5th - The Puzzle Piece

Hours have passed and the afternoon sky began to change into a deep red abstract. Clanking utensils was heard all over the dining area that is located in the lower deck of the ship. There are only couple of people in the said place as the other military personnel already went to their respective places. Violet, Benedict, Hodgins, Gilbert, and Laurus are the people who were occupying the table near the window.

"So, how's the meeting? You all look quiet worn out, eh?" Hodgins awfully teased the two people infront of him.

"Ah, please do not remind me of that crap." Gilbert said while butchering the poor steak in his plate. His face softens when Violet touched his hand and smiled assuringly at him.

"It was a total disaster and Mr. Jones is the one who's litting the fire with oil." When Laurus mentioned that name, Gilbert's face became sour, as he looked within his peripheral view. Edward is smirking while glancing at the figure of Violet who is currently drinking a juice.

'This juice seems to have an odd familiar taste.' Violet thought while trying to decipher where she tasted it.

Little did they know, Edward managed to put a strange powder in the drink of Violet without anyone noticing it. He merely rejoiced as his plan succeeded and went outside like nothing happened, making all of them weirded by his actions.

"What a lunatic." Benedict muttered while fastly munching the food infront of him.

"Geez. What a scary guy...Hey! Hey! You gotta eat slow, ya 'know!"

Dietfried arrived at the dining area and went into the table of Gilbert.

"How is it, brother?" Gilbert asked in a serious tone. Dietfried ate a fruit before answering.

"Our expected arrival will be next week or so. It depends on the weather, I just hope that there will be no disturbances along the way."

"It will not be a problem as long as we are ready. The naval ships sure are massive and rich." Laurus pointed out the obvious for he is basically amazed by the interior of the ship.

"Indeed. It is truly impressive." Dietfried proudly remarked.

It is already night time. Most of the men are already asleep while the others are on the patrol duty. Gilbert is mostly awake, he went out of his room and knocked at Violet's room.

"Violet, it's me, Gilbert. Are you aw--..." He wasn't able to finish the words that he is about to utter. When Violet suddenly opened the door and hugged Gilbert deeply.

"Lord Gilbert...uhm...I..." Violet said in a stammering voice. Gilbert who was shocked at first eventually smiled and respond to her hug.

"Violet, What is it that you want?" Gilbert whispered lovingly at her ear, making her tremble. She looks into his eye and blushingly said,

"...Can we sleep together? I...I wanted to be with you, Gilbert." Her eyes glistened as it became a bit teary. He kissed her eyes and said,

"Absolutely. I am actually going to ask you about the same thing. Now, shall we cuddle together in our sleep?" He gently inquired while twirling a strand of her silky hair. Violet's eyes sparkled and nod in agreement. They slept after muttering I love you's while being comfortably entangled with each other.

Even though, they are both shy and embarassed, the two lovers slept happily, as they simply want to cherish the few moments that they have together.

Gilbert's emerald eye opened at the sound of the alarm clock. He glanced at his beloved who is sleeping peacefully inside his arms. He planted a kiss to her forehead and bury his head into her neck while sniffing the aphrodisic sweet fragrance that he is the only one allowed to smell.


"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?"

Violet shook her head and smiled at him. She looked at the small circular window and eyes glowed in excitement. She excitedly stood up and dragged the surprised man with her outside.

The people who are already having a coffee at such an early hour were bewildered at the sudden appearance of the two who are still in their nightwear. The soldiers saluted at the sight of Gilbert and gawked at the magnificent loveliness of Violet.

The two stopped at the deck. Violet cheerfully pointed the rising sun that is beautifully reflected into the ocean. Gilbert can't help but laughed at the adorable childishness of hers.

"I always wanted to watch the sunrise with you, Major."

"Is that so?" Gilbert said in a pleased tone. "I am very glad to hear that."

"Colonel do you know that...I am more than glad to be love by you." She looked at the flowing waves and added, "If it wasn't for you, I would still be ch--..."

Violet was unable to finish the word that she spoke when her head started to ache terribly. Her vision became cloudy, as blurry images started to flash in her mind. Her body became numb like it was struck by an undesireable pain and agony. Her paralyzed body fell down on the floor and it felt like someone keeps on calling out to her. She wanted to respond but her head feels like breaking into half. Her condition became worse when she heard unfamiliar voices. Voices that she never wanted to hear again as well as the images that became hauntingly clear.

'Why? Is this the memory that I've lost? Horrible! I do not wish to remember! Please!' Violet keeps on screaming. Screaming in fear, in helplessness, in grief, and for the tremendous pain that she felt.

A voice that is far different from the previous voices that she heard soothe her a little. But, it was only for a second as the pain began increasing once again.

"Little Sis..."

"Let's not forget each other, Kay?

"I am your big brother. We're siblings after all."

Just why did you have to leave me...Big brother.' She thought as a certain video starts to play inside her head. A scene where she had last seen him before they part ways.

The sky has become rather dark. The movement of the ocean has also become threatening as it flows viciously, making the tied little boat almost sink without mercy. There are two golden haired figure who are running towards the boat while being chased off by the warrior adults. One is a child while the other one is a teenager.

"Just run away! I'll fight them off while you run away!"

"No! Big brother! Let's run away together."

"Forgive me. Your brother is already tired of his life. My only wish is for you to be safe. Don't cry. If there's a chance that we end up forgetting, I hope that one day we'll be able to recognize each other once again...bye lil sis." He uttered those words before pushing the boat...far away...far away from him and...far away from the depths of hell.

The girl weeps in agony while looking at the far figure of her brother who is fighting off the monsters all by himself.

But all of it started to vanish within her memories as the bitter medicine that they are forced to drink started to work, making her forget everything...all of it. Back to an infant child. A newborn baby who knows nothing but to 'kill' and follow their chosen one's order.

She, who became a vicious monster because of the ways that the adults unconsciously planted into her mind.
'That's right...If it only wasn't for the love that he gave me, I wouldn't be able to break away from the unbreakable chains of hell. The one who broke the daunting curse is you, Lord Gilbert.'
