Qiao Suiman practiced holding the pen again, and Lu Dongqing felt that he was almost ready. He opened the first page of the Three-Character Sutra and pointed to the words in the first column: "When people are born, their nature is good." This means that when people are born, their nature is good. Good."

  Qiao Suiman recited silently, and it turned out that if he drew a line to the left and then to the left, he would become a "person".

  He followed Lu Dongqing's instructions, added some water to the inkstone, put the ink in and swirled it in circles. After a while, the water turned into a thick black color. He had only seen it when he was looking for a wooden sign to write Yinzi in the past. Aunt Qian did this before.

  They just knew how to read, so they didn't buy any good pens, inks, papers and inkstones, they were all cheap. Even so, it cost nearly three cents of silver, which shows that it is not easy to support a scholar.

  Lu Dongqing first held Qiao Suiman's hand and taught him to write several times on rough paper. Qiao Suiman was eager to try, so Lu Dongqing let go of his hand and asked him to try writing on his own.

  It felt simple when Lu Dongqing was with me, but Qiao Suiman felt different when writing by himself. Where to use his strength and where to turn the pen could only rely on his own feeling. When he finished writing a word, Qiao Suiman sighed: "It doesn't look good."

  Lu Dongqing touched his head and said with a smile: "It's much better than when I first learned to write. I need to practice more. Besides, I don't have to write an article. I just need to recognize it."

  He must have been how old when he learned to write.

  Qiao Suiman knew that he was comforting herself, and she curled her lips: "I know, I just learned it, I'll write more."

  Lu Dongqing stared at him and wrote a few more times, reminding him of the strength of his writing and the timing of his turns. After a while, Qiao Suiman's words were much better than the first one.

  Lu Dongqing smiled and said, "Learn another one?"

  Qiao Suiman's eyebrows curved: "Yeah!"

  Qiao Suiman only learned "人" and "之" today. These two words are simple. Lu Dongqing watched him practice for a while, then stopped staring and turned around to carve a bookcase.

  During this period, scholars often found his book box, and two of them brought their own paintings to him for engraving. The drawings were not difficult, so he accepted them. After doing the math, there are still seven book boxes to carve, so there is not enough time.

  Qiao Suiman knew that he was busy, so he sat at the bamboo table and wrote seriously. The paper was densely packed and no space was wasted. It wasn't until I felt my neck was sore that I got up and walked around, squeezing my shoulders and arms.

  "Continue to practice later, don't rush for a while." Lu Dongqing reminded him with his eyes raised while holding a small iron drill box.

  "I know." After a break, Qiao Suiman grabbed the feather duster and swept away the dust on the table, and also swept the floor.

  Looking at the sky, it was still early for dinner. Just as he was about to wipe the door, Qin Xiaoyao came over.

  The noodle shop was not open for dinner. After cleaning up the shop and having nothing to do, Qin Xiaoyao went to visit the door next door. As soon as he entered the shop, he saw the rough paper Qiao Suiman put on the bamboo table and was reluctant to throw it away. He was surprised and said: "Xiao Man, you are studying Writing?"

  Qiao Suiman smiled sheepishly: "Yes, it's always good to learn more, but when I first started learning, I only recognized two words."

  "I only recognize two characters, Xiaoyao, my name. The character 'Qin' is too difficult for me to remember."

  "My name is also difficult." Qiao Suiman thought of his name that he saw on the house deed. The two characters he learned today were the only two strokes that took so long to learn. He didn't know when he would learn to write his name.

  Qin Xiaoyao opened and closed his mouth: "Then you study hard, huh, that little guy, didn't you say you can't write, but you wrote it for him to read."

  After thinking for a while, he said, "But don't worry. Anyway, there are masters in the county government. The registration will definitely be written by them when the time comes. The person named Fang is just bluffing you."

"I know, I will learn it when I have time."

