Christmas with my Parents

( I know I used this picture in the first Christmas chapter, but I like this tree. )

It is now the month of December. The 23rd of December. Everyone was getting ready to go home for the holidays. I was packing up my things. I already handed out my gifts. Did that yesterday. Now I am just making sure I got everything I need to go home for tomorrow. I was just about to put Salazar's winter bag for the train ride in my messenger bag when there was a knock at my door. I got up from my bed and headed to the door. When I opened up my bedroom door there was Lucius and Severus. I smiled at them and let them come in. Both of them kissed my cheeks and went to sit on my bed. I looked over at Salazar and saw that he was slithering out of his heating area. I went over to my bed and sat in between Lucius and Severus. I looked at both of them with a smile. 

Lucius: So I might not be able to join you two at your house Lizzie.

I was a bit shocked, but knew this might happen. I nodded my head and looked down a bit. Severus rubbed my back a bit then looked at Lucius.

Lucius: I will try to come though after I spend some time with my family okay. I will be there at around 3 on Christmas day. 

I looked up at Lucius and hugged him. I then let go and hugged Severus looking up with him hoping he is able to come over. Severus smiled a bit then nodded his head. I sighed knewing at least one of my boyfriends is spending the night at my house. He might not be able to sleep in the same room as me, but oh well. I got up and held my hands out for both of my boys. They both chuckled and grabbed my hands. I pulled them up and we all headed to the Great hall for the final meal at Hogwarts for now. Before we left though Salazar slithered in front of us. I gigled softly letting go of their hands and picked up Salazar. I let him lay around my neck. I then walked down to the great hall with both of my boyfriends next to me. When we were walking down the hall way I saw Peevees messing with a student. I sighed and went up to them. I cleared my throat and got both the student and Peevee's attention. 

Lizzie: Peevees it's not very nice to play the you can't reach it game with someone's gift. Even when it is close to Christmas. 

Peevees: Oh come on Lizzie it is just a bit of fun.

Lizzie: I know, but they seem to be in a bit of a hurry so please for me?

Peeves thought for a moment then nodded his head. He handed the person their gift back and they ran away. I smiled at Peevees. Peevees pouted for a bit, but smiled ith a chuckle then floated away after messing my hair a bit. I sighed and tried to fix my hair a bit. When I was doing that Severus and Lucius walked over to me. 

Lucius: I have no clue how you can get Peevees to listen to you. The other ghost have to threaten him with telling the Bloody Baron, but you he listens to you.

Lizzie: Guess you can say I'm a ghost whisperer. 

Severus: A lot of people and ghost seem to like her when they first meet her.

Lucius: main question is how and why.

Lizzie: Maybe cause I am nice to them and don't judge them for stuff. Plus how my parents say and Lily I just give off a nice aura around me that draws people and ghosts to be nice to me. I haven't tried magical creatures and mystical beings in the dark forest.

Lucius: you will not be going in there. 

Severus: yes you will not. We have no clue what is in there and it is forbidden.  

I just sighed and nodded my head agreeing with them, but in my head I knew I would have to go in there cause I know Remus goes in there or the shrieking shack. I asked my Aunt and Uncle if they can train me to be an animagus. 

-lets rewind for a bit-

I was in my Uncle's office waiting for my aunt to come in so we can talk. I was sitting in one of the chairs in front of my Uncle's desk when there was a knock on the door. 

Dumbledor: Come in. 

After he said that Aunt McGonagall walked in. She shut the door behind her and walked up to us. She looked between me and my uncle then spoke. 

Mcgonagall: what is this about Albus?

Dumbledor: It has seemed our little god child want to be a license Animagus. 

My aunt looked at me dead in the eyes with a serious look to her face. 

Mcgonagall: are you sure about this Elizabeth it will take a lot of practice and will be very hard to learn. 

I smiled up at her and nodded my head. 

LIzzie: yes Aunt Mcgonagall I read some books about it and I would like it if you taught me if that is okay with you.

Aunt Mcgonagall thought for a second then looked at my Uncle. 

Mcgonagall: are you okay with this Albus?

Dumbledor: I think she can handle the training she is a very smart girl and you know that. 

Aunt Mcgonagall nodded her head then sighed. 

Mcgonagall: I will teach you. We will start your lessons when you get back from your Christmas Holiday. Do not tell anyone about this okay. 

I nodded my head with a huge smile. I got up from my chair hugging her saying thank you over and over again Mcgonagall laughed a bit and patted my head. I let go of her and looks at both of them.

