Part 5

{They walk in}
Mom: *looks at her and eyes widen a little* Are you alright, sweetie? You look nervous.
Dad: *looks concerned* Is everything alright?
Mary: I-It's nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. I... can we talk privately please?
Dad: *looks between them and gets up quickly* Of course.
{They go to the throne room}
Henry: *squeezes her hand*
Mary: *a little surprised and looks at him*
Mom: What is this about, Mary? You know you can tell us anything and everything. *smiles*
Mary: I...I was almost kidnapped tonight. *looks away*
Mom: *gasps* What?!
Dad: Kidnapped?! What happened? Where were the guards??
Mary: *slowly nods* I'm not sure, but Henry was there and fought off my kidnapper.
Mom: *smiles at him* Thank you so much for your bravery yet again, Henry. We appreciate it more than you think.
Dad: *smiles* Thank you for protecting her.
Mary: We just started our walk through the garden and I went a little ahead of him while he was talking to a fan.
Mary: It probably won't happen again, so there's no need to worry anymore-
Dad: No no no! This is serious and it's definitely something to worry about!
Mary: *eyes widen a little*
Mom: What did you have in mind, honey?
Villain: If I may give a suggestion, your highness, I would gladly take the role. *bows a little*
Dad: And what's that?
Villain: To protect the princess at all costs. I will not leave her side for one second.
Mary: *eyes widen a little*
Mom: *whispers* Don't we need her at the East side though?
Dad: *nods* We appreciate your offer, but that's quite alright.
Mom: *smiles and nods* We really do. Then what's the solution?
Villain: Of course, your majesties. *walks out while rolling eyes* That almost worked!
Dad: *glances at him and then back at her*
Dad: *whispers* What about Prince Henry?
Mom: *smiles big then whispers* That's a marvelous idea.
Dad: *smiles* Prince Henry?
Henry: Yes Sir?
Dad: Will you take on the role of protecting our daughter?
Mary: *looks at him*
Henry: *eyes widen a little* I-I'm really not fit for-
Mary: See? He doesn't want to, Father. Can we please just drop this matter?
Mom: *whispers* We should probably give his parents a warning and get them involved. It's only fair.
Dad: *nods* Let's discuss this with your parents as well. *opens door a bit* Will you send them in?
Guard: *nods and walks back with them*
Mother: Is something wrong?
Father: *confused* What's this about?
Mom: Mary was almost kidnapped tonight.
Father: What?!
Mother: Oh, you poor thing! Are you alright? *looks at her worried*
Mary: *smiles and nods* Yes ma'am. I'm fine.
Mom: My husband has come up with a solution to this growing problem.
Father: And what's that?
Mom: *looks at him and smiles*
Dad: We would like for Henry to take on the role of protecting our daughter.
Father: *a little surprised and looks at her*
Mother: *smiles big and nods*
Henry: *clearly nervous*
Father: I think that's a great idea.
Mary: *eyes widen* Really?
Father: Of course. Henry is very responsible.
Mother: *nods* And an excellent swordsman as he has proven twice.
Henry: *surprised and looks at them*
Father: *looks at him* Henry, can we talk?
Henry: *eyes widen a little* S-sure.
Father: We'll be right back.
{They walk out of the room}
Mom: *looks at door a tad worried*
Father: I know you don't think you're capable of taking on such a responsibility, but I know you are.
Father: You'll be helping them out tremendously. Having such an opportunity is an honor.
Henry: *looks down* But what if I fail?
Father: Henry, you defeated a troll and saved an entire village all by yourself. If you can do that, you'll be able to do this.
Father: I'll give you some time to think about it.
Henry: *nods*
Father: *starts to walk out but stops and turns to him* I'm proud of you, Henry.
Henry: *surprised*
Father: *smiles a little and walks out*
Father: *walks in and sits back down*
Henry: *takes a deep breath and walks in*
Henry: I'll do it.
Mary: *looks back and eyes widen a little* Father, please tell me there's someone else. I don't want Henry to be in danger. In fact, I don't need a bodyguard. I'll be fine on my own.
Dad: No way! Who knows what would've happened if Henry hadn't been there.
Mom: *smiles* It's for your own safety, Mary.
