Part 4

Mother: He will be out soon. Try not to be so hard on him? He seems very excited.
Father: *nods* You look beautiful tonight.
Mother: *smiles and kiss on cheek* Thank you. You look very handsome tonight.
Henry: *walks out and smiles* I'm ready if you are.
Mother: We are ready. Right, my love?
Father: Right. Let's get going now.
{Mary and her parents getting ready to greet everyone}
Mary: Thank you, Mother. You both look really nice.
Dad: *smiles* Thank you, you look really nice too.
Mary: Thank you, Father. I'm ready when you are.
Mom: *nods for the guard to open the doors*
Mother: Wow! The decorations are beautiful. Don't you think?
Henry: *looks around and smiles* They are.
Henry: *gets out of carriage and smiles big*
{They walk in}
Mother: Hello everyone. These decorations are so beautiful.
Mom: Why thank you. We have been working on everything for weeks. I'm glad you enjoy it.
Dad: *nods* We're so glad you could make it!
Mother: *smiles at Henry and looks back at Mary*
Henry: *smiles and hugs* Hi Mary! You look nice tonight.
Mary: *smiles and hugs* Thank you. You do as well.
Mom: That's so sweet, Henry. Mary, why don't you show Henry the main ballroom?
Mary: *nods* I'd love to, Mom. Ready, Henry?
Henry: I'm ready if you are.
Mary: *nods and starts walking that way* So, how was the ride over? Was it alright?
Henry: *looks over and smiles* It was beautiful, and a very nice ride. Thank you for asking.
Mary: Of course. Some people say it's not grand enough, but that's not our family. Well, except for balls. My mother loves to plan them.
Henry: Really? I feel like planning them would be stressful.
Mary: My mother and father make it look so effortless and I always help where I can.
Henry: *looks around and smiles* You guys did amazing.
Mary: Thank you. I'm sure they will really appreciate that.
Emily: *walks over and hugs her* Finally! I thought she would never come in.
Mary: *hugs* You know my parents are great at hosting.
Liam: *hugs him from behind* Hi, Henry!
Henry: *giggles* Hi Liam.
Liam: Have you tried the mini cakes yet? They're so good!
Emily: *giggles* And the pastries, and the cookies, and the chocolate covered strawberries. Liam's tried them all.
Mary: *giggles* Really?
Liam: *twirls* Really!
Henry: *giggles* I haven't, but I'll have to try them later.
Henry: *glances at him and then looks at Emily* How much sugar has he had?
Emily: *nervous smile*
Mary: *eyes widen a little* I'd say a lot.
Liam: No way! We haven't even been here that long. *takes a bite of cookie*
Henry: Right. Good luck with him.
Emily: *facepalms* That's the point Liam. I think you're done with cookies for now. *goes to take it*
Mary: *whispers* Three... Two... One...
Liam: *thinks and smiles big* Chocolate fountain! Do you guys have a chocolate fountain? No party is complete without a chocolate fountain!
Mary: *nervous smile* Well yes, but-
Liam: *quickly puts cookie in mouth*
Emily: No way- *eyes widen* It's like your birthday all over again.
Mary: *nods* Exactly like it.
Henry: *eyes widen a little* What happened on his birthday?
Liam: They're just being dramatic, don't worry. *looks around for the chocolate fountain*
Mary: He crashed really hard because of all the sugar he ate. He almost crashed onto the cake. *giggles*
Henry: *giggles* Oh Liam.
Emily: Liam, we are going to get some water above anything else. *takes his hand* We will be right back, you two.
Liam: But what about the chocolate fountain?
Emily: Water first.
Liam: *sighs and gets some water* And then can I go to the chocolate fountain?
Emily: Bring down that sugar rush and we will see. Here's some mini sandwiches.
Liam: I'm not on a sugar rush! I'm super calm. See?
Emily: *crosses arms and gives him a look*
Liam: *eats sandwich and keeps eyeing the chocolate fountain*
Emily: *smiles proudly* Don't forget to drink the water.
Liam: Chocolate! I mean sure, of course!
Mary: So, what's your favorite color?
Henry: *thinks* Probably blue. What's yours?
Mary: Pink. I know that is very surprising. *giggles*
Henry: Really? I never would've guessed that. *giggles*
Mary: *thinks* What's your favorite dessert?
Henry: Definitely eclair cake. What's yours?
