Part 6

Mary: You know she is just kidding right?
Henry: *shakes head* I know.
Mary: *looks at him* Are you alright?
Henry: Of course! Why wouldn't I be? I'm just super excited for class, that's all!
Mary: *smiles* Me too. Ready?
Henry: *smiles* I'm ready if you are.
Mary: I'm ready. *walks with him*
Mary: *smiles and sits down in spot*
Henry: *sits down and smiles at her*
Liam: *smirks and whispers* Someone is distracted.
Henry: *quickly sits up and takes out notebook*
Teacher: Let's begin, everyone. *smiles and starts lecturing*
Mary: *smiles and takes notes*
Henry: *takes notes and starts drawing hearts*
Liam: *whispers* I get that you're in love with her, but give it a rest for now.
Henry: *looks down at paper and eyes widen*
{After class}
Teacher: That's all for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. *smiles*
Mary: *packs up*
Emily: I'm so happy it's lunch time.
Mary: *giggles then smiles at him* Ready to go?
Henry: Of course- I mean yeah! I'm ready. *nervous smile and quickly packs up*
Emily: *giggles* The boys are just so slow, aren't they?
Mary: *giggles* A bit, but I'm sure they had to finish their notes or something.
Liam: Or their drawings-
Henry: *nudges him*
Liam: *giggles*
Mary: *looks between them* Am I missing something?
Emily: It looks like it, Mary.
Henry: No!
Emily: *looks at Liam and smirks*
Liam: We'll see you two soon. *smirks and pulls her out*
Emily: *giggles* I'm so happy you understood that.
Mary: What was that about?
Henry: *shrugs* I'm not sure. You can never be sure about them though. *giggles*
Liam: Of course. He's clearly in love!
Mary: *giggles* Tell me about it. They practically have their own language.
Liam: He was smiling at her and drawing hearts in his notebook.
Emily: *smiles big* Seriously??
Liam: *smiles big and nods*
Emily: Aw that's great! I'm not sure about Mary.
Emily: You remember how she went over to him without hesitation? She has to have feelings!
Liam: Perhaps she needs her best friend to get her to confess those feelings?
Emily: *nods* I already have that covered, Liam. *kisses him on cheek*
Liam: *blushes and smiles* I'll talk to Henry.
Mary: Henry? Is everything ok?
Henry: Everything is beautiful- wonderful! *facepalms* I'm fine, just a little tired.
Mary: *smiles* Let's go to lunch and maybe that will help, ok?
Henry: *smiles and nods*
Mary: *walks with him* I think they have cookies for dessert that will be awesome.
Henry: Really? That's exciting.
Mary: *nods* They are really good here. Do you like sugar cookies?
Henry: I do. Do you like them?
Mary: *nods* I love them. They are one of my favorites. Along with chocolate chip, of course. The school's sugar cookies are really good, so I'm excited for you to try them.
Emily: Here they come. Act natural.
Henry: I'm sure they'll be amazing.
Mary: *smiles at him then looks at them* Hey you two!
Liam: *nods and attempts to take her cookie* Hey!
Emily: *gently taps his hand* You got one already.
Liam: Can I have two? *cute face*
Emily: *looks over at him and sighs then gives him hers*
Both Henry and Mary: *giggle*
Emily: Mary, can you please get an extra cookie? Say a sugar thief took it. *gives him a playful look*
Liam: *giggles* Thanks, Emily.
Mary: *starts walking there but turns* Would you like to come with me, Henry?
Henry: *smiles* I would love to.
Lunch Lady: *makes her a plate* Here you go, sweet heart.
Henry: *smiles at her*
Mary: Thank you. Is there any way I can get an extra cookie please?
Lunch Lady: *sighs* Let me guess. Liam?
Mary: *nervous smile* Yes ma'am.
Henry: *eyes widen a little* How did you know?
Lunch Lady: Liam has a history of this. Emily is very kind to share and then Mary asks for an extra. *giggles*
Henry: *giggles* Of course he does. Thank you.
