Episode 37: a grave from the heart

"Amy?!" Anne ran towards her daughter and tried to wake her up. But she didn't. "Amy? What's going on? Wake up, Amy!" She tried to shake her daughter but nothing happened! She stared at a lifeless body of what minutes ago was the body of a smiling Amy.

Her mother noticed the puddle of blood Amy was laying in. As soon as she saw the blood she stood up and ran downstairs, into the livingroom and grabbed her phone. "Come on, come on!" She shouted, wildly.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"I need an ambulance, my daughter is pregnant, she's not waking up and i noticed blood all around her! I don't know what to do?!"
"Try to calm down ma'am! An ambulance is coming your ways!"

Anne felt helpless. Waiting for an ambulance to show up felt like a century. She didn't know what was going on, but whatever was going on wasn't going the right way.

Several minutes later an ambulance stopped across the street.
Anne ran to her front door and opened it without any hesitation. When the paramedics came in with a stretcher it all went down so quickly. Quickly but also slowly. This all felt so unrealistic. It was like a bad movie with a terrible ending.

"Ma'am where is your daughter?"

Even the way the paramedic asked this sounded surreal. 'If this is a bad movie where is the awful background music then? If this is a dream when will we wake up?' All these thoughts were driving her crazy. She was either too exhausted or she couldn't find the words to tell the paramedic where Amy was. She lifted her shaking hand and pointed to the stairs. She looked right through the paramedic who already disappeared out of her sight.

Anne looked at the paramedics and how they were trying to find the baby's heartbeat. A male paramedic placed an oxygen mask on Amy's face.

A tear suddenly fell down out of Anne's fierce looking eyes. She could feel the pain that was coming her way. All of this was just like a bad scene right at the beginning of a movie in slow motion. 'Slow motion?' She thought. 'It's slow motion all over again.'

She saw several paramedics around her daughter speaking in a language she understood but refused to hear. They were shouting and running. It didn't look like it was coming to an end.

"What's going on?!"

In a sudden, a scared but familiar voice appeared out of the blue. Anne turned around and faced a confused looking Ricky who now stood in Amy's room.

He looked at the girl who was carrying his child.
The girl he chose but lost.
He looked carefully at a lifeless looking Amy. He stood there, confused and scared. He watched every move the paramedics made. How they lifted her, how they carried her carelessly, and put her on the stretcher.
Her skin was as white as snow. Her eyes were closed, and an ogygen mask almost took over her entire face. He saw all the monitors on her belly and paramedics arguing about her as if she didn't matter. But all of this was just a haze of something terrible.

"We have to go!" Was the only thing a paramedic said before they disappeared.

Moments of silence went by, Anne was sitting in the kitchen looking at her phone. Knowing that she had to call the hospital and George. But she couldn't. Not right now, anyways.
Because she couldn't speak. And she didn't want to. It felt like her ability to speak was taken from her the moment she found her daughter on her bed.

Ricky stood frozen in Amy's room. He was looking at the bloody bed. Studying what must have happened. Not knowing what was going on. He walked to Amy's bed and noticed a notebook right next to the puddle of blood. He took the book and noticed he was holding it upside down, he turned it around and saw it titled as 'secret journal'. Out of curiosity he opened the journal at its first page and noticed his name written in almost every sentence.

"Yes, George. I know! Yes okay, i'll let you know!"
Anne sighed. "See you in an hour."

She stared out of the window, trying to forget what had happened. But she couldn't.
Ricky appeared with a book in his hand. Anne looked at him and noticed the familiar looking notebook.
"She must hate me!" He said, recklessly.
"She doesn't!" She responded back.
"Have you read this journal?" He asked, as he threw the journal on the kitchen table.
Anne shook her head. "No, i don't want to read something she doesn't want me to read!" She sighed and stood up. "But i don't need a journal to tell me what she really feels about you!"
"My name is written all over her journal, she writes about me like i'm some character she made up!" He shouted.
"No need to shout." Anne said, looking away.
"Okay, i'm sorry."
Anne sighed and turned back around. "She loves you, you know?"
"Yeah, right. She loves me so much that she hates me in her journal!" Ricky responded, shaking his head.
Anne was staring out of the window. She didn't feel like arguing, talking or responding. This all felt so surreal, still.
"So, what exactly is going on with her, Anne?"
Anne turned her head and saw a fierce looking Ricky looking back at her.
"I understand how you must be feeling but despite everything, i do care about Amy! So please tell me, what happened?" He asked, once again.
"I don't know what happened? One moment we were eating lunch together, the other moment i hear her screaming and find her the way you found her!"
Anne's voice started shaking because it was telling her to let it all go, to let her emotions become free. That it was okay to cry, but she refused to.

Ricky walked towards her and gave her a strong and supportive hug.
"After everything me and Amy went through together, i know she's going to be okay! Cause i know Amy, she's a fighter, she always was! She's a fighter because she doesn't need me, she never did! She could always do this by herself and be independent or whatever she intended to be?" He sighed. "I just know she's going to be alright!" He swallowed carefully. "Even though i don't know about the baby, i really don't! But it will all work out the way it's supposed to be!" He said, trying to convince himself.
Anne nodded. "I know. It's just that she gave up a lot of things to have this baby! She gave up New York, and that's a big deal! Because that was the one thing she once refused to give up but she gave it up!"
Ricky looked down. He felt guilty about it all and it almost seemed like Amy and everyone else was blaming him because of her pregnancy. Of course he was guilty of getting her pregnant but it wasn't only his fault. It was both of their fault!
He looked at a sad looking Anne, he didn't know how he could make her feel better, because there was nothing to make this okay.

"We should probably go to the hospital!" He finally suggested.


She opened her eyes. Opening them felt like a challenge. Her eyes felt heavy and almost didn't seem like opening. She carefully looked around to see where she was. She noticed a few monitors that were connected to her. She saw a heart monitor right next to her. Her eyes followed the monitor and where it lead to. It lead to her belly.
It was a confusing situation. She looked at the wires and monitors all around her.
She could hear the voices of people talking. She lifted her head and saw 3 male figures talking to each other. She couldn't see who they were. She just heard their voices. One of them seemed familiar. She tried to speak, but opening her mouth hurted, no words came out. She felt so thirsty, her throat was so dry and burned like a vulcano.
"Wa... Wa-ter" she said so still, no one could hear her.
But before she knew, and before she could speak again, she suddenly felt so tired.
Without forcing herself, her eyes closed. And before she knew, she fell asleep.

Asleep and dreaming it was all just a dream.

'Our day has come
It's drawn in the sky
So don't shed a tear now
Be thankful for the time

Life wouldn't be so precious dear if there never was an end.'

- Acid Rain by
Avenged Sevenfold