Dumbledor: now with that settled you go to charms class okay. Don't want you to be late. 

I nodded my head while grabbing my bag. I said my thanks and went to charms class.

-back to the present-

I was shaken a bit out of my thoughts. I looked at both Severus and Lucius with a soft smile while rubbing that back of my head. 

Lucius: Come on lets get to the Great Hall for dinner. Then we can talk about what we will do after.

Lizzie: I say cuddle pile in my room!!!

Severus: you always want a cuddle pile. 

Lizzie: what being in the arms of two sexy snakes who happen to be my boyfriends make me feel safe. Plus it's fun.

Lucius and Severus nods their heads and we began to walk to the great hall. We sat down in our spots and began to eat. After dinner all three of us went to my dorm and just had a cuddle pile that I asked for. I can't wait for my parents to meet them. I hope they like both Severus and Lucius. 

-time skip to Christmas eve and arriving to platform 9 3/4-

Lucius was with his friends for a bit on the train ride home. I was sitting with Severus and Lily.

Lily: first time meeting the parents huh Sev?

Severus: I hope they like me.

Lizzie: they will don't worry. Now calm those nerves we are almost to the station. 

Severus nodded and took a deep breath. I took a hold of his hands and kissed the tops of them. Lily started to fan girl in her spot. I looked over at her and giggled a bit.

Lizzie: Fan girling over there lils?

Lily: I can't help it you, Sev, and Lucius is like the cutest couple at Hogwarts. A lot of people agrees.

Lizzie: wait what?

Lily: yeah you three are known as the cutest Slytherin couple group. Well only couple group. 

I nodded my head. I looked out the window and saw that we just arrived to the station. I got up and grabbed my bag. I had to be careful cause inside my back was a medium thicker bag and inside that bag is a sleeping Salazar. I took a hold of Severus' hand and all three of us walked off the train after grabbing our stuff that we brought. When we got off Lily hugged both of us then went to go to her parents who was beyond the entrance to the station. Severus and I waited for Lucius. I was talking with Severus about how am I doing with the double lessons for each class when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled at the person. Behind me was the other person of Severus and my love triangle Lucius Malfoy. I hugged him and made sure his hair wasn't a mess. Lucius chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose and gave Severus a smile. I tried to look at the tip of my nose, but gave up. I grabbed my things then look at the two boys. 

Lizzie: come on Lucius you have to meet my parents so they know that you will be coming tomorrow at 3pm 

Severus and Lucius nods their head. They picked up their bags and we all began to walk to my parents. When we found them there wasn't just my parents, but James and Sirius. I looked at both my parents then to my boyfriends. When we walked up to them my mom gave me a huge hug. 

Euphemia: Oh there is my little girl. 

Lizzie: hi mom. Hi dad.

Fleamont: Hello sweet heart. Now who are these two boys you brought with you?

I let go of my mom then went in between Lucius and Severus with a soft smile. 

Lizzie: mom dad I want you two to meet my boyfriends Lucius and Severus.

Fleamont: Boyfriends!!!

Euphemia: don't mind him dears. Oh wow two boyfriends well its a pleasure to meet you two I'm Lizzie's mother Euphemia Potter and the one with the open mouth is her father Fleamont Potter. 

Severus and Lucius : it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Potter

My mom smiled then looked at me.

Euphemia: are both going to be staying at the house or just one of them?

Lucius: sadly I will not be coming to your house until tomorrow at 3pm.

My mom nodded her head then looked at Severus. My dad looked like he is going to throw a fit. 

Fleamont: no Lizzie will not have a boyfriend let alone two of them. I.....

Euphemia: That's enough Fleamont. Lizzie isn't our baby girl anymore. She is now 12 plus I will make you sleep on the couch if you cause a ruckus. 

After my mom said that my dad crossed his arms then muttered under his breath. My mom then went back to my boyfriends and I.

Euphemia: well we can't wait for you to join us tomorrow Lucius. Now I bet your parents are wondering where you are. We will see you tomorrow at 3.

Lucius nodded his head then kissed my cheek. He waved to Severus then said his farewells for now. After that was done Mom grabbed Severus and my hands. While my dad grabbed James and Sirius'  hands . We all then apparated to the Potter house. I looked in my bag to make sure Salazar was okay and he looked at me then nodded his head. I'm glas he is getting used to this type of transportation. Then all of us began to walk into the house. 

Lizzie: So James when were you going to tell me Sirius was joining us for Christmas?

