Let time bend to my will

We are now on ua high and se a student banashin but lets not focus on that we are on a conference betwen 3 people

Recovery girl:sir we need  to send that student to cyber emergensis

Nezu:no hell be fine

Recovery girl:he is baneshin

Assmigth:and we can youst say it was a villan attack

Recovery girl:(leaves)

On the room

Nezu:lida please bring the student inmy office

Lida:(brings him in no questions askt)

Nezu:(puts a collar on him)

Student:aaaaaa(screams in pain)

This comes out

Nezu:now you shall kneel before me

Cronicle:(punches nezu out the window)

Assmigth:(activates the gashat and texas smashes the bugster)



As all times begins to stop all around the universe

Cronicle:(round house kiks assmigth)



Cronicle:(jumps down the window and lands super hero style)

We now se jiro in a caffe

Jiro:(Eating a chocolate cake and a capuchino)

Momo:is is it ok if i sit here 

Jiro:no there isint one at all take a sit

Momo:(sits down)so how is it going

Jiro:bery good and you

Momo:same here

Jiro:so do you wana hang out sometime later


They hear a explotion 

Jiro:bugster attack

Momo:o no come on we need to evacuate

Jiro:ill go behind

In the batle field

Jiro:(in suit)ho is the bugster


Jiro:i broug this(show them this)

Izuku:and i brougth mine

Taiga:are you sure you can handel it

Izuku:do we have eny other option

Taiga:ok but i am not taking care of you



Izuku:dai dai hensin


Anouncer:engrave the cronicle(i get it)to the heavens,kamen rider engrave the cronicle now,time is in youre hands

Cronicle:think you can figth me 

Assmigth:(watching from a far)he can stop him

Back in the batle

Izuku:ate you sure about that


Anouncer :pause

Izuku:(is istill moving)gotta say whit eny other gamer that trick coul work but i am not another gamer


Izuku:(Punches him)althougth only 50% of cronus power i am inmune to time stop and you bugsters only have a portion of youre power (down kiks him)

Anouncer:gachakon magnum

Izuku:(hammers him)whit eny other bugster ay would feel bad because its not there desition to be like the way they are but you are nothing but chaos


Izuku:shh at the time of judjement there mudt be silence

Anouncer:Critical Crews aid

Izuku:(round house kiks the bugster)


Time continues to flow

Jiro:Seems it went went well

Izuku:it did(he said weakly)


Izuku:(falls on one kney)

Jiro:are you okay honey

Izuku:(puting a  arm around her  neck)yes youst a bit weak

Taiga:told you
