The knigth

We now se jiro on a coffe shop

Jiro:(drinking a capuchino and a cake)

Mineta:(loking her perveretly)

Jiro:(trow a thooth pick knoking him out)

Jiro:i hate perverts(gets a call)

Jiro:(pays and leaves)

Now outside

Jiro:(on the call)yes poppy what do you need

Poppy:(on the call)have you look at the news because you now that the heros dont take us into  vigilantes

Jiro:(on the call)nope 

Poppy:(on the call)you wana se what Izuku did

Jiro:(on the call)what did he do this time

Poppy:(on the call)he used the gashats 

Jiro:(on the call)did someone se hin using them

Poppy:(on the call)only the bugster but he got anialated

Jiro:(on the call)then thete isint eny problem 

Poppy:(on the call)okay yust wanet to say bye(hangs up)

Jiro:ahhh shes so kind(gets a call from the hospital)

Nurce:mam we have a patient whit the virus

Jiro:(runing)all be there in 15 minutes

Time skip 15 minutes later

In the room

Izuku:its ok sir you are gona be fine

Sir:but what if i die or my family get hurt

Jiro:(enters)no need to worrie its gona be fine sir you are gona be fine


Izuku:we are experts on this ok sir yu(gets interrupted by the door slaming open)

Assmigth:i am here gona take  this man to ua

Sir:you son of a bitch you are the reason my daugther is dead

Izuku:sir calm down 

Jiro:sorry sir but you have to leave

Nezu:(enters)sorry but this way harder stuf that you guys can handel we have been doing this for 4 years

Jiro:and we have been doing this for years saving peoples lives now get out


Jiro:get out or ill call security


Izuku:sir what happend

Sir:that son of a bitch let my daugther get killed she was on her weding she got a beutifull weding dress that day bugsters appeard my legs were broken she went over tried to safe me but she got crushed that day on the hospital i saw the news and he was sing autograps ensted of saving my daugther and other people

Izuku:belibe me he is a son of a bitch

Sir:finally someone that understand how bad he is

Jiro:yes i know 

Sir:(starts to banish)

Jiro:you take care of the patiend ill handel the bugster

Time skip to the bugster attack

Alhabram:fire ball(trows fire balls)

Kaminary:he is way to strong

Jiro:i would say he isint 

Alhabram:o a contenstand

Anouncer:gamer driver

Anouncer:Taddle Quest

Jiro:comensing level 1

Anouncer:lets a game mucha game watch you name am a kamen rider 

Jiro:skill level 2

Anouncer:gachan level up

Anouncer:gachakon sword

Jiro:Comensing on bugster elemination

Anouncer:stage select

Jiro:(slashes the bugster)

Alhambra:(trows fire balls)

Jiro:time to end this


Anouncer:taddle crtical finish

Jiro:done whit him

Kaminari:(tries to electrocute her)

Jiro:(dosent even flinch  and burns him)

