Bad Eyesight

Norman tilted his head towards the sound, looking back the way they came. High above the trees, he could see a dark shape soaring in circles before heading towards the ground. He's... alive, he's alive! the thought exploded in Norman's head as he sprang off Chloe's back and took off running before anyone could catch him. At last, he came across a large willow tree. At its base lay an unmoving hawk.

Cautiously, Norman approached his friend. Before long, he was staring down at a familiar face just as the hawk's eyes opened. "Uh, Norman... why is there more than one of you?" Tiberius asked, deeply confused. The guinea pig couldn't restrain himself as he gave his friend a massive hug. Just then, the others came barging through the undergrowth.

"Norman, oh hey Tiberius, don't you dare- wait, Tiberius?!" Max started to say something to Norman when he noticed that Tiberius was there as well. A look of shock spread across the group's faces. Immediately, everyone surrounded the hawk and started overwhelming him with questions, which caused Tiberius to become even more bewildered and his head throbbed with pain.

"Alright guys, give the bird some space!" Snowball shouted. Once it was quiet, he turned around and informed, "Tiberius, we need a favor from you." Max quickly cut in and said, "Duke ran away from home and we can't find him anywhere. Could you fly above the city and find him?" Confused, Tiberius calmly pointed out, "But he's right behind you. Also, why does Ozone have two heads?" Bewildered, the group looked behind them. But all they saw was an oak tree and a normal Ozone.

"How many ears do I have?" Snowball asked, worried. Squinting at the rabbit, Tiberius replied, "Three, no four! Wait, is that just your head?" Glancing at the group, Snowball shrugged his shoulders. "Great! He's broken!" Pops grumbled, a little frustrated. Thinking for a moment, Leonard's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as he announced, "Guys, I have an idea!"
