"I, I, I."

  Qiao Suiman was tongue-tied and was speechless, unable to say a whole sentence.

  "I just want you to know that you are very good, so I want to ask to marry you. What Mrs. Lin said in the past was all nonsense," Lu Dongqing thought for a while, her tone was gentle and serious, "You are a little lucky star."

  "The handkerchief is just for you, just keep it for use." Lu Dongqing took out something from his arms and handed it to Qiao Suiman with both hands. "And this. I saw that the hairpin on your head was old, so I carved it. , don't worry, it's different from what I sell at the market, no one else will know."

  He opened the silk bag and took out the bamboo hairpin that had been carved for a long time. "This suits you very well. Many times I feel that you are like the bamboo in the mountains, tenacious and tough."

  The hairpin was ground into bamboo-like sections. The tail of the hairpin was wrapped with silk thread and wrapped with several polished and lifelike bamboo leaves. It was obviously just a hairpin, but it seemed that one could feel the vigorous vitality and surging energy from it. emotion.

  Qiao Suiman seemed to have been cast a restraining spell. Looking at the hairpin in Lu Dongqing's hand, her heart seemed to jump out of her chest. It took her a long time to find her voice, "This is too expensive, I can't have it."

  Qiao Suiman shook his head. When he heard such straightforward words, he was happy and nervous at the same time. He didn't know how to respond to Lu Dongqing, so he instinctively refused.

  Lu Dongqing was not as relaxed as he appeared, and his Adam's apple slid up and down unconsciously. He was not discouraged even if he was rejected, "This is what I want to give you. If you don't want it, it will be useless. I'm not asking you to agree to anything, I just want to Let me tell you my feelings, you are so kind, there must be many people who want to propose marriage, I just want, can you consider me first then?"

  Qiao Suiman opened his mouth several times, but couldn't say anything. He suddenly moved his eyes and looked directly into Lu Dongqing's eyes: "Do you really think I'm good? They all say that I deny relatives, lose my family, and will hurt others if I die. ,Aren't you afraid?"

  "You are a little lucky star, Brother Man."

  Lu Dongqing answered his question without thinking. He had felt before that Qiao Suiman still cared about those words, but now it seemed that he did.

  "You are very good, I am very pleased with you."

  Qiao Suiman's vision was suddenly blurred by tears, he cared!

  He cares about those words. Many times, when his eldest brother suffers from hunger and cold, he will wonder if it is because of his bad luck that his mother died early. The eldest brother has lost his mother early and still cannot live a good life with him.

  Brother Qin Yu has been unable to get out for several years. He is also worried that it is because of himself, so he wants to repay his eldest brother and Brother Qin Yu more and more.

Even if they repeatedly said it had nothing to do with him, he couldn't escape from that thought. Later, he forced himself not to care, and slowly he almost deceived himself.

  But now someone suddenly told him that these things had nothing to do with him. He was not a lost star, but a lucky star, a lovable lucky star. He couldn't help it anymore, and tears fell like rain.

  Someone gently wiped the tears on his face. Qiao Sui sniffed, and it took a while to recover. Fortunately, they found a place where no one was around before talking, and there was a big tree blocking it, so they were not afraid of being seen.

  Qiao Suiman sobbed and said, "I, let me think about it, I'm a little confused."

  "Okay." Lu Dongqing was already very happy to receive such a reply. He took the bamboo hairpin and handed it to Qiao Suiman, "I want to give it to you. It doesn't take much time. Please accept it."

  Qiao Sui's head was buzzing, and she couldn't even hear clearly what Lu Dongqing was saying. She could only see his slightly shy and sincere expression, and her own reflection in his eyes, and her heartbeat seemed to have missed a beat.

  Therefore, Qiao Sui didn't think about anything else, what were the boundaries and what were the differences. He followed his own heart, accepted the hairpin given by Lu Dongqing, and put it into his arms with great care, "Thank you."

  Lu Dongqing's eyes sparkled with joy, and he smiled with a silly look on his face. There was no hint of ferocity at all. He shook his head repeatedly, "As long as you like it. You have something to say to me, what is it?"

  When they first arrived under the shade of the trees, they all said, "I have something to tell you."

  Qiao Suiman let Lu Dongqing speak first, but she didn't expect that when he said something so straightforward and touching, Qiao Suiman forgot what she was going to say.

  After his reminder, Qiao Suiman slowly said: "I want to ask you to make some more bamboo tubes. Many people want them, but if they want another style, I will engrave them with Yinzi's name."

  He burped, and then clearly saw the smile in Lu Dongqing's eyes deepening, and he couldn't help laughing, "I'll go to the county office tomorrow, and then go to Dongshi in three days. Perilla leaves, peach blossoms, peaches and green plums , ten of the same, can it be done?"

  "Yes." Lu Dongqing agreed without thinking.