James: Eh didn't feel like telling you snake. When were you going to tell me Snivilus and Malfoy were going to... ow mom what was that for?

Euphemia: you will not be calling Severus that. Now lets get inside so you guys can settle in. 

Severus and I nodded our heads. Sirius was still laughing at James cause he got hit on the back of his head by our mom. When we walked in Severus and I went up to my room. dad was about to stop us, but mom held him back. When we got to my room Severus set his bag on my desk. I placed mine in a corner. Salazar slithered out of my messenger bag and went to one of his areas close to his heating corner. Severus sat on my bed then lay down on it.  

(didn't show you guys her room so here it is)

I looked over to Severus when I went to my desk. I left snow's cage at Hogwarts since I sent a letter to my parents last night to say that I will be having two people join me. Snow was sitting on my desk sleeping. I walked over to him after making sure to put food in Snow's bowl. I laid next to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Severus looked over at me from the corner of his eyes. I cuddled up close to him and hid my face in his neck. He turned his body so he was facing me and wrapped his arms around me. 

Severus: What's wrong Snake?

Lizzie: I wish Lucius was here with us. I am happy that you are here with me, but it would be better if I had both my boyfriends with me.

Severus: I understand I was also a bit upset when he told us he wouldn't be coming with us to your house and spending the night, but I don't think your father would like it if both boyfriends spend the night. 

I nodded my head and cuddled closer to him. I let out a sigh then closed my eyes for a bit. Right when I closed my eyes my bedroom door was opened up roughly. Severus and I both sat up quickly. We both looked over to my door and there was my dad. He had an eyes closed smile, but when he opened up his eyes his smiled dropped when he saw me holding onto Severus' arm.

Fleamont: what is going on here? Laying with my baby girl are you? I....

Lizzie: dad get out of my room and don't you dare say that this shouldn't happen I bet you and mom did this when you guys dated.

Fleamont: yes,but we weren't in our second year. You shouldn't be dating until maybe six year. I don't want my baby girl to grow up just yet. 

Lizzie: dad I will always be your baby girl, but please just let me have this relationship with these two. I love them 

My father looked at me then at Severus. He let out a sigh then nodded his head. 

Fleamont: fine, but if you or Lucius hurt my baby girl I will send James after you two and make sure your lives are a living hell. 

Severus nods his head quickly. After my dad was satisfied he left and closed my door. I laid back on my bed and covered my eyes with a groan. Severus looks over at me with a soft smile then laid back down and looked over at me. I sighed and looked over at Sev.

Severus: now that was intresting.

Lizzie: I guess. We better wash up dinner should be ready soon. 

Severus: where will I be sleeping?

Lizzie: well I think Sirius is going to be sleeping in James' room so you can stay in the guest room next to mine 

Severus nods his head then got up. He held out his hand and helped me up after I took a hold of it. Severus picked up his bag and I showed him the guest room. Severus set his bag on the bed then walked over to me. He placed a kiss on my forehead then we walked to wash up. When we were done we walked downstairs. There I saw James and Sirius on the couch talking. I looked over at James with a smirk.

Severus: Snake no don't even.....

To late I ran over to James and talked him to the ground. We both began to wrestle around on the ground. Sirius was laughing and was cheering for James to win. Severus shook his head and went into the kitchen. I placed James in a headlock and he tried to break free. 

Lizzie: do you give?

James: NEVER!!!

He broke the hold then tackled me to the ground. I'm glad today I decided to wear pants instead of a skirt. As James and I were wrestling James, Sirius, and I didn't see my mom walk into the entrance to the dinning room. 

Euphemia: okay you two that is enough rough housing you two.

When James and I heard mom say that we both stop. I was sitting on top of him. Severus comes out from the dinningroom and looked at both James and I. He raised an eyebrow at both of us. Sirius was still laughing.

Severus: Is this normal for them Mrs.Potter?

My mom looked over at Severus and nods her head with a sigh. She turns to him then spoke with an irritated voice.

Euphemia: yes this is normal for them. They have been like this since they were little. Their father allowed it so they think it is okay to wrestle in the house and with each other. 

James pushed me off of him. We both got up and fixed our hair and outfits. I walk over to Severus and hugged his right arm. I look over to my mom and she smiles big a squeeled.

Euphemia: where is my camera?

I giggled as I watch my mom run for her camera. When she came back my mom aimed the camera at me and Severus. I smiled and kissed Sev's cheek when mom took the photo. When she was done I looked at Sev and he had alittle bit of pink on his cheeks. 

