the real beginning to win the heart of a young snake

-Severus' POV-

The day before I had to go to platform 9 3/4 I got a letter from Lucius. He wants to meet me on the train before I meet with Lily and Lizzie. I agreed to this. It is probably going to be the rules of this little battle to win Lizzie's heart. I have thought I loved Lily, but when Lizzie was gone my heart hurt and I wanted her in my arms. I asked my mom what these feelings were and she told me that i was in love. Then where I found out Malfoy had a crush on her I was mad. WHen Cissy told me about how I can try to win Lizzie's heart I was happy. I asked Lily for some help to win her heart. Lily and I arrived to the train station. I told her I will find her in a bit I have to talk with someone first. I got onto the train after saying goodbye to my mom then went to go find Lucius. I found him in the compartment with the Black Sisters and Lizzie. Wait what are they doing there. I walked In to the compartment and sat next to Lucius. We both gave each other a nod. 

Cissy: So both of you know why you two are here?

Lucius: Yes for the rules on how to win over Lizzie's heart. 

I nodded my head and looked over at Lizzie. She blushed and looked down.

Bella: Okay the rules are simple. There will be no hexing or cursing of each other. You guys will each have to set up day to spend time with her. So you have to talk to each other on when you will take her when. No surprise planning of dates. Then finally the winner will be told the day before Easter break. Are we clear?

Both Lucius and I said yes. We both got up and shook each other's hand. Lizzie smiled at both of us and I looked over to her. 

Severus: So Lizzie will you be coming with me to see Lily or....

Lizzie: I will come with you Severus. 

Lucius: I will be spending time with her tomorrow. You get to spend time with her today. 

I nodded my head. I took Lizzie's hand before we left Lizzie said one more thing.

Lizzie: only I get to kiss you guys. If I allow it then you guys can kiss me only on the cheek. Am I clear?

Lucius: Yes ma'm

Then both Lizzie and I left. We found Lily a minute later in a compartment of her own. Lizzie sat down next to Lily and I sat across from them. Lizzie whispered something to Lily and she gasp. Lily looked over at me with a shocked look.

Lily: you are okay with this battle Sev?

Severus: Yes I am. I am not gonna guess who will win, but I will be trying my hardest for your heart Snake.

Lizzie smiled at me then nodded her head. On the way to Hogwarts I couldn't keep my eyes off Lizzie. She is so beautiful. I hope I do get her heart. I will be okay if I have to share her, but I will have to see what Lizzie wants. When we got to the school Lizzie ran to Hagrid and hugged him. She let out a laugh when she hugged him. I let out a sighed and heard a sigh right next to me. I looked over and there was Lucius. We both must have the same idea of how Lizzie have an amazing laugh. I then both looked at Lizzie. She was coming up she grabbed both of our hands and walked us to a carriage. We sat in the same carriage as Lily. I looked at Lucius and he looked disgusted.  I lean over to him.

Severus: You have to try to be nice to Lily even if she is a muggle-born.

Lucius: It will be hard, but I will try for Lizzie. Wait why are you helping me?

Severus: Eh I have a feeling in my gut I should if she can't pick between us what should we do?

Lucius: Share?

Severus: If it will make her happy then that is fine with me.

We both nodded at each other then looked over at Lizzie and Lily. They were both giggling a bit. Then for the rest of today I got to hang with Lizzie. I have to say today was great. Let's see how this year goes. 