  "That's right. Sister You asked me this morning if I would go shopping in the clothing market. There were people breathing fire and performing acrobatics there. You weren't here this morning, so she asked me to ask you by the way."

  Sister You was the shopkeeper of the paper shop in the alley in front of me. Her full name was You Xingxing. Qiao Suiman remembered her immediately after hearing it once. She was a forthright person who talked about things when she wanted to. Qiao Suiman felt that she was quite comfortable to get along with, so he spoke Responded: "Okay, when will you go?"

  "In another quarter of an hour, I'll go back and get the money first." Qin Xiaoyao said and left in a hurry. Qiao Suiman smiled and shook his head. This momentum was really like Xuesheng's.

  Speaking of Xuesheng, Qiao Suiman thought that he would be able to go home early next month. Then he would bring a few bags of cakes to him. He helped out for a long time on the opening day.

  He and Lu Dongqing discussed that they could not open the shop every day, except in February, and then they would close the shop on the 123rd and 28th of every month. Lu Dongqing had to go back to the village to cut bamboo and bring it over, while Qiao Suiman wanted to go back to see Miao Lianhua and Qiao Ruifeng.

  The closing time of the store is posted on the door, and they also tell the customers, so as not to open the door when someone comes to find them in those days.

  When they thought about moving bamboo back home, Lu Dongqing couldn't do it alone. They were also thinking about buying a donkey to transport things more easily. However, it was still some time before they could return to the village and they hadn't gone to the animal market to pick one up yet. They still had money on hand to buy another one. It's not a huge sum, it will be enough once the Liu family settles the bill.

  Qiao Suiman thought for a while and said to Lu Dongqing, "I'll pick out some cloth later and buy it for my mother, Xuesong, and my eldest brother Qin Yu. Spring is about to begin, and it's time to change into new clothes."

  When Qiao Suiman and Qin Xiaoyao were talking, Lu Dongqing did not interrupt. He chuckled and nodded: "Okay, buy what you like if you see it."

  "I don't need it. I haven't even used up the cloth for my previous trousseau. I only have a few new clothes for a few months."

  Seeing that he was unhappy, Lu Dongqing didn't force him. He just warned, "Be careful. I'll cook porridge for dinner. Don't go shopping too late."

  "I see."

  Qiao Suiman took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone back into the room, took some scraps of silver, and went next door to find Qin Xiaoyao.

  The clothing market is actually just a street, but the street is full of clothing stores, with ready-made fabrics, shoe uppers, bed sheets and quilts. People nearby gradually call it a ready-made clothing market.

  The styles of the clothing shops here are much more similar to the ones Qiao Suiman and Qin Yu visited in Dongshi before. Many of the shops are ridiculously expensive. After the three of them visited a few, You Xingxing led them directly there. The two-story shop at the end.

  "The ones at the corner of the street are just for fun. Only rich people can afford those prices. If you want to buy something affordable, come here. I know it all."

  As soon as You Xingxing entered the door, he called out: "Wu Qing, where is he?"

  "Come, come, is it Sister Xingxing?"

  There was a sound from the stairs, and then a man wearing a brick-red shirt came out. Qiao Suiman noticed that his shoe uppers and headband were both made of the same fabric, which looked bright and delicate.

  "I brought two handsome boys here, why don't you say hello." You Xingxing said straightforwardly.

  "Xiaoyao," Brother Wu called Qin Xiaoyao first, "I also recognize this. It's shopkeeper Qiao. I drank your Shishi Ruyi for three days in a row, and then I tried making it myself. No. It tastes so good that I sent someone to buy it from you again."

  Qiao Suiman smiled and said: "Call me Brother Man or Xiao Man. You can drink it if you like. Why does the waiter look familiar to me?"

  The waiter who was sorting the cloth on the side said hello to him.

  Wu Qing is a talkative person, and she is honest, so even if the shop is at the back, the business is better than many shops in the front. Qiao Suiman was chatting and laughing with them, and half an hour passed unknowingly.

