3rd - Until the end of time

After the wedding ceremony, A grand banquet was held at the main mansion of the Bougainvillea to celebrate the union of Gilbert and Violet Bougainvillea.

The whole place was covered in joyous laughter. Their friends and families gave them a short and meaningful messages, making the couple tearfully happy. The two shared a lovely and intimate dance in the center of the crowd. The sparkle in their eyes are evident and it was truly magical. Violet sang a song and played the piano as a sign of gratitude for everyone. People began complementing her talent and viewed her as a perfect masterpiece.

Everytime they interact with the guests, Gilbert cannot help but hug Violet tightly where he happily earned a blush. He simply wants to be alone with her right now.

After making sure that everyone is busy, Gilbert suddenly carried Violet like a princess and escaped the crowd like a mad man. Those who noticed the sudden disappearance of the two began laughing hardly.

"Gilbert, I did not know you're that eager to be alone with her. Ah how time flies." Hodgins hysterically laughed.

"Brother Gil is indeed a pervert fu fu I can't wait for a cute angel to be born already!" Henrietta squeeked in delight.

"I want the baby to look a lot like Vi!"

"I couldn't agree for more HAHAHA."

Gilbert stopped in front of a slightly big door. Violet who was clinging on his neck, reddened, as she recognized Gilbert's room. He locked the door once they're inside the room and slowly went to the bed where he gently put her there in a sitting position.

"Are you scared?"

"That's not it. The love that I continue to receive from you is too overwhelming, to the point I end up thinking that this is just a wonderful dream." She said in a teary face. Gilbert smiled at her cute reaction. His forehead touches hers while he fondly caress her back.

"Violet, this is not a dream. You are now my Mrs. Bougainvillea, my one and only wife." His heart pounded loudly when Violet suddenly kissed his lips and giggled softly at his reaction. He was too shock to respond. She too, caressed his cheeks and said,

"Yes. You are now my husband. And, it is my duty as a wife to give you a child. No, I simply want a child with you, Lord Gilbert. I...I wanted to love you more deeply. Will you accept my scar-ridden body?" She said in a sad voice. Gilbert was surprised and at that moment, a single tear escaped from his eye, making Violet alarmed.

"Oh no! Did I say something wrong." Gilbert shook his head, kisses her soft lips, and hugged her in a very affectionate manner.

'Forgive me. I caused all of that. Please punish this foolish husband of yours, for I can't help but love you more and more and more.' He thought while he stares into her deep ocean eyes.

"Violet, you are the only woman that I desire and no matter what form you take, I will simply accept all of you. You are far more beautiful than the existence of life itself. I love you, my wife." The words that he conveyed made her heart burst in so much happiness.

"I am glad." She sheepishly smiled while they kissed.

At that moment, the two desperately declares their love for each other as they danced in unbearably heat. As the two finally became one, the passion, desire, lust and overwhelming love that has been stored over the years is making them drowned in the wildly beautiful world of euphoria. With that wonderfully spectacle performance, Gilbert happily spilled his heated sperm deep inside the womb of his beloved wife, as they gladly wish for a child to be born, as a testimony for the love that they have for each other.

5 years later...

"Good morning, sweetie. Are you hungry?" Gilbert asked his 5 years old daughter whose name is Violace (Vyo-la-say). She sleepily nod at him and rest her cute head into his shoulder once again. Gilbert is currently carrying her with his arms while they wait for Violet who is in the middle of the labor.

He is excitingly nervous because this is Violet's second labor. He vividly remember the day when his wife gave birth to Violace. It was one of the happiest moment of his life, where he joyfully shed waterfall of tears while lovingly thanking her for giving him the most precious gift of all.

From that moment on, he sincerely promised to be a better father for his children, where he will grant them the cherishable love, unconditional support and freedom that they deserve. After all, He and his wife went into trouble just to change the Bougainvillea family. It was a success as they were able to create a friendly, caring, and lovable family.