Mary: *sighs a little* Ok, fine.
Mary: Can I at least get some air please?
Dad: Of course.
Mary: Thank you, Father. *quick curtsy and takes his hand then walks outside*
Henry: *looks at hands and lightly blushes*
Mary: You have to decline the request.
Henry: I can't do that! I already said I would.
Mary: It's alright. I'll think of something, but I can't let you do this. You've already put yourself in danger twice for me. What if a third time you get hurt? I could never forgive myself. Please just decline.
Henry: I'll gladly do it again if I need to. I'd do anything to keep you safe.
Mary: *looks at him worried* But why would you do such a thing for me? We just met a few days ago.
Henry: *smiles* Why wouldn't I?
Mary: *smiles a little* You're really ok with this?
Henry: Of course.
Emily: *looks around* Where did Liam run off too-
Liam: *skips over and hugs then twirls her* His princess!! x3 Henry called Mary his princess!!
Emily: *crosses arms and gives him a look* Did you sneak more desserts while I wasn't looking?
Liam: Well- that's not the important thing here! Henry called Mary his princess!! *jumps up and down*
Emily: *smiles big* When??
Liam: A few minutes ago! Isn't this great??
Emily: It is! *jumps up and down with him* What did Mary do?
Liam: Well... let's just say she had other things to worry about.
Emily: Wait... what do you mean? *confused*
Liam: *looks around* There was an epic battle in the garden! I'm not sure how it got started, but he was protecting her. He was all like: Boom! Swoosh! Bam! And the mysterious enemy was clearly bluffing and struggling to keep up. Then Henry stole their sword! It was great!
Emily: *eyes widen* What?! Where are they? *frantically looks around*
Liam: They kicked some dust around and ran off. After that, I came running to find you, so I'm not really sure.
Emily: We have to find them! Where do you think they could be?
Liam: *shrugs* I have no clue.
Emily: *thinks and smiles then grabs hand* Let's go! *runs outside*
Mary: *smiles* Thank you, Henry.
Henry: *smiles at her* You're welcome, Mary.
Mary: *smiles at him*
Liam: *eyes widen* I-I really don't think that's a good idea.
Emily: *stops* Why not?
Liam: Because- It's freezing and super dark outside!
Emily: *giggles* Really? Not even to see if your friends are ok? Not even for a kiss? *leans in*
Liam: *eyes widen a little and blushes* S-sure! It's not like I'm scared or anything.
Emily: *kiss on cheek and giggles then grabs hand* Come on, Liam. *runs outside*
Mary: *looks over and eyes widen a little* Emily and Liam?
Henry: *a little surprised* Hey, what're you-
Emily: *runs over and hugs her tight* I'm so glad you're ok!
Liam: *hugs tight* Henry!! You scared them off so good!
Mary: Uh what do you mean? I'm fine.
Henry: *eyes widen a little* How did-
Liam: Can you teach me how to be super cool with swords too?
Emily: Don't give me that, Mary. Liam saw everything.
Mary: *gives Liam a look* You did what?
Liam: I spied on you guys! But it was so so cool! Free entertainment at its finest!
Mary: *facepalms* I should've known. Your sugar rush makes you do crazy stuff. *giggles*
Emily: Just like sneaking more sugar without your girlfriend looking?
Liam: *eats cookie* I have no idea what you're talking about. I would never do that!
Henry: *looks between them*
Emily: *gives him a look* Prince Liam?
Liam: Yes my dearest, most wonderful, and amazingly beautiful Princess Emily?
Emily: *blushes and smiles at him* Aww Liam! *hugs*
Henry and Mary: *giggle quietly*
Liam: *blushes and hugs*
Emily: You're the best, you know that? *kisses him on the cheek*
Liam: *smiles big* You really think so?
Emily: *smiles at him* I do, but don't you dare think about eating that much sugar next time there's a ball. *looks at him*
Liam: *nervous smile* Yeah, I'll definitely do that next time.
Liam: I mean I won't- *sighs* I'll do what you tell me to.
