After transplanting the seedlings, it took another day to tend the seedlings. After two days of rest, Qiao Suiman had to weed again. The pain in Qiao Suiman's back was no longer so painful. She also went to the field to weed the grass together, and even brought a ground cage to catch loaches. It's easy to use.

They caught some earthworms, cut them up and put them in a cage, and then placed them in a place with a lot of water and grass or deep water. The few people stopped caring and concentrated on pulling up the weeds. If the weeds were not removed in time, the seedlings would be deceived and unable to grow. , the harvest will also be affected.

  The three of them worked very quickly. They often came to pull weeds on weekdays, so it didn't take much effort. They could finish clearing the field in just one day. All they had to do was wait until the seedlings turned green and water them.

  The busy days are finally over, and the harvest from the ground cage is not small. There are five loaches and four eels, which are like a reward for this period of busyness.

  Under the moonlight, Qiao Ruifeng was carrying the floor cage. Qin Yu and Qiao Suiman were talking and laughing in front, and he followed behind with a faint smile.

  When he returned home, the moon was high and there were no candles in the house. Qin Yu used the moonlight to light up a fire. By the light of the fire, Qiao Suiman cut the zucchini and boiled them in water. He then put steamed slices on the rack and put five steamed buns on them.

  Qiao Ruifeng was killing the last eel left in the yard a few days ago. These things are durable and can last for a long time with just a little water. It has been five or six days now and it is still alive and well.

  The ones caught today are still being raised, whether for eating or selling. After all, they are donated by the land, and they can be eaten without spending money. I have eaten stewed and fried loach and eels in the past few days, but I still never get tired of them.

  After the eels were killed and the steamed buns were steamed, Qiao Suiman gave each person a bowl of zucchini soup and gave the rest to Hei Jin. The steamed buns were placed in a basket. Qin Yu brought these to the table in the main room and came back to light the fire.

  Having already cooked spicy stew and stir-fry, Qiao Suiman thought for a while and simply poured a little soybean oil. Qin Yu took out a piece of firewood and slowly fried the eel. In this way, the eel would be golden and crispy on the outside and extremely tender on the inside.

  He also knows a way to make eel segments wrapped in batter and deep-fried twice in a pan. It is also delicious when dipped in sauce. The Chen family likes to make this during the Chinese New Year, as well as fried fish and meat, which is delicious every time. Even if they are ten miles away, I will give them some to eat.

  However, this consumes both noodles and oil, and the noodles must be fine. Naturally, the Qiao family is reluctant to part with them. Anything with more noodles and more oil will not taste bad.

  One side of the eel has been fried to golden brown. Qiao Suiman turned it over and continued to fry. Before putting it in the pot, he rubbed some salt on all the eel sections. At this time, the burnt aroma mixed with the salty taste directly aroused the greed in people's stomach.

  When it was almost familiar, Qin Yu turned off the heat, and the remaining heat of the pot was enough.

  Qiao Ruifeng packed up the farm tools. Farm tools are valuable to farmers. They must be packed and put away when not in use. The same is true for their family. Three frames for farm tools are stacked together in the woodshed. These are not needed for farming recently. All the utensils were locked in the woodshed.

  Qiao Suiman still added some minced meat to Heijin mixed with rice bran. After adding the meat, he ate it with gusto, unlike the day when he ate only meat and then ate wheat bran. The food has been good these days, and he seems to be much more energetic. , after receiving a stick that day, he thought of ways to give it more replenishment.

  The night was still cold, and the hot zucchini soup dissipated the coldness accumulated from working in the paddy fields for days. Qiao Suiman couldn't help but sigh, took a bite of steamed buns, and ate a piece of fried fish. She just looked forward to being able to eat it every day. It was such a good day.

  Everyone was tired from work, and they never ate slowly. Soon the food on the table was all gone. Qiao Suiman and Qin Yu each ate one steamed bun, and then divided half of it each, while Qiao Ruifeng ate two. Finally, I finished the last bite of steamed buns with the oil in the eel bowl, and drank the vegetable soup in one breath. People often say that being full with wine and rice is nothing more than this.

  With mud on his body, Qiao Suiman boiled water and went back to the room to wash up. However, he suddenly heard a thunder outside. Unexpectedly, his body trembled. He looked outside and saw that it was not raining.

  He was not usually afraid of thunder, but today for some reason he always felt depressed, as if something big had happened, and he couldn't sleep well.


  "The Qiao family's Qiao family's."

  "Boy Rui, something happened!"

  "Your father fell to death!"

  There was a loud knock on the door of Qiao's courtyard. Several people got up late today and had just had breakfast. They heard these words before the door was opened.

  Qiao Suiman's heart was shocked, and he suddenly fell and jumped suddenly. He was stunned in place for a while and didn't know what to do.

  Qiao Ruifeng put down the bowl in his hand and hurried forward to open the courtyard door. He saw five or six people gathered outside. They were the Liu family who lived at the entrance of the village. Mr. Liu's brother's son, grandson, daughter-in-law, and two others seemed to have come to join in the fun.

  "What did you say? What happened to him?" Qiao Ruifeng was also in disbelief.

  "He, he fell down beside the tall stalk at the entrance of the village. He is already out of breath!"

  "We were getting ready to go to town. On the way, we saw a man lying by the ditch. When we went down, we saw Qiao Chengfu... He was dead there!"

  The road out of Xiahe Village is lined with straight slopes that are two feet lower than the road. Ordinary people would not walk along the side. Qiao Ruifeng calmed down and said in a hoarse voice: "Uncle Liu, please lead the way."

