Episode 40: twenty hours of sleep part 1

It seemed like everything went down slowly. How minutes felt like hours, how hours felt like days, how days felt like weeks, how weeks felt like years and how years felt like forever.
This felt like forever.

Anne was walking around nervously. "No news is good news right?" Ricky asked.
Anne shook her head. "I don't know!"

she brushed her hand through her short wild coupe of what hours ago was nice and straightened hair.

In a sudden she heard a familiar voice, a voice she was hoping to hear, a voice of someone to lean on.

"Is she okay? Where's my girl? I came as fast as i could!" George shouted, holding his messy ex wife in his arms.

"she's in surgery, they're delivering the baby!"

George looked at Ricky, and how he was looking down at the floor, sinking away into his own thoughts.

"Look Ricky, we might not be the best of friends but i am,... we are here, all of us as a family."

Ricky nodded. "Thank you Mr. Juergens."

George looked confused. "when did we go back to that?"

"To what?"

"To calling me Mr. Juergens i meant?"

Ricky stood up and faced George, who now stood steady and fierce on the cold and white hospital floor.
He put his hand on George's shoulder. "I feel like i have to earn back your trust and respect, and for me to have the same thing."
He sighed. "I have to respect you George! And don't get me wrong, i do respect you, but i just have to show you that i'm trustworthy, and i'll do whatever it takes!"

George frowned followed by a confused look.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"because you're Amy's dad, and for me to have a healthy relationship with your daughter, i have to respect the man!"

Anne and George both lit up. Suddenly it felt like maybe hope hadn't abandoned them. Maybe it created a new path for them to slowly follow.

"So what you're saying is?..." Anne asked, looking right at him.

"What i'm saying is... That i'm..."
He sighed.

Speaking the truth, saying these words were a big step for him. He never said what he was about to say. He never dared, but most importantly; he never felt this way before.

"I'm in love with Amy!" He suddenly said with sparkling looking eyes.
"I don't just love her like i would always tell her. And i'm not saying this because she's with my child. I just really fell for her!"

He sighed.

"I really am in love with your daughter and i know it took me a long time to realize, to grow, and to think about everything we both went through, but everything makes sense now. We were brought together for a reason, and i know that! So yeah, i'm in love with her and i don't..."
He sighed as a tear slowly fell out of his sparkling looking eye.
"I do not want to lose her!!"
He said, as the last pair of words came out silently.

Anne and George both stood astonished.

"The first time i didn't do it the proper way, and i didn't do it for me or for her even. The first time we did it for John. That was a mistake. A huge mistake! And we... Or i didn't ask you two for your permission."
He looked up and smiled at George and Anne who both looked like they were watching a movie with an outstanding plot twist.

"Once all of this is over. Once we have the baby..." Saying this out loud for the first time felt like such a relief, like he could handle the world now. He finally felt at the right place and in the right time. "Once she's ready, i want to marry your daughter." He continued.

George and Anne's lips curved into a little smile. They gave Ricky a big hug, a hug they never even shared before, a hug that could tell a lifetime full of beautiful and amazing stories.

"You have our blessing!" Was the only thing George said, right before a doctor appeared.

"I'm sorry to disturb this talk." He said, with an outstanding Australian accent.
"No, no... What's wrong?" George immediately asked.
"Could you follow me to my office?... all of you?" The doctor asked, unsure about his own words.

Anne, George and Ricky gave each other an estranged look and followed the nervous looking doctor into the bright looking hallway that led them to doctor Worthly's office.


Doctor Worthly sighed.
"the doctor in New York made a huge mistake."

Anne, George and Ricky stood astonished, pinched to the floor.

"She indeed had Preeclampsia, and she does have Eclampsia, but... " He looked at his desk and looked at documents that were laying there like it meant nothing.

"New York ZION just released her medical records, there has been made a huge mistake what changes everything!"
