gave out a happy bark as the two of you continued.

Around one you met up with Yuma and Tori for lunch.

"Hey how's it going?" you smiled. At this point you had won a bear plushy from one of the stands.

"It's going great!" Yuma smiled, he showed you his heart piece.

"Good! I'm glad," you smiled.

"Looks like you've been busy yourself," Tori said.

"Yeah! I won this guy earlier! I don't know what to name him though," you said and looked at the plushed bear.

"What about Bearnando?" Tori suggested

"Hm... or Claws? No..." you replied.



You and Tori threw ideas back and forth before being interrupted by Yuma.

"I thought we were getting lunch!" Yuma exclaimed.

"Oh right sorry!" You said in unison.

The three of you found a Ramen stand then ordered. You sat down. Other duelist around you also taking there lunch.

"So who all have you faced?" You asked.

"There was this soccer guy! Nailed me right in the face with his ball!" Yuma started then continued to tell you about the duelists he had faced.

"Look at you go, you're doing great!" You smiled.

"Thanks!" Yuma smiled.

"How about Ramen?" Tori said.

"Yeah that's what we got," Yuma said.

"No I mean the bear's name," Tori said.

"You know what, I like that!" You smiled.

The three of you continued to talk over lunch then Yuma was back to collecting Heart pieces and you went back to looking around.

Around the evening you met back up Yuma and Tori before heading home. You now had a frog plushie as well.

"Be safe getting home," you said as you got to the split.

"You too!" Tori waved goodbye to you and Arlo.

"See you tomorrow Y/n!" Yuma smiled.

"Yep!" you smiled.

When you got home you put your new earned plushies on your couch. You got changed into pajamas then started on dinner.

After dinner you watched your favorite anime, while cuddling Arlo on the couch.

Without realizing it you and Arlo had fallen asleep on the couch.


You gasped as you were suddenly woken up.

You sat up slowly.

Arlo was no longer at your feet.

"Arlo!" you called.

Nothing. Usually he would come running to you.

You cautiously got off the couch and went to the kitchen grabbing a knife.

"Arlo!?" you tried calling again.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

You turned around quickly pulling out a knife.

"I am not afraid to use this if I need to," you warned to who or whatever may be in your house.

Arlo whined as he trotted up to you.

You sighed in relief.

"Geez buddy I thought you were an intruder," you said as scratched behind his ears. Arlo liked your nose and you let out a soft laugh. You put the knife back then you and Arlo retired for the night.  
