The beisbal gamer

We now se Izuku and Jiro and paradox and poppy

Poppy:come on hit him whit the chair!!!!!!

Paradox:trow them whit to the ropes

Meanwile in the real world

Izuku:(hiding behind a vouch)swety calm swety calm down

Jiro:(clearly angry)calm down calm down!!!!!!!

Izuku:(gives her a kiss on the lips)better

Jiro:(still angry)no

Izuku:(Kisses her for 5 minutes)better


Izuku:why were you mad

Jiro:They are calling us villans on tv

Izuku:let them call us what ever they want we dont care

Jiro:they say that eri is nothing more than a reat

Izuku:those sons of bitches t wait why did they call us villans


We now se jiro

Jiro:(trows beisballs at the ua buildinh spelling eris revenge)

End of flashback

Jiro:i have no idea