  In the end, he chose a short piece of mountain green mixed with mist and dark gray-brown cloth. After thinking about it, he asked him to cut two feet of brown fine linen cloth. He spent a total of six dollars and seventy Wen, which was very affordable.

  It was getting dark. They said goodbye to Wu Qing and returned to the shop with the cloth.

  The door of the shop was closed by Lu Dongqing. Qiao Suiman pushed it open, and the door made a "squeaking" sound. Lu Dongqing asked from behind: "Xiaoman is back?"

  "Yes, I bought a lot of cloth, and I also bought it for you, and I will make it for you."

  Qiao Suiman improved a lot in tasseling and sewing clothes. In the winter, she even sewed a suit of underwear by herself, which looked good on her, so she had confidence in her craftsmanship again.

  Lu Dongqing's laughter came from the kitchen: "Okay."

  After Qiao Suiman put the cloth into the house, he went to the shop to eat porridge, adding minced meat and dried vegetables, and a few drops of sesame oil. Qiao Suiman ate very deliciously, and at the same time he told Lu Dongqing interesting stories about buying cloth. .

  Lu Dongqing's eyebrows were gentle, and he nodded from time to time along with Fulang's words while eating. His eyes were full of smiles, as if he never got tired of hearing them.

  After another two days of busy work, the business of Liu Shui Feng was completed. The manager of Liu Mansion said that Mrs. Liu was very satisfied with their persimmons, which tasted good and the taste was good. The guests who served at the restaurant that day all praised her for her attentiveness and preparing food in addition to drinks. So many kinds of drinks.

  Qiao Suiman knew that he was talking about the ones he sold to the restaurant, but they all came from him, so Mrs. Liu gave an extra one tael of silver as a reward, and took a total of six taels when settling the bill.

  Qiao Suiman was happy. Even after Lu Dongqing pestered him one more time at night, he didn't push him away. After the sex, Qiao Suiman gasped softly, "After the thatched shed in the backyard is erected, I will buy a donkey and go back and forth between home and town." It's much easier to get on the road, and it will be convenient to send it there if you have other business in the future. You can also leave it at home to work during the busy farming period, and you don't have to be so tired to catch the millet. Brother Qin Yu is pregnant, so I'm afraid he won't be able to be busy during the harvest this year."

  Qiao Suiman thought that things had always been done by putting the two families together. Lu Dongqing didn't think there was anything wrong, and Miao Lianhua didn't think it was inappropriate either. The two families had small populations and the same difficulties, so they naturally had to help each other.

  Lu Dongqing touched Qiao Suiman's belly with his big hand, it was still very flat, and then kissed his neck, "The wood and fodder have been delivered, and they will be erected in ten days. The one at the door will also be erected. If the restaurant can't seat any more customers, they can still rest at the door."

"Well, I will buy pastries from shopkeeper Hu in Dongshi on the way home. His shortcakes are delicious. I will bring some for my mother and the others, and some tea for Aunt Li Zhengqian and Sister Feng." Qiao Suiman His voice became softer and quieter, and finally he became silent.

  Fell asleep.

  Lu Dongqing carefully stroked his cheek with her fingers before closing her eyes with satisfaction.

  Except for the fact that he always glared at Liu Tianfu when he passed by Liu Ji's Food Shop, the following days were as usual. After Shen Shi closed the shop, Lu Dongqing made mud to build a thatched shed, while Qiao Suiman helped and made dinner. For a moment, it seemed like Back when they first lived in the shop with a clay stove.

  However, more than a month has passed since then, and it has been exactly one month since the shop opened.

  On this day, they closed the shop an hour early. Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing first counted the money they had on hand. There were sixty-three taels in total. Their family was rich, and it would not be a problem to spend more than a dozen taels to buy a strong donkey.

  The two planned to hitch the donkey cart after buying the donkey, then take the cart with them and head to the animal market in high spirits.