"Just wait for a minute while we wait for everyone to come, okay? I already contacted them a while ago to bring us food to eat." He gently told her while caressing her fluffy golden hair. She adorably smiled at him and said,

"Okaaay. I love you, daddy." He gladly muttered his I love you's to his daughter while he hugged her. 'Such a sweet child.' He thought.

Their adorable moment was cut short when someone called out to them.

"Gilbert! Little Violace! Uncle brought you your favorite food!" It was Hodgins who brought A LOT of food and behind him are the Evergarden couple and his grown up siblings.

Violace's face brightened at the sight of them. I put her down and when they stopped in front of us, she elegantly greeted them with a charming smile, making everyone surprised and it seems like they too, were struck by her charm. After all, she looks a lot like Violet.

Violace Bougainvillea, the first born of the main household. Her features is like of a godly beauty from the mythology world and skin as as white and delicate as a porcelain doll. Violace got her dazzling golden hair from her mother while she got the piercingly beautiful emerald eyes from Gilbert. Her speech and intelligence is remarkably advanced. Her posture and manners as a prominent lady is extremely commendable as her grace is not of a child. After all, she is the daughter of Violet and Gilbert. It is possible to have a gifted child.

Julia kneeled in front of her and said, "Oh my...my niece grew up as a charmingly beautiful lady. Are you excited to meet your new sibling?"

"Yes. I am truly happy. I can't wait to hold my baby sibling." She cheerfully giggled in delight. They can't help but smile for her emotions are beautifully rich. As they still saw a child who possess pure innocence and childishness within its eyes.

Violace grew up being supported by her parents, the Bougainvillea's, the Evergarden's, and the CH Postal Company. They are glad that she grew up without having to suffer as an 'asset'.

Violace is indeed the hope and pride of the 'new' Bougainvillea family.

The door suddenly opened and it revealed a doctor. Gilbert frantically asked if they're both okay. The Doctor laughed at his amusing reaction and said,

"Congratulations, Mr. Bougainvillea. Your wife gave birth to a healthy twins." The sudden announcement brought shock to all of them. Violace's eyes sparkled and joyfully cheered, "Yaaay! I have twin siblings hihihi!" The pure excitement is evident to the child.

"Twins, you say?" Gilbert hoarsely whispered as he was about to cry.

"That's right. Twins. The first one is a boy while the second one is a girl. Congratulations once again. You may all go inside."

He cried once again, not caring for the people who will see him cry. He is currently happy right now, for the love that he have for wife blossomed once again. A tiny hand gripped his pants, he kneeled and smilingly stared at the same emerald orbs that he have. He was about to say something when Violace suddenly brushed away his tear and hugged his neck.

Everyone watched the heartwarming scene of father and child. One could say that Gilbert is truly a lucky man because in the end, he finally found his happiness.

"Daddy, If mommy saw you cry, she will definitely get sad. I will also get sad because I don't want you to feel sad. For now, let's meet the new members of our family."

Gilbert hugged her once again for he is happy to have a daughter like her. They went inside the room first. Everyone who just arrived told him, they'll go inside after a minute or so just to give them a little privacy.

When they went inside, the two saw Violet affectionately carrying the two beautiful new born babie. Violace ran into her mother and kissed her cheek. Gilbert went to his wife and kissed her forehead while silently thanking her once again.

"How have you been, mommy? Are you alright? Do you want anything from Violace?" She continuously asked her mother. Violet gleefully giggled at her first born and said.

"Don't worry, my dear child. Do you want to hold him or her?"

"Absolutely!" Violace delightfully carried her baby sister first before her baby brother. The two babies giggled.

"They got father's navy black hair while they're eyes is the same deep aquamarine eyes as you, mother." She voiced out in amazement while caressing their soft hands. She let out an adorable squeek when both of them held their sister's finger. The couple fondly laughed at the scene.
Violet and Gilbert stared at each other's eyes and silently conveyed their love and promise.

'I will love you all until the end of time.'