Mary: *giggles*
Liam: *whispers to Henry* That's a nice little trick I learned. It's always helpful. You should keep it in mind for when you get a girlfriend. *smirks and glances at Mary*
Henry: *eyes widen a little*
Emily: *hugs his arm* Would you mind walking me to my carriage? *smiles at him*
Liam: *blushes and smiles at her* I would love to.
Emily: I'll see you two at school tomorrow. I'm glad you both are ok. *smiles and waves a little then hugs arm*
Henry and Mary: Bye! *smile and wave*
Liam: Bye you two!
Mary: Well, now you've finally seen Liam on a sugar rush. That's very important for your overall school experience. *giggles*
Henry: *giggles* Of course it is. It's definitely very entertaining!
Mary: *looks down for a second and then at him* Are you sure you want to do this?
Henry: *takes her hands and smiles while looking into her eyes* I'm sure.
Mary: *smiles at him* Thank you for caring about my safety. It means a lot to me.
Henry: *smiles and hugs* And you mean a lot to me.
Mary: *surprised and hugs him*
Henry: Shall we head inside now?
Mary: Yes please. *smiles*
Henry: *smiles and offers hand*
Mary: *takes it and looks down at his hand*
{The next day at school}
Henry: *quickly gets out of carriage*
Liam: *looks at him confused* What's his deal?
Emily: *looks over* I have no idea. We should ask him! *takes his hand and runs over*
Liam: *eyes widen a little* Not so fast please! I think I had way too much sugar last night.
Emily: *giggles* Don't worry. Hi, Henry!
Henry: *smiles* Hey you two!
Liam: Hey! Why are you in such a hurry?
Henry: *looks around* I'm just excited, that's all.
Liam: *smirks* Excited to see Mary?
Henry: *lightly blushes and smiles*
Emily: *smiles big* Is that it??
Henry: W-well yes, but she's my friend.
Liam: Henry and Mary sitting in a tree! K-
Henry: *nudges him*
Liam: *giggles* I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Henry: *crosses arms and turns away*
{Princess Mary's carriage pulls up}
Henry: *runs over* I got it!
Henry: *opens her door and smiles* Good morning, Princess Mary.
Mary: *eyes widen a little but smiles* Good morning, Prince Henry. *giggles*
Mary: *starts to get out*
Henry: *offers hand*
Liam: *surprised*
Emily: *surprised* Did he just offer his hand??
Liam: He did!
Mary: *smiles and takes it* Thank you. *steps out*
Mary: You're taking your new job very seriously. *giggles*
Henry: *giggles and lets go* Thanks. I think.
Henry: How was the rest of your night?
Mary: It was great. How was yours? *smiles*
Henry: It was good! Thanks for asking. *smiles*
Liam: *takes her hand and steps closer to them*
Mary: *smiles* Of course. I hope the ride back was alright.
Henry: *smiles and nods* It was.
Mary: Did you finish the homework? I hope we didn't keep you so long so you couldn't finish it.
Henry: I finished it. And no, not at all. Don't worry. Did you end up finishing it?
Mary: I did. Did you think it was hard at all?
Emily: *facepalms and whispers* What is up with these two?
Liam: *facepalms* Out of all things, they chose to talk about homework?
Emily: Tell me about it. Should we intervene?
Liam: Yeah, we might as well.
Emily: It's not like they're going to talk about anything interesting. *giggles and hugs his arm*
Liam *giggles* That's true. *walks over* Hey you two!
Mary: Hey Emily and Liam!
Henry: Hi guys!
Emily: Hi! So what are you guys talking about?
Henry: Just homework.
Mary: *nods*
Emily: That's uh... interesting. So Henry, what kinds of things will you do as Mary's personal guard?
Henry: Well, I-
Liam: He'll probably cling to her side. *giggles*
Mary: *giggles* Don't worry, I told him that he doesn't have to do that.
Henry: I'm not quite sure actually, but I'll usually be staying with her outdoors.
Mary: Which there is no need for him to do such a thing. *smirks and teases*
Henry: Really? Because according to Liam, I was amazing at scaring off the "mysterious enemy." *giggles*
Mary: *giggles*
Emily: So, should we go to class? You better stay close to her, Henry. *smirks and hugs Liam's arm*
Henry: *eyes widen a little*
Liam: *blushes and smiles* We shall. We'll see you two in class.