Lunch Lady: I don't mind helping out. *whispers* In fact, as long as you stay out of trouble, I don't mind rewarding a few extra.
Mary: *smiles and nods* And we always appreciate it.
Lunch Lady: *smiles* You're always so sweet. Enjoy your day, Mary.
Mary: Thank you, I hope you have a great day as well. *smiles at him* I'll see you at the table. *walks out*
Henry: *smiles* I'll see you soon.
Lunch Lady: *smiles between them* What would you like?
Henry: I'll just have a salad.
Lunch Lady: Are you sure that's the only thing on your mind? A salad? *glances at Mary sitting down and looks at him*
Henry: *eyes widen a little then looks down* Is it that obvious?
Lunch Lady: Not too noticeable, but I have seen plenty of couples so it's easy to spot. Liam and Emily for example. Liam was a mess when he asked Emily.
Henry: Really? How did he act? Unless he's had too much sugar, he seems pretty calm.
Lunch Lady: He normally is, you're absolutely right. However, he was head over heels in love with Emily and tried to think of the perfect plan to ask her out. He told me all about it. While he was pacing, I told him to just be himself. Got any plans yet?
Henry: I've thought about a picnic, but I'm afraid that's too lame.
Lunch Lady: Mary has told me that she loves taking walks in her garden. She even mentioned walks through the garden with you. Do you think she will think it's lame?
Henry: Not re- *smiles big* She's mentioned taking walks with me?
Lunch Lady: *smiles* Sounds like a picnic would be a perfect idea. Are you asking her soon? She is a very kind girl and you two would make an adorable couple.
Henry: *smiles* Thank you, but I'll probably wait awhile. We haven't known each other for very long. and I highly doubt she feels the same way.
Henry: *looks at her* Do you think she does?
Lunch Lady: *smiles and nods* I think the feelings are there. Just keep being yourself. She seems to care about you, and I can see that develop into something.
Henry: *smiles* Really?
Lunch Lady: Really. I see the way you look at her. There's no doubt she won't fall for you eventually. *gives tray*
Henry: *smiles and takes it* Thank you. I'll let you know what my plans are.
Lunch Lady: I can't wait to hear about them.
Mary: Here, Emily. *looks at Liam* Let your girlfriend have her cookie, ok?
Henry: *smiles and sits down* Hey guys.
Liam: *nods* Hey. What took you so long?
Henry: Me and the lunch lady were talking about salad.
Mary: *giggles* Salad?
Liam: *thinks and smiles* That's an interesting topic.
Emily: Is that some kind of prince thing? *giggles*
Liam: Of course it is! For me, it's a way of getting extra cookies.
Mary: Oh yeah, we talked about that too, Liam. *giggles*
Emily: *laughs*
Mary: *nervous smile* I'm sorry, Liam. I tried to think of something, but she already knew. That plan no longer works.
Liam: Wait what? But you always get two!
Emily: Relax. She got an extra for you. *passes it to him*
Liam: *starts to take it but stops* I already had two. You should have it.
Liam: *smiles and gives it to her* I insist.
Emily: Are you sure? You don't have to.
Mary: *smiles between them*
Liam: *kisses her cheek* I'm sure.
Henry: *looks over and smiles at her*
Emily: *blushes and takes it* Thank you, Liam. You're really sweet.
Liam: I try for you.
Emily: You're such a gentleman and I love it.
Mary: You two are so cute! *smiles*
Henry: *still looking at her* Yeah- *quickly looks at them* Uh yeah! You two are a perfect couple!
Mary: *looks at him and smiles* Are you ready for the quiz in our next class?
Emily: *whispers* And there she goes again! We have to think of a different topic.
Henry: I think so. How do you feel about it?
Liam: *whispers* Yeah, but at least it's clear that she wants to talk to him.
Mary: I feel the same way. I've heard that as long as you go over your notes from the day before, you'll be fine.
Henry: I did that over and over, so hopefully I'll do alright.
