With his stomach growling, Qiao Suiman thought of the roast duck restaurant he passed just now. He turned to Lu Dongqing and said, "Let's go eat the roast duck at that restaurant. It's so delicious."

  Lu Dongqing smiled slightly: "Okay."

  The two of them left the inn and went straight to the roast duck restaurant. They were aroused by the roast duck restaurant when they passed by it just now. The restaurant not only served roast duck, but Qiao Suiman also saw a golden and crispy roast suckling pig. Although the store was small, many people lined up.

  They waited for a stick of incense to wait in line, and when they got closer, they saw that there were not only roast duck, roast suckling pig, but also roast chicken, roast goose, and braised meat. They had eaten roast chicken in the town, and roast duck was also sold in the town, but the smell of theirs was so appealing that Qiao Suiman asked the store to cut off some of it.

  In the end, the two of them returned to the inn with half a piece of roast duck, a cube of roast suckling pork, and a roasted pig's trotter.

  After asking for two bowls of hot water from the waiter, Qiao Suiman tore up the two leftover steamed buns from lunch and soaked them in the hot water. The result was a bowl of paste, which went well with meat.

  Qiao Suiman lowered his head and smelled the meat wrapped in oil paper, raised his head and smiled at Lu Dongqing with bent eyes: "It smells so good."

  "Eat it if you're hungry." Lu Dongqing smiled.

  These cost nearly two cents of silver, but both of them were very tired today and did not save much. When you get to Fucheng, you can't save money. It's a rare visit, so why not have fun and have fun? You can always make money back in the future.

  Qiao Suiman took a bite of the pig's trotters first. The skin was crispy and tough, and the tendons were elastic and very tasty. After swallowing it, she took another sip of the steamed buns, which made her feel comfortable.

  "too delicious."

  Qiao Suiman handed the pig's trotters to Lu Dongqing's mouth and said, "Take a quick bite."

  Lu Dongqing smiled and took a bite, nodding: "It's really delicious, and there's a lot of meat."

  What they buy is the part close to the hoof, which has a lot more meat than the pig's trotters, and is of course more expensive.

  Qiao Suiman tore off the meat and put it back on the spread oil paper. The bones were not thrown away and could still be chewed.

  Roasted duck and roasted suckling pig tasted better. Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing ate several bites in a row. After feeling over their hunger, they slowly ate while talking. In the end, even the bones were gnawed clean, and there was no meat at all. Keep.

  The waiter brought two buckets of hot water, took away the oil paper bag and bowl, and then Qiao Suiman took off his clothes and scrubbed.

  The room was not big and there was no screen. The two of them had been married for such a long time and had already seen what they should have seen countless times. Qiao Suiman didn't think much about it and scrubbed it carefully.

  After a bumpy day, the weather was good again today, the sun was high all the way, and he sweated a lot.

  Lu Dongqing thought he could hold it in, but the husband was sitting naked on the bed. His scrubbed upper body was white and shiny, shining under the lamp. He wrung out the towel and did not hand it to Qiao Suiman. With doubtful eyes, Qiao Sui pulled her husband's leg and started to do it herself.

  Qiao Suiman blushed slightly, and the atmosphere was charming and sultry.

  He turned his face sideways, a slight pimple appeared on his body, and he trembled slightly with Lu Dongqing's movements from time to time. Lu Dongqing usually scrubbed him, but that was during sexual intercourse. When he was extremely tired, it was the first time that he was completely awake like today.

 Lu Dongqing's breathing became heavier, and he finally put on Qiao Suiman's undershirt, then turned to the side and scrubbed.

  Qiao Sui's face was filled with heat. Lu Dongqing was scrubbing with his back to him. He thought for a while, got up from the bed, walked over and took the handkerchief from Lu Dongqing's hand. He lowered his head and accidentally saw the person who always made him feel blissful. The place was already arrogant, the whole person was red, and he muttered: "I, I will rub your back."

  Lu Dongqing said hoarsely: "Okay."

