Studding with a black

It has been about two weeks since school has started. I am head of all my classes. I'm tied with Severus and Lucius for smartest. James still hasn't talked to me or apologized for what he said on our first night here. I told my parents what had happen. My dad was proud of me for knocking James out cold, but mom said I could of done it with a hex when I got back to my table. Oh well it was in the pass. Right now I was in the SLytherin common room at one of the desks studding potions since I have a test coming up. I was about to write something down when there was yelling going on behind me a few feet away. I can tell one of them was Cissy. I talk to her for a bit when we eat or study. I just didn't know the second one.

?????: come on cissy why would I need a good grade on this test?

Cissy: Cause Bella Mom said to get better grades or you will be taken out and be put in a different school!!!!

Ah so the other one is Bella. I heard Cissy talk about her here and there and seen her walking around school.

Cissy: I can have one of my friends help you study for this test as well.

Bella: who would you have in mind bet they are going to be idiotic and not know....

Cissy: oh she is very smart actually. Do you remeber the first night that girl who knocked out that Gryffendor?

Bella: Yeah I do what about her? Is she the one gonna help me study?

Cissy: Actually yes she is. SHe is the smartest in my year next to that mudblood in gryffendor and tied with two from our house.

Bella: fine I will try, but she better not be a mud-blood, or one of those stuck up bitches.

Cissy: she won't and she isn't.

After the argument was settled there was footsteps coming my way.

Cissy: HEY LIZZIE!!!

I turned around and there was Cissy with a girl a bit taller then her with long black hair following behind her.

Lizzie: Hey Cissy what's up?

Cissy: can you help my sister Bella with her studies. She has a giant test in Herbology ?

I looked over at Bella then back at Cissy. I nodded my head with a smile. Cissy smiled and pushed her sister to me.

Cissy: Thanks Lizzie you're the best. Sorry in advance if she cause you any trouble.

Then she was off to maybe do her own studies or something. I looked over at Bella then got my stuff together. I moved to a bigger table and set my stuff down.

Bella: I'll go grab my books then.

I nodded my head and make sure my stuff is set up. I had to make sure I leave space for Bella's stuff. After a few minutes SHe comes back with her books and notes as well. Well i mean just one sheet of parchment. This is gonna be a while. She sat her stuff down and sat in the chair across from me.

Lizzie: Okay Bellatrix...

Bella: This is stupid.

Lizzie: Yes studding is stupid, but it might help you in the roads a head.

Bella: Fine.

She gives out a little huff and opened her Herbology book to the chapter she was on. I got up from my chair and walked over to her . I picked up the book and smiles a bit. It's about Mandrakes or Mandragora. I grabbed my wand from my bag and made a chalk board appear with some chalk. I set her book down in front of her and went to the board and picked up some chalk.

Lizzie: Let's get to it.

We started our studding. I would tell her all the info that I know about the chapter and a bit more that wasn't in the book. After like maybe an hour I looked up and there was more Slytherins from her year sitting around her with quills and parchment. So I made this study group into a little game. I asked them a question and if someone got it right I give them a chocolate frog. I had a whole bunch of those in my bag. Stole them from some Gryffindors when they weren't looking. After another hour goes by Cissy comes back and gasp when she saw all the people gathering their stuff and heading off to do their own things. Bella waved her hand at her sister and she came right over.

Cissy: guess you got other people to join you guys huh?

Bella: She makes a better professor then the real professors here!!

A lot of the people that was still picking up their stuff nodded and agreeing with her.

Lizzie: eh I tried my best.

Bella: shit I know I am going to get a great grade on this test tomorrow.

Cissy: See I told you she can help.

I blushed when I heard that and i waved my wand making the chalk board and chalk disappear. I picked up my stuff. Before Cissy and Bellatrix left Bella told me I could call her Bella and we should do this studding thing all over again it was fun. I nodded my head agreeing with her as well. I went to go put my stuff in my room then head to the great hall to eat dinner. I told Severus all about what happened in the commonroom. He was shocked a bit, but happy I had fun. I even told Lily as well. Right before I was going to head to the library to get one more book. Lily came running to me.

Lily: How can you stand your brother. He has been hitting on me non stop since we bumped in to each other one day.

Lizzie: No clue he is just that idiotic. Sorry about that I should of warn you of that.

Lily: you think?!

Lizzie: shhhh we are in the library.

Lily: Why are you in the library you read almost all the potion books.

Lizzie: just for more reading material I already read all my books for school.

I then went to each isle and grabbed one book. Then went to the Librarian who was about to close the library.

Librarian: Ah Lizzie here for more books?

Lizzie: yes ma'm

The Librarian checked out my books. Then Lily and I was off to our own common rooms. When I got to mine Lucius was sitting on one of the couches with his own little group. He looked over at me and gave me a nod. when he saw my pile of books in my arms he chuckles a bit and shook his head. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue at him then went to my room with my books to start reading.
