2nd - The Vow of Everlasting Love

Violet is smiling charmingly while smelling the bouquet of violet flowers in her hands. The Army, Navy, and the royal guards who were tasked to watch over the entire Cathedral can't help but glance over the giggling bride. It was truly hard to believe that the one standing there is the former cold hearted assassin doll of Laidenschaftlic.

"Are you happy, little violet?" She looked at the President and smiled cheerfully.

"Yes, I am very happy. It is also because I got to spend this wonderful day with everyone"

Hodgins smiled happily at Violet and gently pat her smooth and fluffy hair and guide her hand in his arm as the door finally opened. The song that was currently playing made her eyes moist because it was the same song that Gilbert sang for her when he proposed marriage to Violet. Ah, yes. That day is too memorable for her.

As she walked together with the person who became her parent for a short while, Violet cannot help but shed tears because she still has doubts whether she deserves all of these wonderful things after she killed so many in the past. That undesirable feeling vanished when she glanced over her beloved man. Her hold over Hodgin's arm became tighter because of what she is witnessing right now. They are looking at each other's shimmering eyes while conveying their honest love in a whisper.

She also starts to feels embarrassed because of the continuous stares that she keeps on getting from everyone. After all, it was Queen Charlotte who gave her the glamorous wedding gown as a token of gratitude and appreciation while the three Bougainvillea sisters are the ones who fixed her hair beautifully and told Violet that they adored her so much. The golden crown with real flower crystals were given by the Evergarden couple, her foster parents. Thousands of questions run through her mind but all of those questions are not left unanswered. It only concludes that...

'Violet Evergarden is simply loved by the people around her'

She finally arrives in front of Gilbert and her heart began to beat so loudly that it became unbearable for her. Hodgins gave Violet's hand to his best friend, Gilbert. He took it and kissed Violet's prosthetic hand affectionately that made her face blushed even more. With that, the president started to cry because he cannot believe this day would actually come. His greatest wish for the both of them came true. He tried to suppress his tears and said,

"Gilbert, I trust you. Please take care of Violet" Ah. It was the same exact line when Gilbert entrusted his most precious loved one to Hodgins. It was a beautiful irony.

"I promise you."

Gilbert and Hodgins shared a brotherly hug. Right now, It was Hodgins who was entrusting Violet to Gilbert. Just like what a father will do in the special day of his beloved daughter.

Gilbert once again took Violet's hand and stops in front of Dietfried who was watching them a moment ago. Dietfried hugs both of them tightly which brought shock to the groom and bride. Nevertheless, the both of them reciprocated his hug but to their surprise, Dietfried was silently crying while burying his head on their shoulders.
The guests cannot comprehend what's going on because they are too shock from being able to witness a rare sight every time.

"Please be happy, Gilbert. Please be happy, Violet. Please live...a happy life." After Dietfried said those words, he finally let go of them while still shedding some tears.
"We will, Brother."

"Thank you. Thank you very much, Lord Dietfried." While saying those words to him, he wipes the single tear in his eyes and smiled childishly. Dietfried laughed at pat their heads playfully.

Gilbert shove away his brother's hands and hugged violet lovingly while she caress the face of her loved one. Dietfried was horified of what he is currently witnessing "Gil! Violet! Stop flirting in front of us! It's creeping me out! Get your ass over there and get married already!" Silence enveloped the whole Cathedral until..

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The guests started to laugh loudly. Ah, the ever tsundere Bougainvillea is stating the obvious. After all, It was pretty amusing to watch something sooo awkward. Violet and Gilbert blushed furiously because of the tremendous embarassment. Because of their fondness for each other, they totally forgot their surroundings.
Gilbert puts his hand on Violet's waist and gently escorted her to the Altar and the long awaited ceremony has begun. The priest conveys the words of spirituality wisdom, blessed their union and a lot more. Until...

"You may now say your vows."

With that, the two began to tremble in nervousness. Conveying your feelings for one another is not a problem but having to say it in front of those people is not that easy. Gilbert took Violet hands with his and looks into her deep enchanting eyes.

"Violet, My beautiful flower. Do you know how much I love you? My heart only beats for you. My eyes chase after and search for you. I am always happy whenever you called out to me and all I can hear is your sweet pleasing voice. If someone would ask what I am fond about you, I wouldn't be able to properly express it words. My lips always feel like they will blurt out "I love you" and my chest is pounding with immutable devotion whenever I see you. After acknowledging that I loved you, I ceased attempting to drag you into war because I wanted to protect you so badly. I love you, Violet. I should have told you that in numerous times before. The many gestures you would show, the way your blue eyes would widen whenever you discovered something new, I enjoyed watching you like that. Ever since you came to my side, I 've found meaning for a living other than aiming for the top of pyramid. Violet, you have become my...everything. Everything. Unrelated to the Bougainvillea. Just...everything to the man named Gilbert. At first, I was afraid of you. Yet at the same time, I believed I wanted to protect you. Even though you had sinned without realizing. I still wished for you to live. Your wrongdoings were my wrongdoings. I loved that mutual sinning. Violet...It's only you. I wanted to love you more, more, more and more. You are most important treasure. My love for you would not run out, no matter what you are or what form you take. I will always cherish you. From the bottom of my heart, I love you...Violet Evergarden." He said those words in a tear drenched face while trembling.