Mary: *thinks* I love mini strawberry cakes. Eclairs are a very close second though. *smiles*
Liam: *rushes to the chocolate fountain*
Emily: *smiles at them and goes to nudge Liam but doesn't feel him*
Emily: Liam! Get back here this instant!
Mary and Henry: *burst out laughing*
Liam: But it's chocolate! I love chocolate! *covers a few marshmallows in chocolate*
Mary: We should probably grab a few desserts before Liam finishes them all. *giggles*
Henry: *giggles* Good idea.
Mary: *takes his hand and walks over quickly*
Mary: *looks down at hands and quickly lets go*
Emily: Liam, please stop. That's enough s'mores.
Emily: What if your parents saw? *smirks*
Liam: I'm perfectly- *eyes widen* O-ok, I'll stop.
Emily: *giggles and gives him a napkin* I figured that would work.
Mary: May we grab a few desserts, sweet Prince?
Henry: We shall, sweet Princess.
Mary: *bursts out laughing*
Liam: *attempts to wipe chocolate off* Did I get it?
Henry: *smiles at her*
Emily: *giggles* You did. *looks at them and gestures head towards them*
Liam: *looks over and smiles big* He's looking at her as if she hung all the stars in the sky!
Emily: *smiles and nods*
Mary: *smiles at him* I insist that you go first. You're the guest.
Henry: *shakes head* Ladies first.
Mary: Please? I'd be a terrible hostess if I didn't let you go first.
Henry: Nothing about you could ever be terrible, but If you insist, I guess I will.
Henry: *gets a few mini cakes*
Mary: *gets a few mini cakes*
Liam: *takes a sip of water*
Liam: *smiles and kisses cheek* Thank you. I feel much better.
Emily: *blushes and smiles at him* I'm really happy to hear that.
Mary: *thinks* I never asked you what your favorite flower was.
Henry: *thinks* I like Hydrangeas.
Mary: Those are very pretty. Blue, pink, or purple hydrangeas?
Henry: I love them all, but if I had to choose, probaby blue.
Henry: *tries a mini cake and smiles big* Wow! These are really good.
Mary: *smiles* Thank you. I helped make them, actually.
Mary: Well, sort of. I put the little sugar flowers on top that the baker gave me.
Henry: *smiles* That definitely counts. Do you like to bake?
Mary: *nods* I do, but I'm not that great at it. Every Saturday morning, my parents and I make breakfast down in the kitchen.
Henry: *smiles* That sounds like fun.
Mary: It is. So far, our pancakes taste half as good as the chefs. *giggles*
{Orchestra makes a warning sound}
Mary: *eyes widen a little* I really enjoy talking with you, but I must go and introduce the waltz. I look forward to continuing this another time. *smiles and waves a little*
Henry: *smiles and waves*
Liam: *walks over to him and rests hand on shoulder* Hi Henry!
Henry: Oh, hi Liam. Are you feeling better?
Liam: Much. Thanks for asking.
Mom: Welcome, everyone to our tenth annual ball. In honor of it, I look forward to announcing the waltz. Please head to the middle when you'd like and enjoy.
Liam: *looks at him and smirks*
Henry: What's that look for?
Liam: You should ask Mary to dance. *turns him a bit* Before someone else does.
Henry: *eyes widen a little* No way! I'm not that good of a dancer and-
{a few guys start to walk over}
Liam: *eyes widen a little* Are you finished with those?
Henry: I guess. Why do you ask?
Liam: *tosses a few on the floor*
Guy 1: She's so beautiful. I could stare into her blue eyes all night.
Guy 2: Yeah. If she says yes, I'm totally going to-
{all three of them slip}
Henry: *eyes widen a little* Liam!
Emily: Will you be fine up here by yourself? *worried*
Mary: *smiles and nods* Of course.
Liam: Wasn't me. Now go! *pushes him*
Henry: Ok ok! Thanks.
Liam: *smiles proudly*
Emily: *kisses on cheek* How did that- *smiles big and gets excited*
Henry: *smiles and offers hand* May I have this dance?
Mary: *looks at him a little surprised but smiles and takes his hand* You may, Prince Henry.
Mary: *puts one hand on shoulder and holds his other hand*
Henry: *does the same and smiles at her*
Mary: *smiles at him* Thank you for asking me. It's always awkward when I have to dance with someone I don't know as well.
Henry: Of course. I'm more than happy to be dancing with you.
{They dance}
Mary: You're a very good dancer.
Henry: Thank you. You are too.
Liam: Did you see how I tripped all those guys? Wasn't it awesome??
