Train ride to Hogwarts

For the rest of August James and I hung out with our parents as much we can. Mom helped me study some of the spells and potions. Dad played quidditch with us. Sadly we can't take our brooms to Hogwarts. First years aren't allowed our own brooms. The night before September first we were all sitting in the living.

Euphenia: Now James Lizzie you two watch out for each other.

Fleamont: you two be nice to the other students and listen to your teachers.

Lizzie: mom dad we aren't at platform 9 3/4 yet. That would be tomorrow.

Euphenia: I know dear, but our little babies are growing up. It seemed like only yesterday we brought you guys home.

James: mooooooooooooom

I hit James on his side with my elbow since he was right next to me. He gave me the stink eye cause of that and was about to tackle me.

Fleamont: Now you two no fighting in the house. You two should go to bed tomorrow is a big day.

James and Lizzie: yes dad.

Both James and I hugged our parents good night and headed straight to bed.


It is now September 1st. James and I got our stuff ready last night before we went to bed. Our trunks was already by the front door and dad was putting them in the trunk of the car. Yeah we could of used flu powder, but mom and dad wants to be with us a little longer and we woke up early and I mean 5 am early. We just finished our breakfast. My outfit for today was a pair of blue flair jean with black sneakers with an off the shoulder red and black top that looked like it belonged in the renaissance time. Out of both me and my bother I'm the most stylish of us.

James: as always you had to try and look better then me.

I nodded my head with a huge grin. I tucked some of my hair behind my ear since it was down. We got inside the car and dad drove us to the train station. When we got there both James and I got a cart to put our stuff on. All four of us walked to the platform since we got there at 10 am. The barrier closes at 11. After a bit of walking and walking through the barrier for the platform James and I handed our stuff to a worker who is putting stuff onto the train. James was about to walk away until I pulled him to our parents to say our last goodbye until we see them on winter break.

Euphenia: As we said last night you two be nice to each other, be nice to the other students,

Fleamont: Listen to your teachers, if you guys are in different houses still stay together, write to us when ever you guys can.

Euphenia: Try your best in your classes.

James: We already know Liz is going to be getting the best grades since she always had her nose in all of the books she bought. Now can I go please I have to find Sirius.

Euphenia: Awww our little James is already making friends. Now you two go I hope to get a letter from you two after you guys settle into your dorms and classes.

Lizzie: yes mom.

James: got it now can I go?

Our parents laughed and hugged both of us. Mom gave both James and I kisses on our cheeks. James whipped his cheek and said bye and how he love them. I stood back and looked down a bit worried.

Fleamont: What's wrong princess?

Lizzie: I'm just worried what if I am putting into a different house? James hates the house of Slytherin he told me last night.

Both of my parents looked at me then pulled me into a group hug.

Euphenia: Slytherin, Hufflepuff any house you are sorted into we will love you just the same as we did before you went to hogwarts.

Fleamont: just be your self. If James give you a hard time I allow you to beat his ass.

Euphenia: she will do no such thing. I say hex him, but in secret. No one will know. Plus your god parents will be there.

Lizzie: god parents?

Fleamont: Dumbledor and Mcgonagall. You met them a couple of times when you guys were younger.

I nodded my head. After a couple of seconds of not moving the and the train whistle blowing saying it is about to leave. Mom pushed me to the train. I got on and got into a compartment. I looked out the window and waved to both my parents as the train was moving. I sighed and sat back in one of the benches after the train left the train station. After a minute or two the door to my compartment opened up. When I looked up there stood a boy around my age with long platinum blond hair and the real cool gray eyes.

???: hello. Mind if I sit here for a bit until everything blows over out here?

Lizzie: yes you may. I'm Elizabeth Potter pleasure to meet you umm.

????: Lucus Malfoy Pure-blood. WHat is your blood status?

Lizzie: Pure-blood can I ask why?

Lucius: just curious.

Lizzie: okay.

I looked back outside of the window for a bit.

Lucius: what house do you think you will be sorted in. Knowing me I'm going to be sorted in to SLytherin.

Lizzie: Slytherin seems like a nice house. Really I don't mind what house I will be put into really, but I will have to see since I can't tell the future or anything.

Lucius nodded his head then looked out the door window. He got up and headed to the door. He gave me one more look with a smirk.

Lucius: well for both of us I hope you will be put into SLytherin. You seem like a nice girl goodday.

Lucius left after saying that. I was a bit confuse and blushed a bit after he said that. I am not used to complements from other people. After Lucius left Lily opened the door. Behind her was Severus. I let them sit with me since they are my friends.

Lily: Ummmm Lizzie is your snake in here?

Lizzie: no it's with my stuff in his cage.

I remember when I got him.


Lily, Severus, and I went to the pet store so I can get myself a pet. Knowing my brother he will get an owl. I want to be different though. I was walking around the store until I got to the back and I saw the most gorgeous Dumeril's ground boa. He was small, but knowing time he will get bigger. When I went to the cage he lifted up his head.

Lizzie: Hello

Snake: hello

Lizzie: wait you can understand me?

The boa nodded his head. for a bout a couple of minutes he told me his name was Salazar. His mate was taken a bit earlier her name was Nagini. He looked lonely so I choosed him as my pet. Yeah the school rule was an owl, a cat, or a toad, but I want to be different. The store owner said that Salazar was never nice to people so when she saw him wrapped around my left arm she was more then shocked.

~back to present time~

We were about to arrive to Hogwarts. Severus just had to put on his robes. Severus left so Lily and I could change into our robes in private. When we were done we told Severus to come in. We sat back down on the benches. I wonder what house I will be sorted into. Hope this year will be fun.