  The corners of Qiao Suiman's mouth turned up, and his eyes were like crescent moons, "Okay, then I'll give you the deposit tomorrow."

  "Well, can I go to the market with you and set up a stall next to you?"

  Qiao Suiman nodded heavily.

  On the way back to Xiahe Village.

  Qiao Sui's mind was filled with what Lu Dongqing said. Suddenly his hair was pulled by someone. Chen Xuesheng teased: "Come back to your senses."

  "What did he say to you? You can always tell me. I will never tell anyone else."

  Qiao Suiman showed a see-through smile, "I believe you in everything else, but I don't believe in this."

  If he had been told, Zhou Shuifen and Qin Yu would have found out in the custody of Qiao Ruifeng within a day.

  "Say it, I promise not to tell it, really, otherwise I will never be able to finish sewing the clothes!"

  Qiao Suiman laughed twice. Chen Xuesheng was serious. In fact, there was no harm in telling him, "He said that if I want to marry him, I should consider him first."

  After Qiao Suiman finished speaking, he felt embarrassed and turned his eyes to look ahead as if nothing had happened.

  "Hey, I'm sorry. What did I say? I didn't say anything about the marriage proposal."

  "Where did you go?" Qiao Sui stomped her feet in embarrassment. No matter how much Chen Xuesheng asked, she stopped answering.

  Lu Xiang's family in Shuiqing Town.

  "Is this really happening?!" Miao Lianhua stood up from the chair and said angrily.

  Lu Dongqing nodded. Miao Lianhua and Lu Xuesong did not go to Hexi Village to watch the game. Instead, they visited Lu Xiang's house in the town and were now sitting and talking together.

  The reason why he said this was that Lu Huaqing, Lu Xiang's son and the eldest brother of Lu Dongqing's generation, saw Lu Dongqing beating someone and was called to the county magistrate.

  After the game, the two of them did not meet each other. They arrived at the Lu family in two separate ways. Lu Huaqing arrived first and told a few people about the incident. As soon as Lu Dongqing sat down, he was urged to explain.

  "It's so unconscionable!" Mrs. Lu and Lu Huaqing's wife Meng Yan were also annoyed. The Lin family's behavior was really disgusting.

  "That drink seller Shuang'er..." Lu Huaqing said tentatively.

  "Damn it, he fell in love with her! Otherwise, he would help others fight." Miao Lianhua didn't hide it. Besides, there was no way she could hide it.

  "Oh, this is a strange thing. When did Dongqing wake up? He never said a word to the girl Shuang'er before." Lu Xiang joked, "Are you ready to propose marriage?"

  "Not yet, Uncle Xiang." Lu Dongqing was a little embarrassed in front of so many people. He didn't know where to put his hands, so he touched the back of his head awkwardly, "I want to build a house and save some money." Money, then propose marriage."

  "How much difference?" Lu Xiang asked.

  As soon as Lu Dongqing heard this, he knew that Lu Xiang was thinking of giving him some money again, but he didn't think it was necessary. The money for building a house was enough, and it shouldn't be a problem to save up the betrothal gift.

  "Uncle Xiang, I can raise enough."

  "You kid, I'm not an outsider. I always say these things. Your father and I grew up in the same bed. If I don't help you, how can I have any shame in the future..."

  "Dad!" Lu Huaqing interrupted him, "Boss Dong is not young anymore. We should be happy if he wants to go out on his own!"

  "You must have carved the bamboo tubes used in the pair. I'm very familiar with the craftsmanship."

  Lu Huaqing continued, "I have an errand here. I heard someone mention it in a casual chat. Shuang'er, the magistrate of Liu County, told me that he is a civil servant. He will take office here soon and is renovating the house. It is said that Shuang'er of the Liu family can't stand it in the summer. It's hot here, so I need to build a bamboo house to enjoy the coolness. I'm looking for a craftsman. I think you can go. The wages are high. If the owner likes it, I might be able to reward him with some more."

  "This is a great job. Please help me, Brother Hua Qing, to recommend it to me!"

  Lu Dongqing didn't expect to have an unexpected surprise. Although such work is tiring, he is not afraid. As long as the wages are high, if he saves enough money early, he can go to Qiao's house to get married early!

"You kid, you are so anxious," Lu Xiang laughed, dispelling some of his sadness, "Okay, you young people are willing to fight, you are better than anything else!"

  Lu Dongqing mentally calculated the remaining money in his hand. He had saved 4 taels and 7 from selling medicinal materials, mushrooms, bamboo carvings, etc., plus the 2 taels of silver he won today, the total was 6 taels and seven.

  After spending five taels to build a house and a bedroom, less than two taels are left, which is still far away from the five taels of betrothal, and some money must be prepared for later use. Therefore, no matter what, you have to earn another eight taels before you can have the confidence to propose marriage.

  He couldn't keep Qiao Suiman waiting.