Emily: Normally I'd say how terrible it was, but it was pretty awesome. It was all for your best friend. *smiles*
Liam: *smiles big* Thank you.
Emily: *smiles at them* Look at how happy he is!
Henry: Do you enjoy dancing?
Mary: I do. It's very calming yet structured and fun with the right person. Do you enjoy it?
Henry: I enjoy it as well. I wouldn't consider myself good at it by any means, but it's fun.
Mary: I disagree. Your waltz is very good.
Henry: Having a good dance partner definitely helps. *smiles at her*
Mary: *smiles at him* Thank you.
Henry: Of course.
{Liam and Emily talk about how those two are made for eachother}
Emily: If only they had two best friends to help set the scene. *smirks*
Liam: *looks over and smirks* What're you thinking?
Emily: The garden is a very romantic location, don't you think.
Liam: *nods* For sure.
{Orchestra ends, but both of them continue to hold each other}
Henry: *smiles at her*
Mary: *smiles at him*
Liam: *looks between them* Are you two gonna kiss?
Mary: *eyes widen and quickly lets go* I'm sorry!
Emily: *tries not to laugh* The dance ended a few minutes ago.
Henry: *eyes widen a little* A few minutes ago??
Liam: *smirks* I guess you were so lost in her eyes that you didn't notice.
Henry: That's not-
Mary: Well I'm sorry about-
Liam: Anyway, isn't the garden just- *looks at her*
Emily: The perfect place for a walk at night?
Mary: *eyes widen a little and shakes head* They're right. Would you care to take a walk with me?
Henry: *smiles* I'd love to. *thinks and eyes widen*
Emily: Great. Have fun, you two!
Henry: *gets sword and puts it away*
Mary: Is everything alright? *smiles and walks over*
Henry: Of course. I'm ready if you are. *smiles*
Mary: *nods* I'm ready. *walks with him* By the way, we have a few hydrangeas that you must see.
Henry: *smiles big* I'd love to see them!
Mary: *smiles* You have to. They are-
Fan: Prince Henry?! *runs over* I'm so excited that you're here!
Mary: *giggles quietly*
Henry: *smiles* Hi!
Fan: I'm such a big fan of yours! It's so amazing how you defeated a troll by yourself! Please please please sign my notebook?
Mary: *smiles and walks away*
Henry: Thank you, you're so kind. Of course! *signs notebook*
Villain: *peeks out and smirks* Now is my chance!
Villain: *sneaks up behind her, covers her eyes, and starts running* *whispers* You better not say a word or someone gets hurt.
Mary: *eyes widen*
Henry: Well, it was nice- *looks over and eyes widen*
Mary: *kicks a few rocks to make noise*
Villain: Stop that! Someone will hear you-
Henry: *quickly takes out sword and rushes over*
Henry: You again!
Villain: *rolls eyes* And it's you. The brave little Prince that always wants to save the day. If I were you, I'd go back to the ball.
Henry: And If I were you, I'd back off. This prince isn't going anywhere without his princess.
Villain: *laughs* You know, you're not very terrifying. *takes out sword*
Henry: *twirls sword* Neither are you.
Mary: *backs up a little*
Villain: *points sword at her* Stay put! This won't take long.
Mary: *stops and eyes widen*
Henry: *fights but glances over* I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.
Mary: *smiles a little*
Henry: *hits sword out of her hand and quickly takes it*
Villain: *eyes widen a little*
Villain: *quickly looks around* Here you go, Prince! *throws dust around and escapes*
Mary: *coughs a little and covers mouth, then runs over* Are you alright?? *waves some of it away*
Henry: *coughs and attempts to fan the dust away* I'm fine. Are you alright? *takes her hand*
Mary: I'm ok. Thank you for asking. *smiles at him*
Mary: Shall we continue our walk-
Henry: No way! I'm addressing this to your father. *starts walking that way*
Mary: *eyes widen* But why? I'm sure this won't happen again.
Henry: This has happened twice now, so that seems unlikely. What if you're alone next time it happens?
Mary: Well... I'm not sure, but this isn't something I want to bother my father about. Please don't tell him, Henry. He worries a lot and I don't want him to be more worried.
Henry: I'm sure he'd do anything to protect you. This isn't something to ignore. Nothing will change if we don't bring this to his attention. You don't want this to keep happening, do you?
Mary: *sighs* No, of course not.
Henry: *offers arm* Shall we?
Mary: *smiles a little and takes it* We shall.
