A Voice From the Shadows

Tears rolled down Norman's cheeks and fell on Tiberius's neck as the guinea pig hugged the hawk. His friend still hadn't moved from the spot where he fell. Whimpering, Norman buried his face deeper into the hawk's feathers. Please don't leave me... the guinea pig repeated over and over in his mind, praying that the old hawk would miraculously awake and everything would be okay. Yet Tiberius still didn't move.

"If you want, I can watch over him while you get help," a voice offered quietly from behind Norman. Turning around, the guinea pig saw someone hiding among trash bags. Curious, he took a step closer. "Please don't come any closer! I don't wish to be seen!" the voice cried out. Quickly, Norman backed away as he asked, "Why are you helping me?"

"I just want to help. I'm... lending a hand," the voice answered. Squinting, Norman could make out two golden eyes peering out of the darkness. The voice continued, "Do you trust me?" Without hesitation, Norman nodded his head, unaware of the action. For some reason, he felt like he could call the voice a friend.

After breathing a sigh of relief, the voice stated, "I believe one of your companions is nearby. Go find him and come back. I'll stay here with your friend until you return. However, I'm shy so I won't be here when you return." Understanding, Norman hugged Tiberius one last time before dashing off. "Thank you!" he called over his shoulder as he left the alley.

Cautiously, the stranger stepped out from behind the trash bags and settled herself inches away from the hawk, her eyes never straying away.
