3rd - Heartbeat and Broken shards

In a place where there are thousands of blooming flowers, there lies a golden haired child who was sitting on the ground while staring at the starry sky. One could mistake her as a pixie who just lost her wings. In the middle of the night, the moon shone and illuminates her magnificent brilliance while her hair dances through the strong winds. She reaches her hand up to the sky and silently prayed for freedom. A tear suddenly escaped from her right eye and soon after, her delicate face become drenched with overflowing tears. The sky also began to cry as if to sympathize with her.

"Violet! Vi! Vi! Violet!"

The girl who was shedding tears searched for the owner of that voice. She stood up and ran all over the place while shouting the words,

"Brother! Big Brother! Don't leave me!" The child howled in pain. She ran and ran and ran, trying to figure out where the voice came from until someone caught her, making her scream while struggling as she was forcefully dragged by someone, back to place called hell.

"VIOLEEET!" Someone shouted. It was a voice that is different from the one who called out to her earlier. It was the voice that she deeply loved.

Violet's eyes instantly opened as she recognized Gilbert's voice. As she tried to adjust her blurry gaze, Violet could not fathom why her body feels numb and heavy.

"Are you alright?" She could only nod.

As her eyes finally adjusted to the light, the first one she saw is Gilbert who is currently sitting on her bed while his eyes shouted in concern.

"Lord Gilbert..."

Gilbert supported Violet's pale figure and leaned her body towards his. She gazed at the people who are looking at her with worried face. It was Lux, Hodgins, and Benedict.

"What happened? We were surprised when we heard a loud scream." Hodgins sat on the nearby chair and asked Violet.

"We thought something bad happened to you. Here, drink this water to make you calm." Lux added while handing her a glass of water. Violet thanked Lux before drinking the water.

"I have...no idea." Violet weakly respond. Gilbert caress her head while he wipe her sweaty face with his handkerchief. "I dreamed of something...strange. A young child whose face I do not recognize...was seeking for help."

"It seems like you're having a nightmare." It is cleared that Benedict is about to cry. He hardly scratches his head and said, "I thought you're gonna die...Damn it! You made me worried sick! When I arrived here earlier, you looked like a total mess. I tried to wake you up but...But! You suddenly stopped breathing! I thought you just died! You fool! I don't wanna lose a little sister again..." He frustratingly shouted those words while tearing up.

Everyone is completely alarmed. Violet tried to move and reach for Benedict who is now sitting on the floor while punching the ground. When she was able to move, she sat on the ground and held his bleeding hand.

'It was your voice... Benedict, It looks like I dreamed of your sister awhile ago. I feared that I may have witnessed it a long time ago.' Violet thought inside her head.

"I am very sorry for making you all worry and thank you for being here for me." Violet sincerely voiced out her apology.

All of them were surprised by the sudden outburst of Benedict. Although, they were not aware of Benedict's past but it clearly proves how much he cares for the girl who resembles his forgotten lost sister.

After a while, the only person who was left with her is Gilbert.

"Violet, are you sure that you don't want to rest?"

"Yes. I want to spend my time with you, Major." She leaned her head over his broad shoulder and hugged him sideways. Gilbert trembled at the adorable appearance of his lover's haunting behavior.

"Colonel, what made you come here at such an early hour. Don't you have work to do?" She curiously asked him.

"Today is my day off. As to why I am here, I intend to spend my day with you after discussing some important matters with Hodgins.

"By that, you mean the matters regarding the Flauvestria Kingdom?"

"Yes. The Brigadier General still intended to use you as a decoy. You have the authorization to enter the land with utmost courtesy while we simply do not have one. He suggested that we need to resort in trespassing by invading their land. It is a reckless plan I presume."

"But if the army is to invade the kingdom, it will most likely start another war. Many will perish and their loved ones will be in grief."

Violet's eyes became sad because she remembered the day where she was told about the so called 'death' of her Major. Also, she do not like the idea of killing anymore. Gilbert noticed the sudden change of her emotions. He figured out the cause and it left him guilty again. He kisses her forehead and smiled at her.

After the troublesome meeting that they have two days ago at the Military Department, the Brigadier General honestly informed them the plan behind the invasion. It was to simply save the children and to confront all the abusers. One of the sailors in the navy found an old letter that was drifting in the middle of the ocean, It was carefully placed inside a bottle. The unknown sender was desperately seeking for help from the said country.

Even though, Violet's reputation as an Auto-Memories Doll has become famously rich, she still feels threatened over the fact that she did not know. To add it up, she also did not understand the word that Edward whispered to her that day.

'It doesn't make any sense at all...?'

She grabbed her emerald brooch and bit it. Doing this made her a little calm. Gilbert saw what she did and smiled. 'She looks childishly cute' he thought and chuckled a little. Violet looked at him, eyes shimmering like a glistening crystal. She uttered the most solemn kind of prayer that she could offer for her loved one.

"I love you...Gilbert." in a mellow voice, making his heart surged in great pleasure after hearing his name from her mouth. "I love you, forever more." He kisses her soft lips and broke away. Both of them blushed. Gilbert shyly look away while Violet leaned her head on his chest to feel his raging heartbeat.

"Our heartbeats are perfectly in sync. I deeply like the idea of being connected with you. Major...please let me come with you. I will make sure to protect this kind heart of yours." She looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Violet, you cannot..."

"But, I don't want to lose you ever again." Tears are now attempting to escape from her eyes.

Gilbert's face became troubled and all he can do is hug her tightly, as if they're trying to replenish what and where they lack at.

He sighed heavily. "I guess I have no choice." His hands went into her shoulder and said, "Violet, you are my utmost priority. I do not want you to get hurt so please stay by side all the time. I also, do not like the way that guy looked at you. He is dangerous. Even the Brigadier General doesn't fully trust him."

"I understand. I will be with you at all times. After all, there is nothing that I dislike whenever I am in your company." Both of them cheerfully laughed.

Gilbert noticed the sudden change of Violet's face. She does look like she is quiet troubled and asked her if there's something wrong.

"Colonel, I am not just the only one who was being requested by the Flauvestria King..."

"What do you mean?" She handed him the letter that she was given. There was actually a hidden message. Violet found it out when she unintentionally put the letter near the candle light.

Gilbert eye went wide when he read the hidden message. "How did this happen?!"

The other person is no other than...

"Benedict Blue"

As to why he and she is being requested, it says that 'they're an important outlaw who managed to escaped the chains of curse'.