  After Qiao Suiman scrubbed him, she returned to the bed, pulled up the thin quilt, and waited for Lu Dongqing to take out the water, her legs curled up unconsciously.

  When Lu Dongqing also lay down, Qiao Suiman turned over and pressed on him, breathing hot air from his mouth: "Dongqing..."

  Lu Dongqing understood immediately, "Are you tired today?"

  "Not tired."

  Qiao Suiman whispered. As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Dongqing turned over and suppressed him. The quilt covered their bodies. The first night in Fucheng was equally enthusiastic.

  Qiao Suiman gasped for air, not daring to make a sound. She only said in a breathy voice: "Put the cloth and towel in the bag on the bed. Don't, don't get them on the bed."

  Lu Dongqing's voice was low: "I know."

  The next day, Qiao Suiman slept until three o'clock in the morning before waking up.

  Thinking that he was not at home, there was only one fuss yesterday, and Lu Dongqing also lost his strength. However, he still had to drive all day yesterday, so Qiao Suiman still slept a little late.

  After waking up, Lu Dongqing had asked the waiter to bring porridge and side dishes. Breakfast was packed in 350 yuan. Qiao Suiman was in good spirits after washing, and felt no physical discomfort. On the contrary, she was even more radiant.

  After breakfast, the two of them walked around. Songjiang Street had stalls set up along both sides of the street. There were signs in front of each stall. Qiao Suiman recognized his name, the sixth one on the right. , Lu Dongqing read to him, and the other words written on it were "the first name in Shuiqing Town".

  Qiao Suiman was very happy and wished he could draw this scene, but he couldn't draw without pen and paper, so he had to give up.

  Before going out, I asked the innkeeper about where to go nearby. The two of them followed the route given by the innkeeper and drove the donkey cart all the way to Taiwei Lake.

  Sure enough, as the shopkeeper said, there are birds chirping and cicadas chirping, the scenery is beautiful, the lake is clear and you can see the bottom. There are many people spreading a piece of cloth on the grass by the lake, sitting and enjoying the scenery and eating fruits. There are also many people surrounding the lake. While flying a kite.

  Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing sat here all morning, ordered two side dishes from a nearby restaurant, and had a full meal with steamed buns. In the afternoon, they went to the stone forest mentioned by the shopkeeper, and did not return to the inn until Shen.

  Seeing their happy expressions, the shopkeeper smiled and said, "How about it? I was right. Isn't it fun?"

  Qiao Suiman smiled sweetly and said, "Well, we also passed by Yuan'an Temple and asked for amulets."

  Yuan'an Temple is the largest official temple in the entire Fucheng. They had heard about it in the village before. Now that they actually went in and prayed for peace charms for their family members, Qiao Suiman felt that they had spent a very satisfying day today. Fucheng was so fun.

  The shopkeeper was still busy. Qiao Suiman didn't chat with him for too long. He went back to the room and asked the waiter to bring water. Lu Dongqing directly wet the cloth and wiped Qiao Suiman's face naturally, as if they had always been together. so.

  Qiao Suiman obeyed him, but she didn't have sex tonight. Tomorrow she would go to Songjiang Street to set up a stall. I don't know how many people there were, so she had to prepare her strength to make milk tea.

  Lu Dongqing also understood that he had just had sex yesterday, and he had tasted the benefits, so naturally he would not pester Qiao Suiman to make trouble.

  There were stars outside the window, and the two people in the room were breathing slowly. Qiao Sui seemed to have had a sweet dream, and the corners of her mouth were always slightly curved, full of smiles.

  Early the next morning, the waiter took out half of the goat's milk in the cellar. Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing unloaded the cart and asked Daguai to stay in the inn. Songjiang Street was nearby, so there was no need to drive, just pull him over.

  The cart had all the raw materials, and a bamboo basket was packed in a delicate bamboo tube. When they arrived at Songjiang Street, there were only three people in front of them. One of them, Qiao Suiman remembered, was Zhou Huo, who came in second place.

  "Shopkeeper Qiao, what a coincidence." Zhou Huo said with a smile. Next to him was a woman of about thirty years old, who should be his wife.

