The Argument

Max was half tempted to go stand by the bedroom door and eavesdrop on the conversation between Gidget and her parents. But he was already too scared to even try. Plus, there was no need to listen right outside the door. One only had to be quiet and listen for there was a lot of yelling.

"You mean to tell me that you have fallen for a dog of a different breed!" Rocky's shout caused Mel, Buddy, and Sweetpea to hide under the couch. Snowball patted Max on the back for comfort.

"But Dad, I love Max!" Gidget barked at her father. So far, her mother hadn't joined the conversation.

"Are you insane daughter?! Because I just found out that your friends are the weirdest misfits around. For goodness sake, half of them act like idiots, the old one is trying to date the fat cat, the rabbit and freak of nature are an abomination to humanity, you're friends with an elderly bald eagle, the one dog is a mutt while you're falling for a Jack Russell terrier!" Rocky retorted. Looking around, Mel asked, "Which ones do you think he meant were idiots?" Buddy and Sweetpea shook their head in disbelief. Duke, meanwhile, looked a little hurt from Rocky's words.

"Dad, you are too controlling! My siblings, from my litter to others, agree that you don't let them live their own life! I even had three brothers and four sisters who committed suicide because of your actions! How about you stay out of my life!" Gidget snarled. Suddenly, the other pets could hear a loud smack and a small whine. "Honey-" Linda finally piped up.

"Stay out of this woman!" Rocky commanded. Then, to his daughter, he growled, "You will do as I say young lady! Are we clear?!" Gidget muttered something inaudible. But it must've been an answer Rocky didn't want to hear because there was another smack. The bedroom door swung open as Rocky stormed out, Linda following close behind. Her eyes shone with shock and fury but she didn't say anything as Rocky slammed the front door behind them.