The words that he honestly conveyed made Violet cry harder. They've been through a lot ups and down. They met, break apart, and meet again and with that, they held onto each other so tight, not wanting to let go and cherished the new found love together. She caress Gilberts face gently and brush away the painful tears in his eye. She kissed his cheeks shyly and conveyed her vow to him.

"Major...Colonel...Gilbert-sama, no matter what I call you, you would always give me a bright smile. At first, I still dreaded the possibility that there might come a time where you'll start hating me. Forgive me for not being able to understand your feelings before and I did not even realize that you are already suffering because of me. Gilbert...I love you more than you think. The more I love you, the more I wanted to pursue you. Is this really a 'heart of person? It's too fragile but I like it. I am deeply in love with you, Major. This loud throbbing in my chest, this ecstasy, the fact that I always end up being swayed by your every actions. I wanted to be by your side and asked you not to leave me anymore. I became able to somewhat feel through the people that I have met and write letters to. I tried my very best to understand the word "I love you" and my mind and heart always yearns for you and for your love. Once the "like" and the "love" fell and piled up like snow, and I became unable to melt them down, I had wanted you to know that I wished the same to be valid for you. I am...really happy that I am dearly loved by Gilbert Bougainvillea, A man who gave 'everything' to the beast who had 'nothing'. I...who was once a weapon was cherished by someone like you. Major, I love you. For the rest of my life, I will not leave your side. I, too will protect you as long as I live, not as a tool but a woman who loves you dearly. I love you most, Gilbert Bougainvillea." She said those words while crying with so much happiness and sorrow.

After conveying her deepest love for the man who became her everything, Gilbert hug her so tight and soothe her crying figure. No, she wasn't the only one crying. Gilbert is already shedding unstoppable tears as soon as she started to speak. The guests are already emotional. Some of them are crying nonestop. Some are tearing up with a smile on their faces and some are trying to suppress their tears because of the touching scene. All of the people who are gathered here together have witnessed the life of those two lovers. They smiled joyfully because of how it turns out.

"Do you, Colonel Gilbert Bougainvillea, take Lady Violet Evergarden, as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He answered in a determined tone while squeezing the hand of violet.

"Do you, Lady Violet Evergarden, take Colonel Gilbert Bougainvillea, as your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do." She answered with no hint of hesitation while smiling gleefuly at Gilbert.

They exchanged rings while conveying their promises to one another. Violet was enthralled to the shining golden rings. There was a beautiful tiny gem-like crystal that combines the color of their eyes. It was a lovely emerald and deep aquamarine ring. It was the proof of their everlasting love with each other.

"You may now kiss the bride." The face of the two is deep red like a tomato.

Gilbert was fascinated vividly with Violet's bewitching beauty, once he lifts up her veil up to her head.

"Time, Stand still. You are beautiful." He murmured fondly. It was the same exact line that she heard from him when they reunited once agin at transcontinental train.

Gilbert kissed her hand like a noble gentleman. He kissed her forehead as a symbol of respect then he kissed both of her cheek with so much affection until his warm lips made it to Violet's sweet thin lips. It was just a light touch at first until it deepened. Violet responded to kissess with the same desire and passion. Gilbert lifts up her body and held onto her tightly while Violet hugs Gilberts neck.

The guests who are deeply touched by the series of events gave a round of applause to the husband and wife. However, it didn't faze the two who are currently inside their own world. They are still kissing with so much intensity and that made a lot of people blushed with so much embarassment. They totally forgot that they are not alone right now. Some guests are already covering their faces. Some are cheering, some watched them with so much interest, and some cried gleefully like Claudia Hodgins.

"Hey Old man! Stop eating my little sister! She ain't a food ya'know! Damn it! Ya' Pervert!"

The whole Cathedral was enveloped with a joyful laughter when the golden haired man named Benedict blue shouted those words with so much frustration.

Violet and Gilbert finally broke away from their long kiss. When they opened their eyes. The first thing they saw is the disappearance of the thin thread of saliva that connects their swollen lips. They were too breathless and flushed that they weren't able to speak with one another. All they knew is that, they are too happy and too in love to care what's happening to their surroundings.

Gilbert and Violet hugs each other and conveyed the words of love once again. They finally faced the sea of audience who are smiling at them with wide smiles and a little bit of tears. They too, reciprocated that smile with a brighter one.

Ah, Finally!
Just like a happy ending from the stories of fairy tales.
The Husband and Wife feels like they're finally getting their happy ending.

The beast who became a weapon
The heartless weapon who changed into a person until...
She changed into an awkward girl who was able to understand the feelings of people
That awkward girl became a woman in love who is emotionally rich
It was Gilbert who changes Violet into a person. No, more like, they changed each other in a good way...After all, they are destined to be together. They complete each other.
It was also with the help of the people who she met along the way because they molded her to become a better person.

It all started with "I LOVE YOU."
That I Love You became her motivation, that made her of what she is right now.
Not a murder doll of the army, Not also as a robotic auto-memories doll but as a Human Being.

Let us look back in the past once again.
