Part 2

Liam: So uh, do you like reading?
Henry: I do. I especially love reading about adventures. They make me feel like I'm exploring some place other than my room. *giggles*
Henry: Do you enjoy reading?
Liam: Not really, but I will if I have to.
Henry: What things do you like to do then?
Liam: I draw sometimes, but other than that, nothing too interesting.
Henry: *smiles* Well, I think that's great.
Liam: *surprised and smiles a little* Thank you.
Henry: *smiles and sits down* Of course.
Liam: *quick kiss on cheek and sits down*
Emily: *blushes and smiles*
Mary: *giggles quietly and starts taking notes*
Henry: *takes notes*
{after class Liam drags Henry out to talk to him}
Liam: Why are you so happy?
Henry: Because Mary talked to me and really got to know me despite all the rumors going around.
Henry: Most people assume that the only kinds of words that come out of my mouth are something like: "This school is such a disappointment. I don't have nearly as many opportunities as I would elsewhere. Not to mention, everyone here is pathetic and so helplessly naive." *dramatically crosses arms*
Mary: *walks around the corner then eyes widen and looks down, clearly sad*
Mary: *walks away*
Emily: *smiles and waves* I saved you a-
Liam: Well, that was... something.
Mary: If it's alright with you, I'm just going to eat in the library.
Henry: *giggles* It was ridiculous.
Liam: *looks around and giggles a bit* Ok yeah, it kind of was.
Emily: Oh, uh yeah. I understand. Is everything alright?
Mary: Yeah. I just...want to go read a bit. I'll see you later. *walks to the library*
Henry: *smiles* Would you maybe want to-
Liam: I'll see you later, bye! *walks away quickly*
Henry: *sighs and looks around*
(Prince Henry asks multiple groups if he can sit with them, and they all reject him)
Henry: *finally walks over to Liam and Emily* Can I sit with you two?
Liam: *looks at Emily*
Emily: *gives Liam a "does he seem ok?" look*
Liam: *looks up at him* Sure I guess.
Emily: *half smiles and eats*
Henry: *smiles a little and sits down* Thank you.
Henry: *looks around* Where's Mary?
Emily: She wanted to eat in the library. She does that sometimes so there's no need to worry.
Liam: *thinks* She does?
Henry: *looks between them*
Emily: *gives him a little look* Yes she does. Don't you remember, Liam?
Liam: *nervous smile* Uh, I mean yes! Yeah, of course.
Henry: Ok... is she studying or something?
Liam: *sighs* Why do you ask so many questions?
Emily: *looks between them confused*
Henry: I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Liam: *looks at Emily with a "should I question him some more?" look*
Emily: *thinks and nods a little*
Liam: You don't need to apologize. We just want to know more about you, that's all.
Henry: *surprised and smiles big* Really?
Liam: Yeah, you seem pretty cool.
Henry: *smiles* Thank you. What would you like to know?
Liam: *looks at Emily*
Emily: *thinks for a second* Are you as skilled of a swordsman as everyone says?
Henry: I can use a sword fairly well, but I'm really not all that skilled with it.
Emily: *a little surprised* What about riding? Do you enjoy that?
Henry: I do, but I don't get to do it as often as I'd like to.
Emily: Why is that? I'm just curious, that's all.
Henry: My father wants me to focus on other things.
Emily: *eyes widen a little* So your father is strict? Is he like that with a lot of things?
Henry: *nods*
Emily: Oh... I'm sorry to hear that.
Liam: *surprised*
Henry: *smiles a little* You don't need to apologize. It isn't your fault.
Emily: *smiles* I know, but I can't imagine having so much pressure. The seat you are sitting in right now is now your seat. *gets plate and gets up* We should probably head to class.
Henry: *smiles* Thank you. *takes tray*
{They go to class}
Emily: *walks in with Liam and kisses his cheek*
Liam: *blushes*
Emily: I'll see you two after class. *smiles and walks to seat*
Henry: *sits down and looks over*
Liam: *smiles at Emily while resting head on hands*
Henry: *giggles quietly*
Mary: *walks in and glaces toward him*
Henry: *smiles and waves*
Mary: *half smiles and quickly goes to seat*
Henry: *confused but shakes head and starts taking notes*
{After class}
Mary: *walks to carriage quickly*
Henry: Bye Mary!
Mary: *half smiles and gets in*
Emily: *eyes widen* What just happened? *looks at Liam*
Liam: I'm not sure. Maybe... she's just in a hurry?
Henry: *looks down*
Emily: She never is. *looks away*
Liam: *thinks and paces* This doesn't make any sense.
Emily: No it doesn't. *looks at him*
Liam: We should go talk to him though. He looks really upset.
Emily: *sighs and nods* Care to walk me to my carriage?
Liam: I'd love to.
{Time skip}
Henry: *does homework*
Mother: Sweetie? Are you ready? *smiles*
Henry: *gets up and looks in mirror* I'm ready.
Father: Good. Did you finish your homework?
Henry: Almost. *avoids eye contact*
Father: You had all that time and you didn't finish?
Mother: I'm sure he is very close. Aren't you Henry?
Henry: *half smiles and nods*
Father: *sighs and gets in*
{At the Kingdom}
Mary: *fixes hair and adds crown*
Henry: *looks around and eyes widen a little*
Mom: Oh, you look so beautiful! Let's go downstairs to meet our guests. Your father is already down there.
Mary: *smiles* Of course, Mom. You look very nice as well.
Mary: *walks in and smiles* You look nice, Father.
Dad: *smiles* Thank you. You look very nice as well.
Mary: *smiles* Thank you.