Emily: *smiles and whispers* That's a good point. Should we say we have to go?
Liam: *nods*
Mary: It sounds like you'll do amazing on it then.
Henry: *smiles* Thank you. I'm sure you will too.
Emily: Well, I'm gonna go over my notes with Liam
Mary: *eyes widen* Please tell me you studied, Liam.
Liam: *nervous smile* I meant to.
Emily: Exactly why I will do a crash course for him. Bye you two! *takes his hand*
Mary: Do you need help- *giggles* And they didn't hear me.
Liam: Do you remember the day I asked you?
Emily: *smiles and hugs his arm* Of course. How could I forget?
Liam: Well, I stayed in the lunch line for awhile gathering my thoughts, then I talked to the lunch lady. When I sat at our table, I used the same excuse Henry did.
Emily: *thinks* So that means... *smiles big*
Liam: He's planning on confessing!
{They talk about how they'd be an adorable couple, then Liam studies}
{After school}
Henry: So, how do you think you did on that test?
Mary: I feel like I did pretty well. I was a bit surprised with question 4 though. That did catch me off guard a bit.
Henry: Me too. It seemed very random.
Liam: *runs over* Henry! Can I talk to you?
Henry: Hey, Liam. Sure I guess.
Liam: Great! *takes his hand*
Henry: Uh I'll see you soon, Mary!
Mary: *giggles* Ok!
Liam: Alright salad boy, tell me what your plans are because I really need to-
Henry: *giggles* Salad boy?
Liam: I think it's a funny nickname for you.
Henry: I'm thinking about a picnic. Just the two of us!
Emily: Hey, Mary! Let's talk. *smiles and takes her hand*
Liam: *smiles big* Really?? When?
Henry: I'm not sure. I haven't really thought about that.
Liam: Do you think she feels the same way?
Henry: I doubt it.
Liam: Why do you say that?
Emily: So, how is everything?
Mary: *confused* It's fine. Why do you ask?
Emily: No reason, I just wanted to catch up with you on a few things. What do you think about Henry?
Mary: *smiles* He's great and I'm happy he decided to come to this school.
Emily: Oh really? Anything else?
Henry: Well, compared to everyone else-
Liam: Don't finish that! You're you and that's what makes you special! Who cares about everyone else?
Mary: *thinks* He seems to be really smart and is clearly very brave. Oh and he's a great dancer.
Emily: *smiles* And?
Liam: You have so much to offer, so please don't sell yourself short.
Henry: *smiles and hugs him* Thank you.
Mary: *thinks* I'm glad he forgave me after what I did to him. He's a great friend and I'm lucky to have him.
Liam: Is that the only reason you're afraid?
Henry: Well, if she doesn't feel the same, wouldn't it make things awkward between us? *thinks and eyes widen* Or worse! What if she'll never want to talk to me ever again??
Emily: *nervous smile* Oh, that's great.
Mary: *smiles and nods* Why do you ask?
Liam: *eyes widen a little* No no no! Don't think like that! I promise that won't happen!
Henry: But what if-
Liam: You worry too much. Just relax!
Liam: Anyway, that's all. Ready to head back?
Henry: I'm ready if you are.
Emily: Should we go back?
Mary: *nods* We should. The last thing I want him to do is panic.
{both boys walk back}
Both: *look around and eyes widen*
Henry: Mary?? Please tell me this a prank! I was supposed to protect her and I've already failed at that! I'm a horrible person!
Liam: Emily?? Where are you? I promise I'll never eat too many sweets ever again!
Mary: *walks out with Emily* Are you two ok?
Liam: *runs over and hugs* Emily!
Henry: *smiles and hugs her tight* Mary! You're alright!
Emily: *looks at him confused but hugs*
Mary: *surprised but hugs* I'm alright. I'm sorry I made you so worried.
Henry: *lets go* I'm sorry I worry so much.
Mary: *smiles* It's alright. I was just with Emily talking about different things. I should've told you where I was going.