  Qiao Suiman and Qin Yu were still in shock and just followed behind. Qiao Suiman's back felt a dull pain, as if to remind him that this was not a dream.

  More and more people gathered together on the road, and he was a little dazed. This scene seemed familiar, but what happened was far beyond his imagination.

  Everyone was chattering, and the Liu family members were obviously frightened. People on the road asked them why they seemed to have lost their souls, and they told the truth. When they arrived at the place where Qiao Chengfu fell to death, a crowd of people gathered around them.

  There were mostly elderly people in the crowd, and the young people did not dare to look. The children were ordered by the adults at home not to move forward, lest they bump into something unclean.

  When everyone saw the three people from the Qiao family coming, they consciously moved out of the way. Zhou Shuifen also followed, holding Qiao Suiman's arm and saying, "Brother Man, you, you, don't be scared, ah, I'm coming to Li Zheng." "

  After saying that, he hurried to Zheng's house.

  People around them looked intolerable. The children of the Qiao family were not very old, and they had gone through so many things in the past few years. When Li Hua left, Qiao Chengfu never came back. Li Zheng called the villagers for the funeral. I helped with it, but now my father is gone, I have no father and no mother, alas.

  Qiao Sui was confused and couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in. She just followed Qiao Ruifeng downhill in a detour.

"Hiss..." Some brave ones followed him down together, and couldn't help but scream when they saw Qiao Chengfu's dead state. He fell down, his head was covered in blood, and his whole body reeked of alcohol and sourness. Yesterday, It rained in the middle of the night, and my whole body soaked in the puddles, causing a foul stench.

  I saw with my own eyes that the person who had been yelling at me a few days ago was now a cold corpse, just lying on the roadside. The voices of the people around me surrounded my ears, but Qiao Suiman couldn't hear what they were saying at all. .

  He ran to the side, bent over and vomited.

  His body was shaking slightly. He didn't eat much in the morning, so he could only retch. His eyes were slightly dizzy. It seemed that the land in front of him was not the land at the entrance of the village, but the front yard of Qiao's house, where he had been beaten time and time again.

  "Xiao Man, Xiao Man." A familiar voice came to my ears. It was Brother Qin Yu.

  He turned his head, Qin Yu and his brother looked at him anxiously, "Brother, I, I'm fine."

  The elderly husband and wife turned their eyes and couldn't bear to look at him anymore. It was really heart-wrenching. Fortunately, Li Zheng arrived after a while, and Lu Dongqing came with him.

  Li Zheng covered his mouth and nose and stepped forward to take a closer look. No matter how he disliked Qiao Chengfu, he was from Xiahe Village after all. His death was so miserable. He sighed, "I probably drank too much and slipped and fell on a rainy day. Mr. Rui, let's carry the person back first, and then we'll see how to organize the funeral."

  Qiao Ruifeng didn't say much, just responded, stepped forward and silently dragged the person out of the puddle. Qiao Suiman and Qin Yu wanted to help, but were interrupted by Li Zheng, "Brother Yu, don't do anything, take Man with you first." Brother, go back and prepare some drinks for other men to carry back."

  Qin Yu had also taken care of Li Hua when he left and knew what to do, but this time it was too sudden and he didn't turn around. At this moment, he quickly nodded in agreement and led Qiao Suiman back along the original route.

  Qiao Suiman gradually came back to her senses, followed Qin Yu out of the crowd, turned around and glanced at the other end again, lowered his eyes to cover the emotions in his eyes, but just missed Lu Dongqing's worried look.

  The two of them hurried back home. Zhou Shuifen also returned home after calling Li Zheng. At this moment, he was standing at the door. When he saw the figures of the two of them, he said: "Prepare more tea. We should be able to decide on some solution today. Eat something to fill your stomach, you will be busy in the next few days. It's a pity that I can't help, so, alas."

  "Aunt Shui Fen, don't say that. Xuesheng's matter is important. We can just take care of it. Find a red cloth belt and let Xuesheng tie it."

  Chen Xuesheng's wedding is getting closer and closer. If this happens to his family, they will definitely not allow anyone to come over. This will avoid a conflict between red and white, which is unlucky for the newlyweds.

  "Hey, if you can't handle the matter, go to Li Zheng. I won't say more. You guys go back and get busy." Zhou Shuifen didn't waste their time. When she saw the two of them entering the house, she sighed, "What's the matter?"

  Qiao Suiman went home and boiled water in the clay stove, and also boiled water in two other pots. No matter how strong his brother was, he would not be able to carry such a heavy person back home. Qiao Chengfu had to be scrubbed clean before he could do it. When buried, water is also needed.

  Qin Yu went to the firewood shed to get mugwort, and tied it into several small bundles with red rope. mugwort leaves are everywhere in the countryside, and every household will dry them and store them. They can be used to soak feet or remove dark spots. They will be given to them later. Those who help should be taken away one by one.

  Qiao Suiman also put mugwort in the small pot and cooked it together. They went out in a panic in the morning. Heijin kept screaming uneasily. He comforted him a few times before lying quietly aside.

  They also locked the doors of several rooms, leaving only the doors of the kitchen and woodshed open. There must be a lot of people these days, so be careful of those who fish in troubled waters. Grandma Wang Qi was robbed when she was having a funeral. Two chickens in the backyard.

  Qin Yu looked around and saw that there were no mistakes. There was also a noisy crowd outside the door.