Mom: You may open the doors, guards. Thank you.
{They all walk in}
Father: Good evening.
Both: *see each other and eyes widen*
Mary: *quickly avoids eye contact*
Father: *nudges him and whispers* Say something. You're making us look bad.
Henry: *smiles a little* Your palace is very nice.
Mom: Why thank you, Prince Henry. That is a kind compliment. Isn't it, Mary?
Mary: *smiles a little* Yes. That's very kind.
Dad: *looks between them* Well, we're so glad we were able to make this work. It's great to see you guys!
Mother: *smiles* The pleasure is all ours. Right, my king?
Father: Of course.
Mom: We should go to the hall for dinner. *smiles and hugs Dad's arm*
Mother: *hugs his arm*
Father: *gives him a look and glances at Mary*
Henry: *smiles a little and offers arm* Shall we?
Mary: *looks at his arm and looks away* No thank you. I appreciate the offer though. *avoids eye contact and quickly walks that way*
Henry: *sighs and walks in*
Henry: *smiles and pulls out chair for her*
Mary: *quick smile and looks away* Thank you.
Henry: Of course. *sits down*
Mom: Oh, such a gentleman! You have raised a fine young man. *smiles*
Father: *rolls eyes and mumbles* At least someone thinks so.
Mother: *smiles* That's our Henry. He is always so kind.
Henry: *looks down then smiles a little* Thank you.
Everyone: *eats*
Mom: So, how are you enjoying your classes? Mary mentioned that you are in a few of her classes and that it was your first week here.
Henry: *smiles and nods* I'm really enjoying them. Thank you for asking.
Mom: That's wonderful to hear! She also mentioned that you found the homework to not be as challenging. That's excellent.
Henry: *smiles and nods* I'm very happy with it.
Dad: So, Henry, I've heard your name many times. What are you famous for?
Mary: *eyes widen* May I be excused?
Mom: Of course. Are you feeling ill?
Mary: I'm fine. I just need some fresh air. *gets up and starts to leave*
Henry: Would you like me to come with you?
Mary: No, that's quite alright. I'll only be a minute. *leaves with Dean*
Villain: *sneaks out the back door*
Henry: *sees her and eyes widen* May I be excused as well?
Mom: Of course.
Villain: *knocks Guard (Dean) to the ground*
Mary: I should have known it was you, Dean. At least it is a nice evening for a walk. Don't you- *turns and eyes widen*
Villain: *smirks* You're coming with me, Your Highness.
Mary: *slowly backs up and hits the bush* Please don't do this.
Villain: *gets closer* Just be a good little princess and everything will-
Henry: Back off! *pulls her away*
Villain: You will regret that, Prince! *takes out sword*
Henry: *takes out sword* I'm not afraid of you.
Villain: You should be! I will accomplish my mission. *attacks*
Henry: *attacks too* Really? I don't see your plan going anywhere.
Villain: How dare you!
{Epic sword fight}
Villain: *jumps back and trips*
Villain: *eyes widen*
Henry: *glares then eyes widen a little and turns to Mary* Are you alright?
Mary: *nods a little* Yes, I am.
Villain: *quicky gets up and disappears*
Henry: *smiles*
Mary: *looks down* Thank you.
Henry: Of course. *offers arm* We should probably head inside.
Mary: *looks at arm and quickly looks away* We should. *starts walking*
Henry: *follows close behind*
Villain: Ugh! That prince got in my way! No matter. I'll just find another way to steal the kingdom and make it mine.
{They go inside}
Mom: Oh, welcome back, you two. How was the walk? *smiles*
Mother: Please do tell us about it!
Mary: It was... fine. Just a normal walk like I normally do.
Henry: *eyes widen a little and looks over*
Mom: How wonderful! Just in time for dessert. *smiles*
Henry: *pulls out chair for her*
Mary: *sighs a little and sits down* Thank you. *avoids eye contact*
Henry: *tries not to seem upset and pushes chair in* Of course.
Mom: I hope everyone loves the dessert. The berries are fresh and just picked a few hours ago.
Mother: So, did you two talk about anything? School? Hobbies?
Mary: *eyes widen a little*
Dad: *looks between them*
Mom: *looks at him confused*
Mary: Well, we...
Henry: Nothing grand, mainly just homework. We discussed our answers and things like that.
Mary: *a little surprised*
Mom: Oh, well that sounds... fun. *giggles*
Henry: It was. *giggles*
Mary: *nods and glances over for a second and goes back to eating*
Mom: That was wonderful. Great choice, my king. *smiles at him*
Henry: *eats and smiles big* I agree. This is really good!
Dad: *smiles* Thank you. I'm so glad you liked it.
Dad: *looks over and smiles* What did you think?
Father: *nods* It was very good. Thank you.
{They go to their carriage}
Mother: That was wonderful, wasn't it you two?
Henry: *nods* It was.
Father: I suppose so, their palace was nice.
Father: *glances back at him* Mary is very quiet, don't you think?
Henry: *eyes widen a little* I do.
{Time skip}
Mary: *smiles and gets out of carriage* Hi Liam and Emily!
Emily: Hi, Mary! You're in a better mood.
Liam: Hey! How was your fancy dinner? *giggles*
Mary: Oh uh, it was...fancy? *giggles*
Liam: *smiles at Emily* And how was your afternoon? *kisses her hand*
Emily: *blushes and smiles* Oh, it was wonderful! Walking through the flowers in your garden.. *ect* Don't you remember?
Liam: Of course. I could never forget something so perfect.
Emily: *smiles and hugs him arm* You're so sweet!