Euphemia: I have to get a picture with all three of you for the family album. Oh plus with the family. You too Sirius.

Sirius: But I'm...

Lizzie: oh nonsense I already think my mom sees you as family. 

My mom nods her head with a smile. Sirius smiles a bit. I looked at James.

Lizzie: the welcome move?

James: the welcome move.

I let go of Severus' arm and walked over to Sirius. James did the same thing as well. Sirius looked so confused. Right when both James and I got into position we both tackled Sirius to the ground. All three of us began to wrestle. While all three of us were wrestling Severus shook his head. My mom took a picture of this. My dad walked into the room when he saw the flash go off from the camera. Dad looked to where the ruckus was coming from and sighed. 

Fleamont: did those two boys make Lizzie mad or.....

Severus: something about the welcome move sir.

Dad nods his head then took out his wand. He pointed it at Sirius, James , and I. 

Fleamont: Wingardiom Leviosa.

After he said all three of us were lifted from the ground. We stopped what we were doing and looked at my dad. 

James and Lizzie: Hi dad

Sirius: Hi Mr.Potter

Fleamont: that is enough you three now come on the food must be done.

Sirius, James, and I nods our head. After we did that dad released the spell from us and we fell to the ground in a pile with me sitting on top of them. Severus sighs and went over to the pile of teens and helped me get off of them. We then walked to the dinning room. Followed by my mom and dad. Then James and Sirius. We then had our Christmas Eve dinner. After dinner Severus and I went upstairs. I had a rat for Salazar since he had a taste for them. When we walked into my room I gave Salazar his rat then sat on my bed with Severus next to me. 

Severus: so when is Lucius coming over again?

Lizzie: at 3 by flu powder.

Severus nodded his head. Then for the rest of the night we just talked about random stuff until we had to go to bed.

- time skip to Christmas day-

I woke up at around 6 in the morning. I looked over to my table calander and saw that it was Christmas. I got up and got dressed for today. I placed my hair in a fishtail braid then placed on a pair of flair jeans, and a black long sleeve t-shirt with bell sleeves.      

I made sure I look okay. I then walked to Severus' room and knocked on his door. I heard a come in. I opened up the door and there was Severus dressed in a black long sleeve and dark blue jeans. I giggled then looked at my outfit. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. 

Lizzie: we are matching. I would laugh if Lucius wears something like our outfit. Black shirt and blue jeans. 

Severus: that would be weird. Also it is weird enough with seeing you wearing pants.

Lizzie: oh yeah cause  am always wearing skirts or a dress or something. that doesn't involve pants. 

Severus nods his head. He gets off his bed then went up to me to give me a hug. When he got to me he pulled me into a soft hug then kissed me on the top of my head. Severus have been growing lately. We then walked downstairs. When we got there we saw that James ad Sirius were down there, but still in their pjs. When Severus and I got to the bottom of the stairs both Sirius and James turn to us. They began to laugh.

Lizzie: what is so funny?

Sirius: Look James the love birds are already matching outfits how cute. Is your little Malfoy gonna match outfits with you two as well?

I just smirked and crossed my arms. When they saw me do this they had a confuse look on their faces. I bet they were thinking I would get angry or something. 

Lizzie: at least I have a love relationship. What about you two? James is hitting on Lily and Sirius walks around like he is a pimp so hmmm. I have two boyfriends who love me for me. So I say stop acting like dicks and maybe you two would have a girlfriend by now if you catch my drift. 

Severus covered his mouth to try and cover his laugh. Both James and Sirius looked shocked and opened closed their mouth like a fish. I smiled and bowed while saying thank you. I then grabbed Severus' arm and walked to the kitchen. There was my dad sitting at the island reading the daily profits and my mom and treepey was cooking breakfast. My dad looked up when we entered then looked back at the paper.

Fleamont: Is it matching day for you two or was it by accident?

Lizzie: accident dad. 

My dad nodded my head. I went over to him after letting go of Severus' arm and went to give my mom and dad a kiss on their cheeks. My mom smiled and looked over at me.

Euphemia: would you like to help me dear by setting up the table?

I smiled and nodded my head. I went to the cabinets and grabbed the plates. I felt a tugging on my pants leg. I look down and there was Cimpey and Dardey. They both hold out their hands with puppy dog eyes.

Lizzie: you two want to help as well?