  Qiao Suiman also smiled and said: "Shopkeeper Zhou."

  They showed the wooden signs to the government officials one by one, and after confirming that they were correct, the government officials took them to their respective stalls. Qiao Suiman looked at his stall and saw that there were many tables and chairs for customers to rest.

  Qiao Suiman raised his head and smiled with Lu Dongqing: "It seems like we are back to the time when we set up a stall in Dongshi."

  Lu Dongqing smiled slightly: "Yeah, but I have to make it today, I'm afraid I will be even busier and tired."

  "It's okay, as long as the guests like to drink."

  Everyone in the village who drank milk tea was full of praise, and Qiao Suiman became more confident. Today he concentrated on making milk tea, and left the greeting and cleaning to Lu Dongqing, so he could always keep busy.

  After talking about the conversation, other stall owners also arrived one after another. The street was open to the public at all hours. There was less than a stick of incense left, and people from the city were already waiting.

  Qiao Suiman first boiled four bowls of milk, and as expected, there were voices of doubt from around him. He smiled lightly and ignored them.

  After the goat milk was boiled with sweet almonds, Qiao Suiman began to stir-fry tea leaves and sugar in another pot. After adding water to boil, he added goat milk and continued to boil. The aroma instantly spread far away.

  "This smell is different from before."

  "Yes, it smells quite good. It made me want to vomit at first."

  "What did he add? Why does it taste so alluring all of a sudden?"

  Those who were still saying they didn't know how he got the first prize in the competition all changed their minds. Qiao Suiman smiled secretly. When the yamen servant was beating the gong, the milk tea was just finished.

  All of a sudden, four people ran to his stall and asked, "Brother Qiao, what are you talking about?"

  Qiao Suiman pointed to the sign beside him and said with a smile: "Milk tea in a bamboo tube."

  "Milk tea?"

  "Bamboo tube milk tea?"

  "Never heard of it."

  "Give me one to try."

  "Okay." Qiao Sui responded with a smile: "Sir, forty-five cents a piece."

 "Okay, hurry up, it's so fragrant." The guest immediately took out the fifty coins tied on a string, "I'll reward you with the rest. I want to try this bamboo tube milk tea."

  Even though they knew that the nobles in Fucheng were spending money like water, Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing were still shocked. It seemed that the price of forty-five cents was still too ordinary in Fucheng.

  Qiao Suiman put the milk tea into a bamboo tube and handed it to Lu Dongqing, and warned the guest: "Be careful of scalding. It tastes best when drunk warm."

  The guest was obviously impatient. After blowing wildly for a few times, he took a sip along the bamboo wall.

  Taking a sip into his throat, his eyes widened instantly and he laughed twice: "Milk tea, what a good name! That's the name it should be, not bad!"

  Then he added: "Pack two more for me and I'll take them home!"

  "Okay." Qiao Suiman agreed quickly, adding the bamboo tube and receiving two coins at once, he was laughing from ear to ear.

  "Hey, I want it too!"

  "Give me one too, I came first."

  "I was here first, give me two!"

  With the first one to drink, the people behind were not to be outdone and wanted to have a good taste of this so-called "milk tea". After a while, the first pot was sold out.

  Qiao Suiman started cooking the second pot without stopping, and the aroma attracted many people. There was no shortage of customers, and the business of the surrounding shops was even better.

  Zhou Huo smiled from ear to ear. His stall was next to Qiao Suiman's stall. Some customers had been waiting for milk tea for a long time, so they came to his shop to take a look. It also attracted many customers to buy the ginger honey water he made. The Zhou family's wife was busy working on the side, feeling tired and happy at the same time.

  After brewing six pots of milk tea, all the customers in line got the milk tea they bought. They couldn't wait for it to cool down and took a few sips, and they all exclaimed.

  "It tastes so good!"

  "I've never tasted anything like this before. I couldn't stop after one sip."

  Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing were elated when they heard the guests' praises. Qiao Suiman went on to make the next pot, so as not to have to wait for the guests who came later.