They both nod their heads with smiles on their faces. I couldn't say no to them. I reach into the cabinet that had the plastic cups. I handed the cups to Cimpey. I then reached into another cabinet and pulled out some plates. I handed Dardey plates for his family. He smiled when he received  the plates. Both Cimpey and Dardey ran to the dinning room with me following them with the plates for James, Severus, Sirius, and my parents. When I was setting the plates on the bigger table I saw Severus walked over with the silverware. Guess mom told him where they were. Both Severus and I set up the big table. When Severus was done with putting silverware on our table he helped Dardey with setting the silverware for his family's table. Cimpey was having a hard time putting the cups on the bigger table so I lift her up to give her some height. Both Severus and I were too busy with helping the little elf children that we didn't notice the two set of parents at the door that leads to the kitchen.  Severus then picked up Dardey. both Severus and I stood in between the two tables. I think they look great.

Cimpey: wait they are missing something!!!

I look at Cimpey with a raised eyebrow. She points to the middle of the tables and saw there wasn't any decorations on them. I nodded my head and looked at Severus.

Severus: what should we put on them then?

Cimpey: FLOWERS!!!!

I smiled and set her down. I went to the closet were more decorations were at and let her go through it. When she came out she had two vases with fake Christmas flowers in her small arms.  I took one of them and she ran to the small table and set it in the middle of that. I did the same for the big table with the other vase. Severus set Dardey down that was when we saw a flash. We all look at where it came from and saw my mom with the camera. My dad was there with Dardey and Cimpey's parents next to him. 

Euphemia: you two would make great parents don't you think Teepey?

Teepey: of course Mrs. Potter. Now you guys go wash up breakfast is ready. 

I smiled a bit then nodded my head. I led Sev to the first floor bathroom to wash our hands. While we were doing that we heard someone appear in the livingroom chimney by flu. We walked out and headed to the chimney. Inside the chimney was Lucius. I squeeled and ran to him and gave him a huge hug. Severus walked over to us and pat Lucius' shoulder. I let go and looked at him in the face.

Lizzie: I thought you were coming at 3?

Lucius: yes, but it has seemed I can not handle being away from you two with out my heart feeling empty.

Severus: welcome Mrs.Potter was just finishing up breakfast. 

I nodded my head and led both boys to the kitchen, but first lucius had to drop his two gifts under the tree. We walked to the dinning room. My mom just sat the last dish on the tables.

Lizzie: mom look who came early.

She looked up and smiled when she saw Lucius next to Severus. She stood up straight and walked over to us. 

Euphemia: I thought you were coming at 3 dear?

Lucius: yes, but I wanted to see these two 

I smiled a bit while blushing a bit. Severus looked between me and Lucius and smiled a bit. My mom nodded her head and told him to go wash up. Lucius nods his head and I told him where it was. I went to the kitchen to grab a new plate, cup, and silverware. WHen I came back Sirius, James, my dad,mom, and severus was sitting down at the big table. At the smaller one was Teepey with her husband and kids. I set the plate at the spot that was on the other side of me and was next to my mom. I'm glad my mom made the table bigger. James looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

James: who else is joining us?

Lizzie: you will see. 

Right after  said that Lucius walked into the room. When James saw him he groans. My dad looked up and groaned as well. 

Euphemia: Oh stop you two. Come on Lucius Lizzie sit down it is time to eat. Then we open our gifts. 

Lucius: yes Mrs. Potter. 

Lizzie: yes mom. 

Both Lucius and I sat down then we all began to eat. Lucius was talking to my dad about how he feels about what is going on. James was talking with Sirius. As for Severus he was talking with my mom about his classes. I was eating my food with a smile on my face just happy how everything is going. After we were done eating we opened up our gifts. My grandmother made me new dresses and skirts. My parents gave me some new shoes. My flats were falling a part from me wearing them and I needed new winter shoes. James got me a book on pranks. Of course he would I got him the same book as well which was funny. When I got to Lucius' gift I was shocked. It was a locket. Severus got the same one. I opened up mine and when I did there was three pictures one of each of us. Both Severus and I looked and Lucius. He looked at us and lifted up the same locket that was around his neck. He then hid it under his shirt. I got up and tackled Lucius to the ground in a hug. Severus was still looking at the locket. I got off of him and asked Lucius to help me put it on. He did when he was done I kissed his cheek then helped Severus with his. When we were all done with opening gift Severus, Lucius, and I went to my room so I can get my winter cloak. Severus went to the guest room to get his. Lucius already had his winter cloak on. We then walked around the garden until it was time for us to go. I have to say this Christmas was amazing. I can't wait for other Christmas to come. 


The locket that all three of them have. 
